Soliciting Competent Contractors for HindelburgeCement Plant


The process of soliciting a competent contractor must scrutinize available bidders to ensure the selection of the one who meets certain requirements. However, it is important to note that there is a particular order of merit in this consideration. For instance, normal criteria will take into account the technical approach the bidders are willing to offer, their subject matter knowledge, staff, available resources, past performances, and the cost in that order. This proposal examines these aspects with reference to the HindelburgeCement plant, which is planning to carry out an environmental impact assessment. Other than soliciting a competent contractor to carry out the task, it is necessary to offer reliable information that works to make the entire process successful. The entire process will involve two categories of work, namely, construction works and engineering works that define the specific contract details. The Federal Business Opportunity (FBO) gives specifications for various types of business ventures, before taking a glimpse at a case example from FBO, exploring the specific work is integral.

Work Description

The main purpose will involve soliciting contractors to help in carrying out the environmental impact assessment for the proposed HindelburgeCement plant. They should be capable of using subcontractors, engineers, environmentalists, and any other additional expertise they may consider appropriate for carrying out the environmental impact assessment. Provision of the basics needed for each aspect will assist the contractors in coming up with the most useful information. However, the issuance of instructions required to the selected contractor will take place every month; this will depend on the milestone dates.

Technical Approach

Competency in tender awards depends on the ability of the contractor to bring innovation and an effective technical approach to the underlined chores. The final deliberation will consider other parameters like subject matter knowledge, past performance, and total costs. The best choice should prioritize this condition to achieve expectations of the desired quality. Matters dealing with the environment are crucial because they not only touch on issues of the ecosystem but also affect aquatic and human life in general.

The technical approach must take into consideration ethical issues while carrying out an environmental impact assessment. This consideration commences prior to the award of contract, in which case contractors will have to abide by the terms and conditions whose violation could lead to total disqualification and cancellation of the tender after endorsement. The same trend continues after the reward of tender until the plan comes to completion. Environmental assessment impact would involve getting experienced experts to help unravel important issues under consideration. These experts would help in discussing environmental assessment as well as the impacts likely to occur in the study site. Contractors with such resources would be instrumental in presenting environmental settings.

Baseline evaluation is a technical approach parameter; this consideration is pivotal because it helps identify the current environmental conditions that may affect the ongoing plan. A viable contractor should at least demonstrate how he or she would achieve assessment evaluation. Various study sites have different environmental issues that may not be similar over a given period because of external factors like politics, regulations, and weather conditions. The effective analysis would, however, be helpful because it provides avenues for identifying the present issues. These issues may have a significant influence on the study project hence the need to define the standard limits at an early project life cycle.

Prediction of potential environmental impact prior to commencement of the study is necessary. A feasible project must institute strategies to help in the transition from one project stage to another one despite what happens during its execution process. This consideration helps prepare and plan for these challenges and risks. Effective implementation and utilization of resources are only possible if adequate measures of predicting potential hazards take place from the onset of the project design. This serves to ensure project viability, feasibility, effective utilization of the resource, and appropriate time management. A contractor who carries out illustration and prediction of potential environmental impact based on expert opinion and simulation would be worth considering.

The technical approach also takes into consideration such issues as evaluation of environmental assessment impact based on certain parameters. These parameters include predicted results, expected standards, application of available environmental regulations, and laws. Contractors should present the expected results and the project feasibility study. A project with a clearly outlined expectation is likely to be successful as opposed to those with doubtful plans. Standards in the environmental assessment are clear; these range from quality of work expected to issues affecting the ecosystem. These standards may as well define how assessment work will proceed and what challenges the participants will be faced with while the implementation process takes place. Regulations that affect environmental preservation should form the backbone of the study guide; violation of these rules may shut down the plant. In most cases, these rules ensure safe environmental conditions for both humans and other creatures living close to or within the study site.

After evaluation, the next step involves putting forward remedial measures. This will help in the assessment of residual impacts as well as carrying out an assessment to ascertain if these measures coincide with relevant policies or standards required within the study site. The final technical approach will involve carrying out monitoring of the assessment as well as auditing the work plan. This helps in evaluating the strategies instituted to carry out an environmental impact assessment. It also sets the avenue for elucidating the effectiveness of remedial strategies. These technical strategies are integral in soliciting contractors. Even though incorporation of other factors is necessary to make the final decision prior to the award of a contract to the best bidder, the technical approach tends to outweigh these factors because it defines pivotal aspects required for the effective completion of a project plant. The two contract terms described below justify soliciting approaches employed by the FBO.

