How Communication Affects Leaders in an Organization and Vice Versa

Conventional Approach

The conventional approach is the old-school way of perceiving communications within the organization, where the company operates separately from the connections between the employees.

Scholars refer to such a communicational model as the “informational view of communication,” which is centered around the transmission within the firm, while “ineffective models” are perceived as technical issues. This conventional approach is implemented in most of the companies, from small businesses to large corporations, where one incorrectly transmitted detail or not delivered in-time note may destroy the whole chain of communication, causing internal and external damage. Contact with the organizations is usually provided through a hierarchical approach, where seniority dictates the communication flow to the departments.

Such communication’s primary deficiency is the restriction of a free informal way of interacting, which weakens the relationships within the company.


Due to the fact that every person may perceive and deliver particular messages differently, the communicational flow may gain an entirely different perspective. Such findings confirm that the language varies depending on the context of a message. Therefore, it is vital to understand that the context of a message is much more crucial than the tone of it (Koschmann, 2012). In recent years, the formal models of communication are becoming less effective, causing more technical problems than benefit the companies. The reason for such a tendency is that there is more to delivery of the information than just its transmitting.

Due to the emergence of digitalization and social media, formal ways of communication become irrelevant among the younger generation and negatively influence the leadership within the company.

“Flat Earth” Approach

When a company focuses only on the conventional communicational model, they take a “flat earth” approach in terms of their interconnections. As defined by a scholar at the University of Colorado, such a model does not perform all the practical communication functions (Koschmann, 2012). The information is perceived only from a particular perspective that works strictly in restricted vantage points, as it operates the routine tasks. However, such a plan ultimately falter to provide effective communication inside the organization as it does not consider the complexity of the assignments.

The conventional model works in case of simple, direct tasks, operated day-by-day. Thus, when complex tasks appear, it fails to deliver on its effectiveness, as they imply an unusual way of thinking and approaching the situations (Koschmann, 2012). What may be misjudged as a common task may turn against the organization because it enacts a social reality that brings damaging consequences

Constitutive View of Communication

Contrasting with the first interaction method, organizations as communication perceive the interrelations as the central process that shapes the company’s sociability.

Such a model is different from already-formed messages that are strictly transmitted by the hierarchy. It implies a multi-staged process of continual interpretation and updating of the news and its direction that subsequently effectively delivers on its purpose (Koschmann, 2012). Scholars defined this method as a constitutive view of communication due to the availability of constituents that make up social interactions.

In comparison to the previous approach, this one outlines the organizations as being communicative. The author suggests that the Constitutive View of Communication enables material things to gain meaning through communication, defining that companies operate only through interaction (Koschmann, 2012). Such an approach is a better way to guide communication and gain a more in-depth insight and connection with the employees.

Constitutive View of Communication. Conclusion

The constitutive view of organizations as communication allows the employees to deepen and expand the tasks by questioning organizational realities, rather than strictly accepting and following them. When a person does so and investigates certain administrative features like structure and guideline, they may determine its nature. If the characteristics evolve through particular communication processes, they may be examined based on the implication of interrelation models that create a healthy environment inside the organization (Koschmann, 2012). In most cases, a constitutive communication model provides a more robust structure that allows managing the complexities of organizing contact inside the company.

Organizational communication is based on exploring companies through communication as it provides a framework that helps in recognizing the complexities of corporate life.


Koschmann, M. (2012). What is Organizational Communication? [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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