144 Asthma Essay Topics

๐Ÿ† Best Essay Topics on Asthma

โœ๏ธ Asthma Essay Topics for College

  1. Asthma: Pharmacology and Medicines Management
    Asthmatic individuals constantly suffer from various degrees of inflammation and constrictions of the smooth muscles of the airways.
  2. Adult Asthma: Symptomps and Treatment
    Asthma is a condition that is associated with wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and cough due to air hyper-responsiveness.
  3. Acute vs. Chronic Asthma and Their Complications
    This paper compares and contrasts acute asthma and chronic asthma, together with highlighting their pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment.
  4. Diagnosis and Management of Moderate Persistent Asthma
    To manage her moderate persistent asthma, the patient requires daily inhaled corticosteroids to reduce symptoms and improve her quality of life.
  5. Exacerbation of Asthma and Nursing Management
    An assessment of the exacerbation of Asthma (Shortness of Breath and cough) provides one with the necessary experience in analyzing critically ill patients.
  6. The Mayo Clinic Asthma Website for Consumer Health
    This study evaluates the Mayo Clinic asthma website using the DISCERN instrument, as it provides guidelines to consumers to help them judge the quality of information.
  7. Asthma: Definition, Forms and Symptoms
    Asthma is a disorder that causes the nasal airways to constrict and swell, as well as generate excess mucus. This results in breathing complications.
  8. Managing Asthma: Diagnostic of Triggers and Treatment
    The article provides information about asthma diagnostic aspects, especially triggers, which causes it, and some issues of diagnostic and treatment.
  9. The Therapeutic Remedies Among Asthma Patients
    Asthma mainly affects the respiratory organs of an individual based on the inflammation of the airway, increasing the mucus that block the passage of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  10. Factors and the Risk of Asthma Morbidity
    Asthma is a highly prevalent disease among the U.S. population, especially in the case of school-age children.
  11. Asthma in the Modern World
    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, making people experience breathing difficulties and have challenges in performing some physical activities.
  12. Asthma Discharge Plan Overview
    Asthma remains the most common chronic childhood disease and one of the leading causes of childhood morbidity, school absenteeism, a parent lost workdays.
  13. Childhood Asthma: Definition, Epidemiology, Diagnosis
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the definition, epidemiology, clinical presentation, possible complications, and diagnosis of childhood asthma.
  14. Asthma: Diagnosis and Treatment
    Asthma is an allergic respiratory disease where the airways to the lungs swell preventing inflow and outflow of oxygen.
  15. Prevalence and Death Rates of Asthma in Australia
    This paper will look at asthma in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians who have a high prevalence rate.
  16. Asthma: Symptoms, Types, Etiology, and Treatment
    Asthma is a specific and rather severe condition that is determined by airways swelling, narrowing, and sometimes producing extra mucus.
  17. Asthma Management in a Forty-Year-Old Patient
    Asthma is a persistent lung illness that swells the air tubes causing the air passages area to be slender. The enlargement makes the airways to be susceptible to diseases.
  18. Asthma in Pregnancy and Intervention
    The goal of this treatment plan is to maintain optimal respiratory function, prevent chronic symptoms, and reduce exacerbation.
  19. Effects of Acute and Chronic Asthma on Patients and Families
    This paper aims to understand and explore the perspective of families who deal with patients with chronic asthma, particularly children.
  20. Pediatric Asthma Readmission and the Role of Nurses
    Asthma among children and adolescents is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. The low levels of the parents’ awareness about the illness contribute to this problem significantly.
  21. A 12-Year-old Boy With Asthma Exacerbation
    The second scenario refers to the case of a 12-year-old boy that presents to the emergency department with asthma exacerbation, and it is the third time in the last three months.
  22. Effects of Asthma on Children and Adults
    An in-depth analysis of both the intrinsic and extrinsic causes of asthma as well as the perturbing yet underlying effects of this chronic respiratory condition.
  23. Asthma in Children: Evidence-Based Practice
    This paper discusses asthma and its aspects to provide a background for the project on the role of nursesโ€™ education in the reduction of asthma exacerbations in children.

