110 Criticism Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Criticism

✍️ Criticism Essay Topics for College

  1. What Is the Welsh School: Marxists and Realist Criticism
    The Welsh School is so called because it was originally proposed by scholars based at the University of Wales, Abersytwyth like Ken Booth, Richard Wyn Jones and Andrew Linklater.
  2. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, Feminist Criticism
    This paper examines the play “The Doll’s House” from a Feminist criticism perspective, which is relevant to its central theme.
  3. Rocking Horse Winner: Psychological Criticism
    Horse winner symbolizes “desire” of a family to prosper and become wealthy, but at the same time “desire” is subconscious ego of the characters unable to organize their life and family life.
  4. Michelle Obama’s 2016 DNC Speech: Persuasive Techniques
    Analyzing M. Obama`s speech during the 2016 National Democratic Convention will help understand her intentions and effectiveness of figurative language to deliver her viewpoints.
  5. Psychological Criticism in Allende’s “The House of Spirits”
    The novel called The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende gained immediate attention from the reading audience at the international level.
  6. Art Criticism and Aesthetics Philosophy
    Aesthetics is tightly connected with art and criticism. It studies art to find its nature and interprets artworks to find out what makes people appreciate their beauty.
  7. Religion Criticism of in “Salvation” by Langston Hughes
    Although “Salvation” by Langston Hughes seems like an innocent commentary on the author’s childhood, it is a blatant criticism of Christianity and religion as a whole.
  8. Criticism of Starbucks Coffee Company’s Business Policy
    Starbucks exceptional services and high quality standards draw customers in large numbers throughout the world which has helped them in keeping customer loyalty and support.
  9. Satire in the Essay on Criticism by Alexander Pope
    Alexander Pope is considered one of the greatest English poets and an outstanding poet of the early 18th century. He is best known for his satirical and discursive poems.
  10. David Bartholomae’s Criticism in “Inventing the University”
    David Bartholomae in his “Inventing the University” discovers the problem of students’ inappropriate academic language and his criticism is reasonable.
  11. Criticism of Medical Model of Psychological Disorders
    Even though the medical model of mental disorders has long been accepted and widespread, some scientists consider it inappropriate.
  12. Feminist Literary Criticism: Shoshana Felman’s Ideas
    As a basis for the analysis, Felman’s arguments are cited that female inability to express personal experiences openly is a characteristic feature of modern society.
  13. The Transfiguration of Jesus – Literary Criticism
    The paper presents literary criticism of a passage on the Transfiguration of Jesus, including context and structure analysis, redaction criticism, as well as theological analysis.
  14. Literary Analysis Methods: Feminist Criticism
    Overall, any work of literature should be analyzed from various standpoints such as for instance, cultural, social, historic etc, certainly if it is possible.
  15. Literature: History of Theory and Criticism
    The place of Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Criticism in English literature is that of Boileaur’s Art Poetique in French criticism.
  16. Anxiety Leads to Worry and Fear: Dr. Hart’s Solutions
    Anxiety leads to feelings of worry, fear, and concern in people, thus hindering them from enjoying their lives.
  17. Psychoanalytic Criticism of “The Wall” Film by Alan Parker
    In the paper, the film “The Wall” by Alan Parker, based on the album of the English rock band Pink Floyd, will be analysed through the prism of psychoanalysis.
  18. Charles Woodmason: Criticism of “New Lights”
    Woodmanson was against various New Light deeds, including but not limited to actions that come from vagrants and idle individuals.
  19. Constructive Criticism in Public Administration
    Criticism is a form of sharing views and looking for consensus. I believe constructive criticism is crucial in the sphere of public administration.
  20. Pepsi Company’s Sustainable Policies and Criticism
    This paper discusses the steps Pepsi Company has taken towards sustainability and the criticism the measures have faced.
  21. Post-Colonialism Criticism: Emphasis on Nations
    The connection between colonizers and colonized populations is commonly the subject of post-colonial literary critique.

