105 Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Abraham Lincoln

✍️ Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics for College

  1. Abraham Lincoln’s Impact on Illinois and the United States
    The essay examines the relevance of four sources in understanding Abraham Lincoln’s impact on Illinois and the United States.
  2. “Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglass” by Freedman
    “Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglass: The Story Behind an American Friendship” by Russel Freedman is appropriate to be read by teenagers from ages 13-19.
  3. Lincoln’s, Obama’s, Biden’s Speeches Analysis
    The essay analyzes Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, Barrack Obama’s final speech as the US president, and President Joe Biden’s recent speech on the Russian-Ukraine conflict.
  4. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address Analysis
    Lincoln’s second inaugural address contains the essence of the policy that Lincoln wanted to implement in his second presidential term.
  5. Abraham Lincoln’s “The Emancipation Proclamation” Speech
    The Emancipation Proclamation speech was given by US President Abraham Lincoln on January 1st, 1863, when the country was engaged in a long-lasting Civil War.
  6. Abraham Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” Speech
    President Abraham Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” was delivered on the stage to a crowd of approximately 30,000 to 40,000 people.
  7. Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address and Biblical Perspective
    Abraham Lincoln’s ideas and expression in speeches reflected the American spirit of the Civil War, horrified by what was happening but retaining his faith.
  8. Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction
    After the Civil War, President Lincoln devised a plan that concerned the difficulties of the Southern states’ reunification with the US primarily.
  9. American Civil War and Abraham Lincoln’s Presidency
    The American Civil War was a watershed instant in the country’s history. Ten thousand battles were fought across the globe between 1861 and 1865.
  10. Abraham Lincoln: A Historical Leader
    Lincoln’s legacy as a political leader is immense and undeniable. The very fact that the United States continues to exist until this day is a testimony to his competence
  11. Reconstruction Under Lincoln, Radical Republicans, and Johnson
    Although Johnson intended to continue Lincoln’s efforts, he didn’t use the 10 percent plan. Having no support from the former Confederates, Johnson was thwarted by the Republicans.
  12. Lincoln’s Death in “O Captain!” Poem by Walt Whitman
    The article presents an overview of the poem “O Captain! My Captain!”, written by Walt Whitman, which symbolizes the feelings of the American nation regarding the death of Lincoln.
  13. Abraham Lincoln in Eric Foner’s The Fiery Trial
    This article is a review of Eric Foner’s book, The Fiery Trial, in which the author describes the life of Abraham Lincoln at the height of racism and slavery in American history.
  14. Abraham Lincoln’s Policies on Slavery in 1861-1863
    Abraham Lincoln was one the most powerful presidents of the United States. The essay explains the evolution of Lincoln’s policies on slavery from July 1861 to November 1863.
  15. Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” Speech
    Abraham Lincoln’s famous “A House Divided” speech was delivered to the delegates of the Illinois Republican Party Convention in 1858.
  16. The Role of Abraham Lincoln in Shaping the Civil War and American History
    Abraham Lincoln was a person who has prevented the collapse of the USA and who has liberated slaves. He is considered as an adherent of the American democracy.
  17. Gettysburg Address: Lincoln’s Perspective on the American Civil War
    The American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865. Without a doubt, it is one of the darkest political upheavals in the history of the United States.
  18. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the 16th President of the USA and the first president of the country ever to be murdered. The Assassination of Lincoln has become an important historical event.

🎓 Most Interesting Abraham Lincoln Research Titles

  1. 1858 Political Debates Between Sen. Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln
  2. Abraham Lincoln and the Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus
  3. Comparing the Differences Between the Ideas of Abraham Lincoln and James Hammond on the Issue of Slavery
  4. Abraham Lincoln: America’s First Commander in Chief
  5. Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln: Leadership Styles
  6. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain
  7. The Weapon That Killed a Hero: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
  8. How Political Cartoons Helped Abraham Lincoln Win Elections?
  9. Abraham Lincoln: Moral, Just, and Practical and His Views on Slavery
  10. President Abraham Lincoln’s Role in the US Period of Reconstruction
  11. Abraham Lincoln’s Tough-Love Letter to His Step-Brother About Laziness and Work Ethic
  12. Abraham Lincoln: Overcoming Political and Social Obstacles to Preserve the Union and Eliminate Slavery
  13. Abraham Lincoln Assassination: The Shot That Altered a Nation
  14. Historical Misconceptions About Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy
  15. Abraham Lincoln and FDR on War and Social Upheaval
  16. Controversy About Abraham Lincoln’s First Emancipation
  17. The Events That Led to the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
  18. Abraham Lincoln and His Civil War Involvement
  19. How Abraham Lincoln Overcame Social and Political Obstacles in the Elimination of Slavery and Preservation of the Union
  20. The Structure and Literary Elements in the Edifying Speech of Abraham Lincoln
  21. Abraham Lincoln and His Influence on American Culture
  22. President Abraham Lincoln: The Most Famous Speakers in History
  23. Abraham Lincoln: Liberty, Equality, and Power
  24. How Abraham Lincoln Shedded the Constitution to Become the Greatest President the Nation Has Seen?
  25. Abraham Lincoln: The Man That Changed America History

