How Educators Can Address the Impacts of Bias on Children’s Outcomes


Bias can significantly impact children’s short- and long-term outcomes in school. One way bias can impact children is through implicit biases held by educators (Armandpour). These biases can manifest in various ways, such as lower expectations for certain groups of students or differential treatment in the classroom. This can lead to disparities in academic achievement and access to resources and opportunities. Also, the curriculum and how history and current events are taught can impact learners (Armandpour). Children may not see themselves or their experiences represented in the material, leading to feelings of alienation and disconnection from the material. This can also result in a lack of understanding and empathy for different groups of people.


To address bias and its impact on children, educators must first become aware of their implicit biases and actively work to unlearn them. According to Armandpour, this can be done through professional development and training on cultural competency and inclusive teaching practices. For example, they should become familiar with the stereotype threat, which is the fear of being judged or treated poorly based on one’s or perceived group identity. Additionally, educators should strive to create a classroom environment that is inclusive and welcoming for all students, regardless of their background.

Furthermore, changes must be made to the educational systems to reduce and combat the impact of bias on children. This includes increasing the diversity of the teaching workforce, revising the curriculum to be more inclusive and representative of diverse perspectives, and providing ongoing training and support for educators on issues related to bias and inclusion (Armandpour). Additionally, providing students with access to resources and opportunities tailored to their needs is crucial to reducing the impact of bias on children.


Finally, it is important to recognize that bias is not only an issue within schools but a societal issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address (Armandpour). This involves creating policies and systems that promote equity and social justice and engaging in conversations and actions that challenge and dismantle oppressive systems and structures.

Work Cited

Armandpour, Dalia. “How Bias Impacts Our Relationships with Children and Families.” Quality Start Los Angeles, Web.

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StudyCorgi. "How Educators Can Address the Impacts of Bias on Children’s Outcomes." January 19, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "How Educators Can Address the Impacts of Bias on Children’s Outcomes." January 19, 2024.

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