Historical Events That Changed the World


Unlike conventional history, historical research comprehensively emphasizes patterns that cut across geographical divides. World history places a strong focus on how civilizations collaborate. It contrasts various global growth patterns in ages where such connectivity is scarce. International antiquity emphasizes cultures that interacted and influenced one another in real life or civilizations that underwent different phases of evolution with limited to no foreign impact. Since heritage is replete with this information, there are many ways to approach historical events. These incidents highlight the linkages and interactions among societies. Due to the many types of connections, there are many diverse cultural influences, although cultural diffusion is the most prevalent and significant. Any given civilization experiences changes that profoundly alter it as goods and cultural innovations spread from society to society. A new civilization is created due to the blending of contemporary and ancient components.

The Foundation of the United Nations in 1945

The United Nations was formally established on October 24, 1945. The goal was to avert conflict and synchronize humanistic initiatives to combat global poverty, preserve the rule of law, and safeguard climatic changes. The UN’s mandate upholds fundamental human liberties and privileges without difference or prejudice, even though it frequently lacks the authority to end hostilities (Tignor et al., 2010). The UN is still a significant international platform as it gave birth to the first international criminal court at Holland’s Hague, where nations seek justice for internal and exterior matters, which is among its significance to date. However, the UN has contributed to international humanitarian initiatives and UN organizations like the Worldwide Eradication Program of certain diseases such as smallpox. The coordination of the UN has also introduced initiatives such as the world food program (WFP), which aims at assisting member countries in fighting hunger and starvation. The organization still plays a critical role in today’s world through its programs and treaties.

The Killing of Archduke F. Ferdinand and the Begin of World War I in 1914

Europe in 1914 was a hotbed of conflict and geopolitical competition. Numerous events may have sparked hostilities, but the murder of Austrian Franz Ferdinand sparked extensive outbreaks of clashes and the execution of accords, which brought about the terrible First Great War (Tignor et al., 2010). Thousands of troops and women from all over the globe would die throughout the four-year conflict. The First World War significantly affected societal transformation throughout the international community. Women’s societal roles were better understood after the First Major War, and several nations granted women the right to vote.

Additionally, the importance of the masses, who had participated in the combat, and killed in it, brought about the desire for stronger tranquility, which was emphasized extensively. Millions of individuals died due to the worldwide influenza epidemic that struck in late 1918 and early 1919. However, many authorities underestimated its significance due to the devastation caused by the First Global Conflict (Tignor et al., 2010). Instead, the significant impact of the war that continues today is women’s essential roles in society. International biographers analyze how various cultures adapted to the circumstances and met fundamental individual requirements for any given period, viewing all regions synthetically. To sum up, these two significant historical events that changed how society conducts itself have significantly impacted systems of governance, religion, and other cultural and social institutions.


Tignor, R., Adelman, J., Aron, S., Kotkin, S., Marchand, S., Prakash, G., & Tsin, M. (2010). Worlds together, worlds apart: A history of the world: From 1000 CE to the present (3rd ed., Vol. 2). W. W. Norton & Company.

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