Hillsboro County Home Health Agency’s Issue


Hillsboro County Home Health Agency’s (HCHHA) main issue that is affecting the operation of this healthcare facility is the lack of teamwork between the nurses and physicians. Hence, insufficient collaboration has contributed to poor quality of care and safety being provided to the patients.

Need to Solve the Issue

Lack of teamwork between nurses and physicians is detrimental to hospitals in providing quality care to their patients. Hence, this compels the leadership of HCHHA to resolve the issue. There is a need to create an environment in which nurses and doctors work as a team. This is deemed to foster cooperative working partnerships that will support the provision of quality care and reduce medical errors (Peduzzi & Agreli, 2018). The provision of quality healthcare services will improve the hospital’s reputation and increase its revenues.

An Interdisciplinary Team Building Approach

Interdisciplinary care assists in offering patients quality care as it facilitates effective teamwork and communication among healthcare practitioners within the hospital. If the interdisciplinary team-building strategy succeeds then HCHHA will experience an improvement in effective communication and an atmosphere that supports interdisciplinary collaboration and enhances the quality of care offered to patients.

Achievement of Improved Outcomes Using team

The leadership of HCHHA has to identify opportunities that could be optimizing patient flow in the hospital while maximizing the effective teamwork among their healthcare professionals. The leadership has to discuss relevant factors that contribute to increased instances of lack of teamwork between nurses and doctors to resolve them. They should discuss and illustrate approaches to enhance teamwork among healthcare workers.

The interdisciplinary unit plans to present this issue of ineffective teamwork in HCHHA to the leadership and propose an effective strategy to control the circumstances. The leaders plan to explain the effect of this intervention recommended to the organizational leadership. There is a need to inform them of the allocation of resources and the state evaluation process of this intervention.

Interdisciplinary Plan

HCHHA would best profit from the team-building strategy due to the lack of teamwork among their healthcare professionals. Hosting team meetings often and providing healthcare experts with opportunities for interprofessional interactions. It will facilitate them to identify the issues and decision-making proficiencies. Further, there is a team-building strategy promoted through monthly mandatory meetings daily shifts in supervisor briefings, and a new leadership strategy mostly authentic and transformational(Tran & Gandolfi, 2020). The meetings are essential in developing a forum that supports open communication among members of staff.

Implementation and Resource Management

The PDSA approach will be a change model utilized to create a solution to an interdisciplinary issue. The approach is applied to improve and increase the quality of care in HCHHA. Improvement of care quality is about creating healthcare safer, patient-centered, more efficient, effective, timely, and equitable.

In the planning stage of the PDSA framework, leadership will cooperate with the nursing staff and doctors to spot issues within each unit. Leaders will discuss team-building practices and alternative approaches to support open communication forums. Leadership has to discuss monthly seminars or meeting topics and set hours and days for meetings. There is a need to provide education to shift supervisors and daily briefings(Bergstedt & Wei, 2020). Leaders have to attend educational leadership.

There will be a mandatory meeting held in the conference room at the start of each month set at different staff schedules. Leadership will have to work with nursing personnel to develop a supportive atmosphere that facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration(Bergstedt & Wei, 2020). Shift supervisors and house supervisors from each unit will have to arrive early to work and provide daily shift briefings.

Leadership in this stage will have to collaborate with the nursing staff in determining what factors of the plan are favorable and those that need to be re-assessed. This stage will last for three months and staff nurses will be supported to share feedback at each monthly meeting or seminar.


It brings us to the final stage of the PDSA approach. This stage ensures that the solution is effective and leadership shall continue to support the plan and facilitate teamwork by holding HCHHA accountable(Bergstedt & Wei, 2020). By proceeding to carry out monthly team building meetings, leadership may guarantee that personnel will have the critical tools required to be successful.


Bergstedt, K., & Wei, H. (2020). Leadership strategies to promote frontline nursing staff engagement. Nursing Management, 51(2), 48-53. Web.

Peduzzi, M., & Agreli, H. F. (2018). Teamwork and collaborative practice in Primary Health Care. Interface-Comunicação, Saúde, Educação, 22, 1525-1534. Web.

Tran, T. T., & Gandolfi, F. (2020). Implementing lewin’s change theory for institutional improvements: A vietnamese case study. Journal of Management Research, 20(4), 199-210. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Hillsboro County Home Health Agency’s Issue." January 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hillsboro-county-home-health-agencys-issue/.


StudyCorgi. "Hillsboro County Home Health Agency’s Issue." January 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hillsboro-county-home-health-agencys-issue/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Hillsboro County Home Health Agency’s Issue." January 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hillsboro-county-home-health-agencys-issue/.

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