👍 Good Criticism Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. “A Caucasus Wedding” Source Criticism
    The source “A Caucasus Wedding” is a diplomatic cable record that describes the social and political agendas involved in organizing and celebrating a Caucasus wedding.
  2. Objection to Epistemic Criticism of Love
    The argument that love is epistemically objectionable is based on the assumption that the standard epistemological norms are correct. The norms stress the importance of rationality.
  3. “Frida”: Background Information, Plot, Criticism, and Personal Response
    “Frida” is a biographical drama based on Frida Kahlo’s life story, and it covers Frida Kahlo’s professional and personal life from 18 to 46 years old.
  4. Martin Scorsese: Biography, Works, and Criticism
    The legendary director Martin Scorsese has become the embodiment of cinematic classics; in addition to directing, he is also a great screenwriter, actor, and producer.
  5. Utilitarianism Applications and Criticism
    Utilitarianism can be viewed as a form of consequentialism that focuses on the results of actions and decisions.
  6. Literary Criticism: The Key Theories
    This essay engages in an in-depth, meaningful, and critical discussion of the most significant theories of literary criticism.
  7. Analysis and Criticism of the US Gun Control Laws
    There is no definite evidence that allowing the carrying of weapons for defense reduces or increases the safety of the population and the number of attacks in general.
  8. Contemporary Trends Criticism by Using Anthropological Approach
    The paper discusses anthropologists’ opinion about religion as a global trend is that it affects society due to the effect of the “sacred and profane” approach to treating things.
  9. ”The Critique of Art Criticism” by Buchmann & Grow
    The paper provides an overview of the article “The Critique of Art Criticism” by Buchmann and Grow, on the relationship between social discrimination and art criticism.
  10. Walter Benjamin as a Marxist Criticist of Art
    Engagement in Benjamin’s philosophy of art manifests itself in how dramatically the artists recreate the art forms at their disposal.
  11. All in the Family and MASH: Addressed Social Issues and Criticism From the Religious Right
    All in the family and MASH addressed several issues that were impacting either positively or negatively on the lives of people at that time and even today.
  12. Impacts of Censoring Religious Criticism
    The religious censoring criticism has greatly influenced people’s behaviors. People consistently avoid talking about certain things since their religion views their contrary.
  13. Marx’s Criticism of Capitalism and Sociological Theory
    This paper tells about Marx who contributed to sociological theory by linking the economic structure of the society and how it affected social interactions.
  14. Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine Literary Criticism
    In Augustine’s famous treatise, On Christian Doctrine emphasis is on the interpretation of the Bible, dealing with philosophical principles for the Christian use of the scripture.
  15. Bower and Paine’s Theory on Shareholder Influence & Governance
    To sustain an organization, one needs to delineate the roles for each participant clearly, which includes the shareholders as crucial agents of the business setting.
  16. August Wilson’s “Pittsburgh Cycle”: Music and Family
    Literature is typically seen as a purely descriptive medium; however, in Wilson’s works, the art of storytelling is miraculously intertwined with the art of music-making.
  17. New Urbanism and Negative Criticism
    New Urbanism refers to the architectural philosophy that was adopted after the end of the Second World War. It sought to implement a paradigm shift in traditional town planning.
  18. Domestic Work and Motherhood in Feminist Criticism
    The importance of women’s work has always been of primary interest in feminist discussions. The notion of women’s domestic work has always been accepted with criticism.
  19. Criticisms of Existing Database Design Models: Analysis and Recommendations
    The author undertakes a critical review of the previously proposed models of data management and proposes an inclusive framework to unite them in new database design.
  20. Research Studies Should Withstand Criticism: Impact of Clinicians on Health
    Anthony conducted “Community Interventions for Health Can Support Clinicians in Advising Patients to Reduce Tobacco Use, Improve Dietary Intake, and Increase Physical Activity.”
  21. Illegal Immigration in Border States: Arizona’s Tough Laws
    The new Arizona immigration laws require immigrants to carry their documentation at all times. If the police stop the immigrants, they should produce their documentation.
  22. Benjamin Franklin: Political Satire and Literary Criticism
    The paper focuses on the role of Franklin in the development of political theory, especially his elaborate use of satire in advancing political activism.

