Importance of Agreeing with Others

Agreeing with other people is a social default called the truth bias, and it is useful in establishing and maintaining social relationships. Disagreeing is good, especially when one wants to listen and understand the other person’s position in an argument. However, concurring with others on an issue develops a friendly environment where they can work together. So, it is better to agree with others even though doing so shows that one is insecure. This essay highlights the benefits of being an agreeable person and explains why this trait does not make one insecure.

The first reason why one should agree with others is that people will, in turn, accept what you say. Admitting what someone is saying does not necessarily mean that they are right; it shows that the person is accommodative to understanding their viewpoints and attempting to get along with them. However, people should only be in agreement with those that expect validation or consent so that both parties benefit from the relationship. Secondly, acknowledging people’s perspectives is the quickest way of ending an argument. Becoming agreeable with colleagues, for example, will save one the time spent in petty disagreements that would end if they accept others’ standpoints. Therefore, since time is more critical than trying to prove oneself in every instance, people should choose to agree with their opponents.

Another reason why people should be agreeable is to command more significant influence and control from others. Accepting people’s opinions helps one to be more open-minded and non-resistant to new ideas. However, agreeing with another person’s perspective does not mean the other person is right. The job here is to accept their thinking and subsequently elevate them to a better mindset. Although sometimes people often confuse accepting what others want with people-pleasing, these two are very different. People pleasers are insecure about themselves, and they hope that by agreeing to what others say or want, folks will love and accept them. However, this is not the case with being agreeable; the end goal is to lower the defenses of the other party so that a person can gain control, which allows them to influence the discussion

In summation, getting people to agree is not a matter of forcing them or bulldozing them into compliance. One should be open-minded and willing to understand the viewpoint of others and disagree kindly. Accepting other people’s opinions is not a sign of insecurity or weakness; it can get colleagues to listen and agree with someone’s idea willingly. Therefore, agreeing with others increases the likelihood of people accepting your perspective and giving you influence and control over a conversation.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 7). Importance of Agreeing with Others.

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