Homelessness in United States of America

The increased rate of homelessness in the United States of America, particularly in parts of California, confirms to go up daily. The government is solely blamed for putting economic performance at the forefront and not prioritizing the well-being of its citizens. Through the alarming facts posted on social media platforms, images of people living in unpleasant survival environments show families left in desperate conditions with no food on the table while living in the streets.

Societal factors such as drug use and increased unemployment have contributed largely to the high rate of homelessness. Children at a young age are not inspired to go through school to achieve academic excellence, which puts them fit for the available lucrative paying jobs. Family breakdowns where some members are left scattered with wealth distribution challenges leave some families with no residential place. Higher proportions of drug addicts among the younger population disrupt family and friends relationships causing job losses in which, some suffer from partial homelessness, where they are only able to pay for rental housing.

Different levels of the government diversify the complexity of dealing with homelessness with uncertainty in creating and implementing policies that are effective in eradicating the problem. The government should coordinate housing policies and reduce the expensive real estate regulations while executing human rights. Children at early age should be inspired to achieve academic excellence that helps in fighting remarkable levels of poverty and drug abuse.

Social institutions should provide mental care services to address the cause of many people ending up on the streets. The city needs to control the rent program to meet the housing market demand. Human dignity involves ensuring that all humans have the right to proper housing through financing the creation of more affordable housing.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 12). Homelessness in United States of America. https://studycorgi.com/homelessness-in-united-states-of-america/

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StudyCorgi. "Homelessness in United States of America." March 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/homelessness-in-united-states-of-america/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Homelessness in United States of America." March 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/homelessness-in-united-states-of-america/.

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