Human Resource Management in Business World


Scandinavian Journal of Management written by HR management expert Tortia is chosen for this article. The above article relates to the two topics covered in the first chapter of the Human Resource Management textbook. It explores the viability of human resources, job security, and redundancy in worker cooperatives, a unique organizational structure where staff members have residual control rights. It does so about the managerial and administrative theory literature on the Great Reset. According to theoretical and empirical findings, in contrast to investor ownership, worker management more completely stabilizes employment, paving the path for more crucial employment protection. This article uses key theoretical ideas from evolutionary economic principles and systems theory to investigate the advantages and essential factors of reducing member redundancies in worker cooperatives. Robust employment protection can support the more substantial acquisition and maintenance of emotional skills and human resources tailored to the company’s needs, promoting long-term success.

Labor hoarding and defects in controls and administration can generate short-term inefficiencies and underperformance. Organizations are responsible for identifying and managing risks that could harm the company and its people. The human resources manager position is very significant in today’s modern firms. He contributes to the organization in various strategic capacities at all levels of the hierarchy (Tortia, 2022). The human resources manager is responsible for many duties, including functioning as the company’s moral compass, counselor, mediator, problem solver, and change agent.


The article analyses topic 14 & 15 and determines their implications from the perspective of the business world. It is one’s duty as a worker to adhere to all relevant OSHA and Maine safety regulations. Employees have the right to request that their employer remedy a hazardous situation. A person cannot be fired, threatened, harassed, or treated differently by their employer if they exercise their right to health and safety. Employees are reminded of their rights and obligations by Maine OSHA. Use labeling, banners, posters, or color codes to warn employees of potential threats. Display the OSHA or State of Maine Occupational Safety and Health poster where workers may see it (public sector employers).

Each organization encounters a unique set of hazards, both internally and outside. The company’s HR department is responsible for developing risk management and worker protection plans to ensure the business continues functioning normally, even when a threat exists. Look at this article for more information on the dangers involved and how they might be handled to guarantee adequate worker protection. Risk management includes safeguarding organizational and individual interests by considering physical, human, and financial elements.

The relevance of risk management in virtually every field has recently caused this broad idea to get much attention. Every organization’s Board of Directors is required to work in this crucial area to ensure the security of its financial and human resources. To handle the process of risk management, large businesses typically organize a committee, team, or department. However, each person in the industry is required to participate in each stage of the risk management process, such as adhering to rules and procedures, identifying risks, and completing reports. This is mainly related to the financial risk assessment.

The ability to adequately detect and control potential dangers is provided by risk management, which is essential for business success. Once it has been put in, risk reduction is easy. Risk management provides a business with a foundation, enabling it to make informed decisions (Tortia, 2022). The most important strategy for a company to prepare for circumstances that obstruct learning and advancement is assessing and controlling risks. A business will have a better chance of succeeding if it evaluates potential threats, develops a plan to deal with them, and then puts the necessary structures in place. Risk control also guarantees that urgent issues get the most active attention possible. Additionally, the administration will be equipped with the knowledge required to make wise choices and maintain the company’s profitability.

Every employee has a responsibility and even accountability to treat coworkers with respect and ensure that coworkers or the recruiter never discriminate against anybody. Simply approaching coworkers with observation rather than elegance may help one avoid sticky situations in an uncertain workplace. Additionally, the workforce has a say in the basis for ongoing study. Employees would then be able to learn more about the values of the workplace through specific investigations. Finally, employees have access to a safe workplace where they may carry out their duties. The employer is responsible for ensuring that all applicable laws and safety precautions are implemented following Work-Related Safety and Health Maintenance (OSHA) standards.

Employing a multidisciplinary approach, occupational health and safety focus heavily on preventing hazards while addressing all workplace health and safety issues. No matter the nature of their employment, every worker should be entitled to these standards as a fundamental human right. Workers can fulfill their responsibilities in a secure and safe working environment that is free of hazards thanks to OHS standards that are in place. The best aspect is that the work can be done without hiring a new employee.


In conclusion, risk management includes safeguarding organizational and individual interests by considering physical, human, and financial elements. Every employee has a responsibility and accountability to treat their coworkers with respect. Employers are responsible for ensuring that all applicable laws and safety precautions are implemented following OSHA standards. Workers can fulfill their responsibilities in a secure and safe working environment that is free of hazards thanks to OHS standards. Employment protection and risk management is one of the most important aspects of human resource managers to improve talent attraction, enhance employee experience and help operations scale effectively.


Tortia, E. C. (2022). Employment protection regimes and dismissal of members in worker cooperatives. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 38(3), 101213. Web.

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