Nursing Leadership in Improving Healthcare Access: Policy Change

Health care organizations require new concepts and ideas to maximize the experiences and medical outcomes of every patient. Leaders of such institutions should possess adequate competencies and apply them efficiently to empower their followers. The introduction of quality improvement (QI) models will transform the initiatives of nurse practitioners (NPs) undertake to deliver health support. This position paper supports the role of policy change in improving access to sustainable and high-quality services.

Current Nursing Issues

Globalization is a powerful force that has triggered numerous changes in nursing. The first issue associated with it is that of leadership. New trends and practices have emerged whereby practitioners, clinicians, and physicians undertake managerial roles to mentor and influence the performance of their colleagues. The second one is that of technology (McMurray & Cooper, 2015). Within the global healthcare sector, different professionals are embracing modern systems to improve care delivery and support the provision of personalized medical services.

The third nursing issue revolves around the empowerment of NPs to practice independently following their competencies and academic achievements. This means that more practitioners are now undertaking complex roles and responsibilities to maximize patients’ health experiences (Ellenbecker et al., 2017). Another trend is the involvement of NPs in policy agenda. Many practitioners are currently pursuing evidence-based practices to support the creation of guidelines that can meet the needs of diverse populations.

Policy Change

The selected policy change for this discussion revolves around reinforcing the role of nurses as leaders to support the delivery of high-quality medical services to patients in underdeveloped and developed countries. Such an initiative requires that all stakeholders collaborate and present their incentives to suggest evidence-based ideas for supporting this new change (Harris, 2016). They can also engage in campaigns and advocacy to support the implementation of the proposed policy. Such a transformation will also require new organizational structures that are capable of promoting the concept of quality improvement (Milstead & Short, 2017). This achievement will eventually ensure that more NPs undertake numerous leadership roles and guide their followers.

Agenda Setting Strategies

A simple agenda-setting approach is needed to ensure that different stakeholders are informed and aware of the nature of the targeted policy. The most important strategy will be that of coalitions and nursing organizations (Khan & Khandaker, 2016). It will be necessary to engage different associations that focus on issues to do with nursing practice. The next one will be the use of existing media outlets in the targeted region. This model will ensure that different community members are aware of the suggested policy (Polis, Higgs, Manning, Netto, & Fernandez, 2017). Politicians will receive emails and letters describing the nature of this change. Powerful campaigns and training sessions in different communities and neighborhoods will sensitize more stakeholders about of applicability of this theory.

Applicable Theory

The most appropriate theory to support the proposed idea is the policy implementation model. This framework indicates that guidelines in healthcare emerge from tension in the selected society. Four components amount to conflicts. These include the target group, idealized policy, implementing organization, and environmental factors (Wong, 2015). Most of the transaction patterns that match or disorient the expectations of different formulators catalyze such anxieties. Such developments and stakeholders may eventually generate new problems that offer clear insights to policy implementers. Using these tensions, pioneers of the intended change might decide to pursue or reject the implementation process.

Design Strategies

The nature or design of given health policy will dictate its effectiveness and success. For this proposal, it will be appropriate to embrace the idea of innovation in an attempt to present evidence-based concepts that resonate with the needs of both NPs and beneficiaries of medical services. Such a policy will also be designed in such a way that it is informed by the notion of QI (Abhicharttibutra, Kunaviktikul, Turale, Wichaikhum, & Srisuphan, 2017). It will also offer superior options for transforming working conditions, empowering followers, supporting decision-making and problem-solving processes, and maximizing health outcomes.

Implementation Strategies

Several strategies are needed to support the successful implementation of this policy. The first one is the use of a powerful theory. Such a model will guide stakeholders to identify potential tensions and use them to guide every phase. The second one is the involvement of community organizations, medical professionals, local government agencies, learning institutions, and funders (Harris, 2016). The third approach is the identification and presentation of emerging concerns.

Evaluation Strategies

Powerful evaluation measures are essential to support the targeted policy. Firstly, feedbacks and insights from different stakeholders will guide participants to determine if the process is successful or not. Secondly, the constant monitoring of all activities and initiatives will support the initiative (Campbell, 2017). Thirdly, a powerful team is needed to examine various procedures and eventually deliver positive outcomes. This group will address emerging issues throughout the policy implementation period.


The above discussion has outlined some of the critical issues that policy implementers should always take into consideration. The utilization of a powerful model will support the entire process and minimize tensions. Those involved should consider the power of evidence-based design, evaluation, and implementation strategies to record positive results within a short period.


Abhicharttibutra, K., Kunaviktikul, W., Turale, S., Wichaikhum, O. A., & Srisuphan, W. (2017). Analysis of a government policy to address nursing shortage and nursing education quality. International Nursing Review, 64(1), 22-32. Web.

Campbell, K. N. (2017). History, passion, and performance. Workplace Health & Safety, 65(4), 164-167. Web.

Ellenbecker, C. H., Fawcett, J., Jones, E. J., Mahoney, D., Rowlands, B., & Waddell, A. (2017). A staged approach to educating nurses in health policy. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 18(1), 44-56. Web.

Harris, A. (2016). Nursing to achieve organizational performance: Consider the role of nursing intellectual capital. Healthcare Management Forum, 29(3), 1-13. Web.

Khan, A. R., & Khandaker, S. (2016). A critical insight into policy implementation and implementation performance. Public Policy and Administration, 15(4), 538-548. Web.

McMurray, A., & Cooper, H. (2015). The nurse navigator: An evolving model of care. Collegian, 24, 205-212. Web.

Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2017). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Polis, S., Higgs, M., Manning, V., Netto, G., & Fernandez, R. (2017). Factors contributing to nursing team work in an acute care tertiary hospital. Collegian, 24, 19-25. Web.

Wong, C. (2015). Connecting nursing leadership and patient outcomes: State of the science. Journal of Nursing Management, 23(1), 275-278. Web.

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