๐Ÿ‘ Good Asthma Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Pediatric Asthma Readmission: Nursing Study
    Despite the intentions to improve the quality of life and create the best control and treatment approaches, asthma remains a significant problem in the United States.
  2. Asthma Management in Children: Research Critique
    The article by Pinto et al. contributes to the study of asthma management in children but is not free of downsides either. Its strength lies in a sample of sufficient size.
  3. Corticosteroids in Asthma Treatment: Literature Review
    Asthma denotes a chronic inflammatory infection of the airways whose commonest approach to treatment is the use of inhaled corticosteroids.
  4. CHF & Asthma Exacerbation: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care Plan
    The patient is diagnosed with asthma, and she receives the required treatment. However, the symptoms remain because she takes other medicines.
  5. Asthma and Smoking: Understanding the Relationship and Health Implications
    This study explores the relationship between asthma and smoking among adult African Immigrants in California that are a relatively understudied group.
  6. Managing Asthma: Long-Term Control, Quick-Relief Treatments & Stepwise Approach
    Asthma is a chronic condition which, despite active research in this field, cannot be prevented. There is a need for approaches that allow managing and controlling this disease.
  7. Best Practices for Educating African American Children on Asthma Care
    In African American children, will proper education on asthma management compared to no education help reduce the disruption of daily lives over a one-year period?
  8. Enhancing Asthma Education at CHOP: New Curriculum Focus
    Asthma is a chronic lung disease that expresses itself in airway narrowing and obstruction, leading to breathing issues.
  9. Asthma Management: Stepwise Approach & Treatment Goals
    Asthma affects many people in the US, so the nurse needs aware of all aspects that can help patients. This work analyzes ways of treating asthma and examines stepwise management.
  10. Asthma Risk Factors Among Adult African Immigrants in California
    The purpose of this study is to examine the risk factors predicting asthma among adult African immigrants in California. The research design is the quantitative correlation approach.
  11. Asthma Patients’ Health Education and Promotion
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the health education, health promotion information, and strategies that should be used when working with asthma patients.
  12. Understanding Acute and Chronic Bronchial Asthma
    The paper compares acute and chronic asthma in such aspects as pathogenesis, interactions with the genetic factor of disease development, diagnosis and treatment methods.
  13. Asthma Factors Among African Americans in California
    The purpose of this study was to examine risk factors predicting asthma among adult foreign-born African Americans in California.
  14. Asthma: Description, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
    Asthma itself is typically termed as a noncommunicable chronic disease that affects lungs and triggers an inflammation of airways, thus, causing breathing issues.
  15. Asthma Affects Millions: Understanding Pathophysiology & Transmission
    Whenever a patient suffers from regular coughing, has wheezing sounds when breathing, and experiences chest tightness, there is a high probability that one has developed asthma.
  16. Diagnosing Asthma: Patient Symptoms, Testing, & Management Plan
    The primary diagnosis of asthma was established based on the results of functional pulmonary tests and the examination of the patient.
  17. The Link Between Asthma and Immigrant Smoking
    The purpose of this study is to determine the association between asthma and smoking status among adult African immigrants in California.
  18. Smoking & Asthma Among Immigrants in California
    This paper analyzes relationship between smoking behaviors and asthma cases in states or regions that have multiple immigrant population groups, such as New York and California.
  19. Secondhand Smoke Hurts Children with Asthma: Effective Nursing Interventions Needed
    The available literature indicates that secondhand smoking from parents hurts children with asthma and other respiratory diseases, causing complications.
  20. Asthma Management in Children and Education
    Asthma is a common condition in children. Except for medication, treatment should involve other methods to manage the disease.
  21. Evaluating Asthma Control Education Programs: Research and Effectiveness
    The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program aimed at improving the quality of life of children suffering from asthma.
  22. Asthma Treatment with Corticosteroids and Side Effects in Children
    Asthma is supposed to be cured by a short-term corticosteroid medicine which has the maximum anti-inflammatory effect and minimum mineralocorticoid activity.
  23. Prevention and Control of Asthma Attacks: Essential Strategies for Patients and Caregivers
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the pathophysiology of asthma, describe genomic issues, present a review of the literature on the topic.
  24. Symptoms and Treatment of Asthma During Pregnancy: Guidelines for Healthcare Providers
    This paper analyzes a case of asthma during pregnancy, provides classification of symptoms, and submitted suggestions of treatment.

๐ŸŽ“ Most Interesting Asthma Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. The Most Common Types of Asthma
  2. How Asthma Affects the Airway and Lungs
  3. Diet and Nutrition for Asthma in a Child
  4. School-Aged Children With Early Chronic Illness: Asthma
  5. Childhood Asthma and Its Effects
  6. The Link Between Asthma and Food Allergies
  7. Asthma and How Medication Allows for Increased Performance
  8. Childhood Asthma and African American Children
  9. Asthma: Asthma and Strong Emotions
  10. The Benefits and Challenges of Managing Asthma
  11. Asthma and the Everyday Struggle for Air
  12. Evaluation and Concomitant Treatment of Asthma
  13. What You Should Know About Exercise-Induced Asthma
  14. Natural Cure Asthma Alternative Medicine
  15. Environmental Exposures and Asthma Development: Autophagy, Mitophagy, and Cellular Senescence
  16. Helping Your Kids Cope With Asthma
  17. Nutritional Applications That Help Fight Against Asthma
  18. What Are Some Natural Asthma Remedies
  19. Asthma, Food Allergy, and How They Relate to Each Other
  20. Asthma Cure Breathe Deeply and Naturally
  21. How Asthma Affects Your Body

