How One Can Express the Creative Side

Creativity is a very expressive and interesting feature in everyone’s personality. This trait can be demonstrated in many different ways and may be helpful in various aspects of life, such as problem-solving and communicating with people. These two aspects can help a person do their work better and help their colleagues as well. This is what makes this characteristic rather diverse in expression and inspirational in everyday life.

I express my creativity in two cases: communicating with people and problem-solving. Regarding the former, I ensure that my communication considers one’s personality and needs. For example, if a friend of mine is uncooperative, I find out why it is the case and discover solutions to motivate them to work together. This skill will be rather useful in nursing, as I will have to deal with patients with different personalities, some of whom may not be willing to follow the doctor’s recommendations.

When it comes to problem-solving, sometimes, the most common solutions may not be suitable. They may seem reliable; however, certain situations require a more individualized approach. This is where I apply my creative side as well, as I believe that this aspect of my personality helps me come up with ideas that are more likely to solve the issue at hand. For example, if a friend or a relative of mine struggles with misunderstandings between them and their other loved one, after listening to their side of the problem and considering the other person’s characteristics, I may find a solution that may differ from the usual ones but is more suitable for the situation. As a result, due to that unusual way of solving the problem, my friend and their loved one resolved their disagreements while understanding each other’s perspectives without arguing.

In conclusion, I express my creative side through two aspects of my life: communicating with people and problem-solving. With the help of the former, I find ways to communicate with them while considering their personality and needs. This will help me deal with various patients, some of whom may be uncooperative. Regarding problem-solving, I created an idea that would help my friends amend disagreements between them. That way, the solution is individually tailored to the issue and creates a proper dialogue between the two sides.

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