“How to Cope With Anxiety” TED Talk Analysis

Anxiety has already become a part of our lives and is present in everyone. Each person experiences such a feeling differently; for some, stress is more pronounced; others less. Often, anxiety can destroy life and interfere with living in general, so it is essential to know how to properly deal with such feelings and develop skills to respond quickly to an anxious state. The main speaker in the video is Dr. Olivia Remes, who specializes in psychological health. She teaches and researches at the University of Cambridge. Because a large part of people close to us often experience this condition, just like us, this video was chosen to qualitatively consider the issue of solving such a problem or ways to help anxious people.

The main idea of ​​the talk is how to help yourself and help people with anxiety. To avoid such a state or be able to fight with it, the author suggests considering resources that give us some confidence and help with this. Remes offers three main tips for dealing with anxiety: feeling in control of your life, forgiving yourself, and understanding your importance. These three essential tips allow you to improve your life or someone else’s life significantly. It would be best to use them daily to improve your mental health.

Applying these tips to fight anxiety doesn’t require a lot of resources. For example, if a person is doing some work and makes a small mistake, he should skip such a stage; there is no need to scold and despise himself for it. It is necessary to understand that blaming yourself worsens the psychological state. A sense of control is also required for people with anxiety. Such a state can be obtained by mindlessly starting what you want regardless of your skills. It is worth doing many thoughtless things to feel better and not worry about small things.

Thus, you don’t have to wait long or wait for the right moment to start fighting your anxiety. It is necessary to take and do, yes, not everyone has money for psychologists who can help in the best way. However, these three simple tips will allow you to understand yourself and improve your life, even a tiny part. In any case, mental health must protect ourselves and others.

Work Cited

“How to Cope with Anxiety | Olivia Remes | TEDxUHasselt.” YouTube,  2017.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“How to Cope With Anxiety” TED Talk Analysis'. 23 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "“How to Cope With Anxiety” TED Talk Analysis." June 23, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/how-to-cope-with-anxiety-ted-talk-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. "“How to Cope With Anxiety” TED Talk Analysis." June 23, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/how-to-cope-with-anxiety-ted-talk-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“How to Cope With Anxiety” TED Talk Analysis." June 23, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/how-to-cope-with-anxiety-ted-talk-analysis/.

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