Kelly Denny, a Special Education Teacher

The work of teachers is an important task, especially when it comes to working with exceptional children. This video describes one day of a teacher who works with special children and madly loves what she does. Her work is difficult, as each child needs their own approach. Thanks to her positive attitude, and the desire to give her students knowledge, to develop their skills, Kelly Denny is a successful and beloved teacher of children. It makes children with disabilities feel normal, which has a significant positive effect on their development and well-being. The peculiarity of her work is that she challenges them in a form that is comfortable for each student, cooperates with them as equals, encourages them, and actively works with parents. Besides the fact that Kelly knows how to work with children with disabilities, she also loves her job and feels happy helping children develop.

Her approach can be used to teach elementary school children. For example, it is essential to find an approach for each child, as this will help instil in them a desire to learn something new and exciting. In addition, it is necessary for children to become a person they can trust and with whom they will cooperate. This is of great importance because children often do not feel their ally in teachers, which may cause learning difficulties. Also, this aspect is essential for the psychological development of children since by being open with teachers, and they will be able to share their fears and experiences, which in the future will help prevent severe psychological disorders in children. Another approach that Kelly actively practices and is essential for elementary school students is working and collaborating with parents. The teacher tells parents how to guide their children at home correctly and how to work with them outside of school. In general, teachers should love their work and strive to give children knowledge and help them in the initial stages of their development.

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