Humanity Is One Body: Spiritual Awakening for a Peaceful World

Humans face different serious issues that threaten people’s well-being and welfare in the future. Consequently, it is significant to understand that individuals should solve the problems now when they still have time to cope with the difficulties with the minor losses. Since many global issues result from the activities of humans, people have to awake spiritually to regard themselves as a part of the single body to cope with the global concerns.

Such challenges as global warming, inequality, civil wars, pandemics, and hunger result from people’s behavior. In particular, their greed for profits and indifference to the consequences of their actions leads to the problems associated with the climate crisis and civil wars. At the same time, the indifference to the difficulties of others and violence result in inequality and hunger. Finally, various epidemics of infectious diseases emerge as the consequence of globalization, unsanitary conditions, and weak healthcare systems in some regions of the world. All these issues are united by a specific characteristic that makes them so common in different parts of the planet. Mainly, they are all caused by the selfishness of humans that only consider their personal views and care only about themselves and their limited social circle.

People have to awaken spiritually to evade the catastrophe of the destruction of contemporary society. This awakening process implies their ability to think consciously and regard the world beyond the conventional limits. People can find such words in the Bible: “members may have the same care for one another,” signifying that people should look beyond their personal needs and desires (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Cor. 12:25). In particular, they have to consider how the other humans think and feel. Individuals need to pay attention to the living conditions of others, their possible problems with the healthcare system and social protection, and their demands. This conscious escape from the stereotypical ways of thinking and traditional approaches to the troubles might help them realize where the world is heading.

The ability of people to unite their efforts plays an essential role in the future stability and prosperity of humanity. In the Bible, this idea is reflected through the concept of the unity of all the humans that should be perceived as one body. The assumption that “all the members of the body, though many, are one body” proves this notion (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Cor. 12:12). Specifically, it demonstrates that the combination of the majority of people’s efforts and their conscious understanding of the problems might help avoid the crisis. Besides, this perception of the individuals as one body reveals that if one person has some issues, then the other people should also care about these difficulties to make all humans achieve prosperity and well-being. Such an attitude might help people live peacefully and in harmony with their inner world and the world around them.

Thus, the spiritual awakening is essential for humans because it might help unite their forces to save the planet from the catastrophe associated with various worldwide concerns. Different contemporary issues result from the activities of humans and the weakness of their characters. Accordingly, people have to correct their behavior and consciously analyze their lives to recognize that they can change the situation in the world through the combination of their efforts. This unity might become the critical factor in the spiritual awakening of humanity on its way to improvements.


English Standard Version Bible. (2001). Bible Hub. Web.

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