How Human Behavior in the World Is Evolving


Researchers theorize that human behavior is changing as the world evolves. These changes in behavior have been notable, with short differences in age (Brett, 2019; Ravignani et al., 2017). Further, the world is expected to evolve fast to reach its millennial targets. However, there are concerns about how evolution is affecting human behavior since there are differences in generational behaviors (Eisen et al., 2022; McDowell & Klattenberg, 2019). It is considered that evolution will affect how people do things and respond to various aspects of life, such as how people work. These changes will influence human behavior, as depicted in various studies. The hypothesis for this study will be if p < 0.0,5, the human behavior in the world is evolving. The Chi-square will be used to determine if H0 (null hypothesis – there is no relationship) is supported or if H1 (alternate hypothesis – there is a relationship) is supported (Privitera, 2017). The independent variables will be gender, ethnicity while comparing to changes in GPA or performance over time. The dependent variable will be performance or quizzes.



The sampling method to be used will be purposive sampling which is a non-probability sampling technique. In this method, the researcher relies on their knowledge, skills and judgement to select the appropriate sample population for a study. Purposive or subjective sampling is recommended when there is large information or data that needs to evaluated selected to achieve certain objectives intended by the researcher. I will utilize the method because it will allow focused selection of vital data that will address the research question and leave out data that is irrelevant to topic chosen (Trochim, n.d.). The method can be tailored to the needs of a research to enhance effectiveness of analyzing the data. Additionally, the method saves time and costs compared to other sampling techniques. The data sample will be selected from the files provided by grouping into gender, ethnicity, performance and place of origin.


I will use hypothesis testing to measure changes in GPA in connection with changes in performance over time which indicate changes in emotional factors such as personality, priorities, beliefs, and mental health, and life experience factors will include family, culture, era, close social groups, and life events. The study will conduct the t-test and ANOVA to determine the hypothesis and Chi-square to objectively compare observed and expected frequencies. The t-test will help determine the significance of the sample groups and support the hypothesis. The ANOVA test will evaluate whether the significance between the sample data values is statistically significant, thus determining the validity of the hypothesis. The Chi-square will be considered because of its robustness to the data distribution, ease of computation, and flexibility in handling a large group of data.


I will use nominal or categorical measurement level in this research design method to achieve its objectives. This design method using SPSS will allow data to be selected using the researcher’s judgement and knowledge to increase chances of making accurate data when handled correctly. This approach has a higher cost efficiency and time saving rate reaching all representation appropriately. However, this approach could also be expensive, and biased since the researcher could select data depending depending on their wishes or goals they want to achieve (Klugman, 2019). The data of the participants will complete the archived data on ethnicity, gender and GPA. All participants will be those provide in the files provided earlier in the given data.


Brett, J. (2019). Evolving digital leadership: How to be a digital leader in tomorrow’s disruptive world (2nd ed.). Apress.

Eisen, M. L., Ying, R. C., Chui, C., & Swaby, M. A. (2022). Comparing witness performance in the field versus the lab: How real-world conditions affect eyewitness decision-making. Law and Human Behavior, 46(3), 175-188.

Klugman, C. M. (2019). Interviews. Research Methods in Health Humanities, 250-267.

McDowell, J., & Klattenberg, R. (2019). Does gender matter? A cross-national investigation of primary classroom discipline. Gender and Education, 31(8), 947-965.

Trochim, W. M. (n.d.). Sampling terminology. Advanced survey platform with expert support – Conjointly.

Privitera, G. J. (2017). Statistics for the behavioral sciences (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.

Ravignani, A., Thompson, B., Grossi, T., Delgado, T., & Kirby, S. (2017). Evolving building blocks of rhythm: How human cognition creates music via cultural transmission.

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