School Districts: Education Administration


The school district is vital in executing duties and responsibilities, especially in a sector as deeply populated as education. School districts are geographical and public areas of administration, often locally administering to secondary and elementary schools. A school board should create a direction for local schools and ensure educators are accountable to parents and students.


School districts are local areas of education administration responsible for ensuring free public education is available to each child equitably. With approximately 55.2 million students, the United States utilizes 13,800 school districts to ensure accurate policy execution and child representation (Meador, 2021). A school superintendent heads the district and is appointed and dismissed by the school board, which governs that local area (Meador, 2021). I believe some districts may levy taxes or get personally involved in school decision-making abilities. Whereas federal and state funding are the main sources of direct expenditure, initially, local governments primarily funded school districts. Usually, the board and district set the direction for local education policy and ensure accountability from the teachers and facility.

Furthermore, school districts control policy in the area and engineer it to achieve excellence and positive achievement regarding social engagement, goal orientation, and emotional growth. Their perspective focuses on child improvement regarding social welfare, education, and emotional maturity (Meador, 2021). Constantly updating policy and changing unsuccessful strategies is a facet of school boards and districts and is ultimately a critical tool in disbursing education in a local geographical area.


In conclusion, school districts oversee a local administration area and publicly control secondary and elementary schools. They are headed by a school board focusing on improving child welfare and can either dependently or independently work with the local government. Establishing a school district vested in the best interests of children is essential to societal growth and stability.


Meador, D. (2021). Examining the critical roles school personnel plays in education. ThoughtCo. Web.

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