Exploring Key Issues in Human Development Psychology

Transgender Disorders and Homosexuality

Homosexuality and transgender identity are regarded as a deviation from the norm in many societies. Homosexuals and people having transgender disorders have been victimized and pursued for centuries. Different theories concerning homosexuality and transgender disorders exist (Ettner & Guillamon, 2016). For example, some believe that people’s childhood or adolescence experiences often lead to such gender and sexual identities.

Technological advances enabled people to get a deeper understanding of various processes that take place in the human body. Some hormones are believed to be associated with homosexuality and gender-related disorders. It is impossible to undermine the role of the media as many young people try to copy their role models’ behaviors. I tend to believe that a combination of these factors affects people’s development associated with gender and sexuality.

I believe true homosexual and transgender people have a specific genetic predisposition or rather certain sets of chromosomes. In many cases, people try to choose their sexual and gender identity and make them acceptable within certain groups. However, these rational choices often result in psychological issues (Ettner & Guillamon, 2016). Therefore, I think that certain biological factors are central while environments can also shape people’s choices.

In conclusion, I would like to note that true homosexuality and transgender identity are rooted in the biological peculiarities of individuals. Nevertheless, people can choose this or that sexual or gender-related behavior to be a part of the group. A combination of the two types of factors affects people’s choices and behaviors.

Personality Development

I would like to note that the entire course provided useful insights into the psychological development of humans. I learned a lot about developmental stages and the peculiarities of people’s growth. I need to understand people’s psychology to be able to collaborate with peers and provide high-quality care to patients. I should also have the corresponding skills to react adequately to different situations. I should understand myself as well. This understanding is instrumental in my personal growth and can help me in my family life. However, I would like to note that personality development, attachment types, and end-of-life issues were the most interesting aspects discussed during the course.

Ego development is an important process that takes place throughout people’s life. At some stages, this process is more intense. Personality development in adolescence and early adulthood is specifically important as these stages largely define people’s behavior in their later life (Butterworth, 2014).

I thought that biological factors are more influential than environmental peculiarities. However, I understand that these factors are equally important as individuals try to develop patterns to fit in the society (community, or group). When dealing with another person, it is important to pay attention to such details as childhood and adolescence experiences, attachments, possible traumas, and health issues, behaviors in different (especially when it comes to some extreme conditions), cultural, peculiarities, and so on.

Attachment development is another sphere of special interest to me. This concept is closely related to personality development as the way people form attachments has an impact on their personalities and relationships (Hauser, Gerber, & Allen, 2013). I learned a lot about different types of attachment. I believe secure attachment could be regarded as the golden standard that would become the foundation of healthy societies. When reading materials concerning this matter, I managed to understand many reasons for certain patterns. I drew parallels between the stories I read and people I knew. I also analyzed my own experiences and attachment type. Importantly, I learned about the most effective strategies to develop relationships with people based on their attachment type.

Finally, the part concerning end-of-life experiences was also really informative and valuable. Such topics caused certain distress as I was rather unprepared to experience or even discuss many things. However, I will have to help patients and their caregivers cope with many situations including the loss of a close one. I understand that one of the major reasons for my rather inadequate attitude towards death and end-of-life issues was my unacceptance. Now, I am ready to respond to situations associated with death or terminal illnesses. Again, this knowledge and skills will help in my professional and personal life.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the gained knowledge will help me in my private and professional life. I will choose the most effective strategies to develop proper relationships with people. I will also understand myself better, which is equally important. I will be able to shape my behavior and use effective strategies to self-develop. This course equipped me with knowledge and skills that will help me in my studies, private life, and career. The course also unveiled more areas to analyze and research. I would like to know more about early childhood development and its effects on adulthood. I will pay specific attention to particular skills necessary to develop proper relationships with people. All in all, the course helped me self-develop and identify areas for further investigation.


Butterworth, G. (2014). Principles of developmental psychology: An introduction. New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Ettner, R., & Guillamon, A. (2016). Theories of the etiology of transgender identity. In R. Ettner, S. Monstrey, & E. Coleman (Eds.), Principles of transgender medicine and surgery (pp. 3-15). New York, NY: Routledge.

Hauser, S. T., Gerber, E. B., & Allen, J. P. (2013). Ego development and attachment: Converging platforms for understanding close relationships. In P. M. Westenberg, A. Blasi, & L. D. Cohn (Eds.), Personality development: Theoretical, empirical, and clinical investigations of Loevinger’s conception of ego development (pp. 203-219). Mahwah, NJ: Psychology Press.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Exploring Key Issues in Human Development Psychology." March 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/human-development-psychology-issues/.


StudyCorgi. "Exploring Key Issues in Human Development Psychology." March 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/human-development-psychology-issues/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Exploring Key Issues in Human Development Psychology." March 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/human-development-psychology-issues/.

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