How We Would Be If We Were Less Afraid

Most people are afraid of something, even if they do not admit so. Children are often scared of monsters under the bed, the darkness, heights, or going to the dentist. Adults can be fearful of those things, but they are also afraid of public speaking, failing exams, or being fired. Some people are scared of specific situations, and some are terrified of other conditions. However, people feel afraid at certain moments, preventing them from enjoying life. Fear is not the same for everyone, but it is universal and widely spread.

If people were less afraid, they would accomplish more and be happier. A person who wishes to visit an overseas country but is fearful of flying would be able to board a plane and travel. People scared of the dentist would not avoid their appointments and suffer from caries. Someone who needs a service dog but is afraid of these animals would have assistance in performing difficult tasks. If people became a little braver, changes would start in the world.

Nevertheless, one should consider that some individuals may feel less afraid of laws and rules that are meant to maintain peace within society. However, other people may sense more courage to stand up for themselves and oppress those breaking the law. Victims of domestic violence may be less afraid of their abusers and leave them. People who are frightened by blood but can be great doctors may begin saving lives. Someone who is scared to express their emotions may tell others about their feelings, such as love. Although every case has multiple perspectives, if people were less afraid, they would have fewer barriers to pursuing their dreams.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 17). How We Would Be If We Were Less Afraid.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "How We Would Be If We Were Less Afraid." March 17, 2023.

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