đź’ˇ Simple Abraham Lincoln Essay Ideas

  1. Abraham Lincoln and His Battle With His Cabinet
  2. Reenactment of the Civil War and What if Abraham Lincoln Had Watched It
  3. Abraham Lincoln and His Impact on the World
  4. Did Abraham Lincoln Cause the Civil War?
  5. Abraham Lincoln: Being Worthy of His Title
  6. Constitutional Change and the Influence of Abraham Lincoln
  7. American Experience: Abraham Lincoln and Unified Purpose
  8. How Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Was Influenced by the Funeral Oration of Pericles
  9. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Its Cultural Importance
  10. John Brown and Abraham Lincoln: The Invisibility of Antiracism
  11. Abraham Lincoln Did Not Free the Slaves
  12. Leadership Skills and Qualities of President Abraham Lincoln
  13. Abraham Lincoln: Organizational Culture and Leadership
  14. Spirits and Abraham Lincoln: Letters to President Lincoln Concerning Spiritualism
  15. Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee. Saving the Union
  16. The Brilliant Life and Tragic Death of Abraham Lincoln
  17. Abraham Lincoln: Emancipation Proclamation vs. Previous Quotes
  18. Was Abraham Lincoln America’s Greatest President?
  19. Abraham Lincoln: The Man Behind the Myth
  20. Abraham Lincoln’s Attitude Towards Slavery and Emancipation
  21. The Ghost Stories Related to Abraham Lincoln and His Interest in the Occult
  22. Abraham Lincoln and Slavery During the Civil War
  23. Abraham Lincoln: Life, Presidency, and Achievements
  24. The Controversy Surrounding John Wilkes Booth and His Shooting of Abraham Lincoln
  25. Abraham Lincoln: His Legacy Lives on After Seventy Score and Ten Years Ago

âť“ Research Questions About Abraham Lincoln

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. Is True That Abraham Lincoln Supported Colonization and Compensated Emancipation?
  2. How Many Times Did Abraham Lincoln Run for Office?
  3. Did Abraham Lincoln Have a Long-Lasting Effect on the Shaping of America?
  4. Why Was Abraham Lincoln Significant in the Civil War?
  5. How Did Lincoln Feel About Slavery Before the Emancipation Proclamation?
  6. What Amendments Did Abraham Lincoln Pass?
  7. Did Abraham Lincoln Only Have Six Years of Formal Education?
  8. Was Abraham Lincoln Conservative or Liberal?
  9. How Did Abraham Lincoln Improve the U.S. Economy?
  10. Why Was Abraham Lincoln a Successful Leader?
  11. Who Designed the Abraham Lincoln Memorial?
  12. When Was Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated?
  13. What Was Abraham Lincoln’s Main Argument in His “House Divided” Speech?
  14. How Did the Confederacy Challenge President Abraham Lincoln?
  15. Was Abraham Lincoln a Religious Man?
  16. Why Did Abraham Lincoln Change His Policy About Slavery During the Civil War?
  17. How Did Abraham Lincoln Get Involved in Politics?
  18. How Did Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination Impact the Reconstruction After the Civil War?
  19. Did Abraham Lincoln Own Slaves?
  20. Was Abraham Lincoln a Founding Father?
  21. Did Abraham Lincoln Live in the White House?
  22. What Was the Effect of Abraham Lincoln Winning the Election of 1860?
  23. When Did Abraham Lincoln Become a Senator?
  24. What Was Abraham Lincoln’s Primary Motivation for Directly Attacking the Institution of Slavery?
  25. What Was One of Abraham Lincoln’s Major Frustrations Early in the Civil War?
  26. What Was Abraham Lincoln’s Goal in Declaring War?
  27. What Was Abraham Lincoln’s Ethnic Background?
  28. What Did Abraham Lincoln Believe About the Equality of Whites and Freed Blacks?
  29. What Did Abraham Lincoln Invent and Patent?
  30. How Did Abraham Lincoln Expand the Powers of the Presidency?

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "105 Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/abraham-lincoln-essay-topics/.

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