Engineering Contracts

Contractors have to describe their specific terms and the experiences that they will be offering and compare it to the expected standards spelled out in the exhibition account of the engineering contract. This information should also be available in the bidding forms and submitted together with bidders’ proposals. On each bid form, specific sections exist for cost suggestions regarding available alternatives. These regard design materials as well as format amidst others. The bidder will need to submit illustrations of the exhibit proficiencies found in this request for proposal consideration. The contractor must cooperate with the HindelburgeCement’s team to accomplish the entire design requirement. HindelburgeCement aspires to improve and pioneer these experiences. On engineering drawings, as the design element, the contractor may require to work with the HindelburgeCement contractor. Bidders must incorporate each provision required to complete the exhibition in their proposals. This occurs despite its absence in the drawings attached (development drawings of complete design). It is recommendable for the contractor to tender a fabrication and installation calendar tolerable by HindelburgeCement.

Exhibits should have genuine and acceptable drawings to match the requirement of HindelburgeCement before fabrication. The official HindelburgeCement representative will provide the final approval. Preferably, the contractor should submit stamped drawings and calculations (by a state registered structural engineer). It is possible that this succumbs to the necessary state agencies for licenses, as may be necessary. The suggested drawing should undergo an assessment by the HindelburgeCement Company at the beginning. It is crucial to submit the finalized drawing in both soft and hard copies.

The contractor will be responsible for the entire requisite engineering drawings of the exhibition, which entails evaluating if the stamped drawings are indispensable. The contractor is exclusively responsible for seeking, pay for, and get all the licenses needed for this development, including but not limited to: state and federal licenses, licenses for building, and trade for transportation of equipment from place to place. Responsibility entails obtaining engineering drawings from an experienced engineer. The state and other relevant authorities should license the concerned engineer.

Construction contracts

The consigned bidder will have to declare in writing that consideration will take place for an individual or individuals interested in submitting the proposal. This declaration should be fair and honest, with no observation of any fraud or complicity. The bidder should declare they made a visit to the site and examined it carefully, thus thoroughly informed about the general conditions relating to the place as well as the circumstances of the work required for the effective completion of the plan (Hollingsworth, Achilles, Fuhriman, & Brewer, 2001). The designated bidder will have to take into account the area’s standards for construction agreement. In addition, they should offer a performance labor and material reimbursement bond equivalent to 100% of the contract amount before commencing assessment. However, the initial application of the bid does not require a bond.

The bidder will have to approve the formation of a contract with the HindelburgeCement plant if his or her proposal goes through. The approval defines chores like accomplishment and implementation of the plan. It also provides essential materials, equipment, apparatus, machinery, transport, and how transportation will take place, labor requirement, and overhead profit. This also defines how to finish the work, to collaborate, and organize its obligatory role while harmonizing it with the distinguished practical proposal necessities of the agreement (Wilkson & Lewis, 2008). This will certify the HindelburgeCement plant with a convinced understanding regarding the limited funds available for the project.

The amount of money available is inadequate for additional work except the funds set aside in the agreement for the construction unit or the approved unit costs. In addition, it is important to carry out particular duties and tasks in accordance with the contract and instructions in line with orders from the HindelburgeCement plant. The contractor approved to commence the work as per this contract will require strict observation of the agreement (Guth, 2007). The HindelburgeCement plant reserves the exclusive right to choose the best bidder’s proposal it requires, grounded on these factors. HindelburgeCement plant will consider the appropriate requirement for that ultimate purpose, and the selection process will depend on but not constricted to cost, schedule, ability, experiences, and skills of the bidder, approval, or dismissal of any alteration, and practical organization elements regarding the project.


Guth, S. (2007). How to Write Great Rfp and Rfi Requirements. New York, NY:

Hollingsworth, C., Achilles, C., Fuhriman, J., & Brewer, E. (2001). Finding Funding: Grant writing from Start to Finish, Including Project Management and Internet Use. California: CA, Corwin Press.

Wilkson, F., & Lewis, L. (2008). Writing RFPs for acquisitions: a guide to the request for proposal. Chicago, CHI: American Library Association.

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