🎓 Most Interesting Criticism Research Titles

  1. The Contemporary Literary Criticism of Frank McCourt’s Poetry
  2. The Federalist Criticism: Influences and Origins
  3. Archetypal and Psychological Criticism
  4. Literary Criticism and Linguistics
  5. Immigrant Trends and the Criticism of Multicultural Education
  6. The Criticism Facing the National Service in Singapore
  7. Edmund Feldman and Art Criticism
  8. The Four Basic Approaches to Literary Criticism
  9. William Gibson Contemporary Criticism
  10. American New Criticism and Russian Formalism
  11. The Important Things Regarding Professional Literary Criticism
  12. The New Romance and Susan Kneedler’s Criticism about Pride and Prejudice
  13. The Three Men Who Dedicated Their Lives to Religious Reformation and Criticism
  14. The Importance, Use, and Criticism of Hydraulic Fracking in the United States
  15. The New Criticism’s Inclination to Treat Works of Literature in a Historical Way
  16. Art, Art Criticism, and Postmodern Culture
  17. Support and Criticism for HR Manager’s Actions
  18. French Symbolist Poetry Criticism
  19. Nature, Poetry, and the Role of the Criticism
  20. The Critical Race Theory and the Way to Avoid Criticism
  21. Literary Theory and Criticism, and Its Relevance Today
  22. Why Natural Law Theory Is an Inadequate Criticism of Homosexuality?
  23. The Past and Present Criticism of Mark Twain and His Literary Works
  24. The Deconstruction Post-Modern Criticism of the Great Gatsby
  25. The Criticism and Reward With a Positive Frame
  26. Unified Uncertainty and the Auteur Theory of Film Criticism
  27. The Ethical and Moral Criticism of Karl Max and Fredrick Engel’s Books and Ideologies
  28. Those Most Nearly Touched: Social Criticism in American Literature
  29. Frederick Douglass Narrative Criticism
  30. The Gnostic Gospels and Criticism

💡 Simple Criticism Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. William Shakespeare’s Marxist Criticism: Cultural Materialism, and the History of the Subject
  2. Anti-Americanism Criticism: Literary and Intellectual Perspectives
  3. Assessing the Speaker’s World in Anatomy of Criticism by Northrop Frye
  4. Ten Little Indians and Criticism
  5. Ecofeminism and Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism
  6. Formalism and the School of Literary Criticism
  7. Comparison Between Formalism, Structuralism, and New Criticism
  8. Public Schools Are Constantly Under Much Criticism
  9. Brazilian Literature Criticism: Modernism and Postmodernism in Brazil
  10. Cultural Analysis and Literary Criticism
  11. Accepting Positive and Negative Criticism
  12. Architecture Theory and Criticism: Recent Trends and Developments
  13. Yiddish Literature Criticism: Major Authors
  14. Postmodern Criticism and Feminist Anthropology
  15. Anglo-Saxon Criticism During XIX-XX Centuries
  16. The Patriot Act Suppresses Criticism of the Government
  17. African Diasporic Short Fiction Criticism: Overviews and General Studies
  18. British Ephemeral Literature Criticism: Broadside Ballads
  19. The Most Important Points of Criticism for Both Adaptive and Rational Expectations
  20. Feminism and Literary Criticism
  21. Literary Theory and Criticism of the Future
  22. Twentieth-Century Danish Literature Criticism: Major Authors
  23. Ambiguous Adventure Literary Criticism and Significance
  24. Structuralism and Literary Criticism
  25. The Third Man Argument: A Criticism of Plato‘s Theory of Forms
  26. Marxism Literary and the New Criticism Theory
  27. Autobiographical and Personal Criticism
  28. ‘An Apology for Poetry’ Is a Perfect Example of Renaissance Criticism
  29. The Purpose and Usage of Literary Criticism
  30. Marxist Criticism and Feminist Criticism

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "110 Criticism Essay Topics." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/criticism-essay-topics/.

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