๐Ÿ’ก Simple Asthma Essay Ideas

  1. Asthma and Its Effects on Children
  2. Dietary (Nutritional) Recommendations for Asthma
  3. Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Asthma
  4. Allergies Asthma as Allergy Reaction
  5. Childhood Asthma and Its Relations
  6. Asthma: Definition, Etymology, Symptoms, and Treatment
  7. Predicting Asthma Using Clinical Indexes
  8. Nursing a Child with Asthma
  9. Asthma: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
  10. The Four Different Types of Asthma
  11. Limitations From Suffering Chronic Asthma
  12. Lifetime Smoking and Asthma: A Mendelian Randomization Study
  13. Determining the Underlying Causes of Asthma
  14. Buteyko Breathing for Bronchial Asthma
  15. Asthma Affects the Respiratory System
  16. What Causes Asthma and How Can You, Manage It
  17. Lung Function and the Effects of Asthma
  18. The Common Causes and Triggers of Asthma
  19. Family Structure and the Treatment of Childhood Asthma
  20. Asthma and the Human Respiratory System
  21. Factors Into the Development of Asthma
  22. Children With Asthma Who Take Budesonide and Who Take Nedocromil

๐Ÿ“Œ Easy Asthma Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. Asthma and Classification Mechanism
  2. Mechanisms Mediating Pediatric Severe Asthma and Potential Novel Therapies
  3. Asthma and the Impacts of Environment Toxins
  4. Treating Pediatric Asthma According to Guidelines
  5. Asthma and Common Allergy Symptoms
  6. Risk Factors for Childhood Asthma Development
  7. Flutiform Asthma โ€“ Drug Forecast and Market Analysis to 2025
  8. Arguing for Aggressive Asthma Diagnosis and Treatment
  9. Kids With Asthma Help Them Stay Healthy
  10. Asthma Control and Treatment in Racial and Ethnic Minorities
  11. Asthma: Causes Effects and Prevention
  12. Living With Asthma: The Experiences of Young People at Home and School
  13. Family Asthma and Maternal Labor Supply
  14. Exercise-Induced Asthma Randolph 1997
  15. Asthma Across Age: Insights From Primary Care
  16. Natural Asthma Treatments May Be the Alternative for You
  17. The Anatomy and Physiology of Respiratory System and the Diagnosis of Asthma
  18. Asthma Tops Childhood Illnesses
  19. Asthma Management and Drug Therapies
  20. Pesticides and Asthma: Challenges for Epidemiology
  21. Exercise for Asthma: Benefits, Best Types, and Safety Tips
  22. Characteristics and Treatments for Asthma

โ“ Research Questions about Asthma

  1. Are Allergies and Asthma Related?
  2. Can Getting Enough Vitamin D During Pregnancy Reduce the Risk of Getting Asthma in Childhood?
  3. What Are the Effects of a Mediterranean Diet on Allergies and Asthma in Children?
  4. How Does Asthma Affect the Air Travel Routes?
  5. What Are the Asthma Nurse Interventions?
  6. Is Asthma Considered a Disability for Employment?
  7. What Can Parasites Tell About the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Asthma and Allergic Diseases?
  8. Does Asthma Affect Heart Rate?
  9. How Does Asthma Affect the Airway and Lungs?
  10. What Are the Different Triggers for Asthma?
  11. Can Asthma Be Managed Without Steroids?
  12. What Are the Causes of Asthma and How to Manage It?
  13. How Does Asthma Affect the Body?
  14. Can Asthma Cause Death?
  15. What System Does Asthma Affect?
  16. How Can Asthma Sufferers Live Drug-Free and Breathe Freely?
  17. What Happens When Asthma Is Unresponsive to Treatment?
  18. How Does Asthma Affect Development?
  19. What Type of Asthma Does Not Respond to Treatment?
  20. Can Corticosteroids Make Asthma Worse?
  21. What Are Some Natural Asthma Remedies?
  22. How Does Asthma Limit Your Ability to Work?
  23. Why Is Asthma More Common in Women Than Men?
  24. Does Heat Trigger Asthma Symptoms?
  25. What Is the Death Rate of Asthma?

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