How the US Was Able to Handle the Great Depression

The Great Depression had an enormous impact on many countries over the globe. Undoubtedly, the Great Depression became a concern for many citizens worldwide and resulted in unemployment (Le Sueur et al.). The U.S. was also exposed to this situation; indeed, its government withstood for several reasons. It is necessary to examine some of these factors that enabled the U.S. to remain relatively stable and recover from the outcomes of the Great Depression.

It is also essential to consider how the U.S. was involved in World War I to understand its policies. For instance, the U.S. did not join the war first, and it helped president Woodrow Wilson get re-elected. World War I became a bloody fight for participating countries; it stopped only when the American army entered with the desire to make the world safe for democracy ( Editors). The U.S. did not strive to conquer or dominate other countries, and it became a vital input into the war.

Moreover, the Great Depression was handled by multiple political and economic policies. They helped the country control the financial system, including the gold standard and formed the gold-dollar system (Edwards 439). It was the feature of the U.S. only compared to other countries affected by the situation. The U.S. held a significant part of golden stocks, and it facilitated the higher salary in countries that belonged to it (Edwards 443). One more reason was that President Franklin Roosevelt implemented many action policies named the New Deal to support the young generation. An enormous number of homeless youths wrote multiple letters to the White House (Cohen). As a result, Roosevelt facilitated political and economic assistance and provided federal aid to people for work and study.

Overall, the U.S. handled the Great Depression due to various actions from the political and economic sides. Due to the golden standard, the U.S. managed to recover the average poverty rate and keep the economy relatively stable. In his letter, President Roosevelt stated that the country must not lose the younger generation and organized aid policies (Cohen). The U.S. recovered because of its solid economic feature and timely help to citizens.

Works Cited

Cohen, Robert. “Dear Mrs. Roosevelt: Cries for Help from Depression Youth.” National Council for the Social Studies. Web.

Edwards, Sebastian. “The London Monetary and Economic Conference of 1933 and the End of the Great Depression.” Open Economies Review, vol. 28, no. 3, 2017, pp. 431–59. Crossref. Web. Editors. “Woodrow Wilson.HISTORY, 2020. Web.

Le Sueur, Meridel, et al. “Accounts of the Depression (1932-34).”

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