124 Farming Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Farming

✍️ Farming Essay Topics for College

  1. Farm Subsidies: Essential Support or Economic Hindrance?
    To safeguard the survival of the important industry, most developed nations have come up with means for ensuring that farmers remain in business.
  2. Starbucks Family Farmer Program: Ethical and Environmental Challenges
    Starbucks’ sourcing practices, which face scrutiny for fairness and environmental impact, include ongoing improvements that aim to address these challenges.
  3. Ethical Issues Affecting Factory Farming
    The paper discusses factory farming. It is the large-scale production of animals and their produce through industrialization and profit orientation.
  4. Animal Farms and Their Environmental Impact
    The environmental impact of animal farms has been generously explored by opinion-makers, politicians, and scientists alike.
  5. The Problem of the Dog Meat Farms in South Korea
    Dog meat farms in South Korea are a problem that needs rigorous regulation due to the number of dogs who suffer and the present views of the modern community.
  6. Animal Farming: Arguments Against
    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the main arguments against animal farming and estimate their credibility, based on the available evidence.
  7. Farmer’s Market for a Diverse Community: Risk Factors
    The paper discusses potential risk factors for the farmer’s market for a diverse community. It includes technical, managerial, commercial, and external risk factors.
  8. Encouragement of Family Farms by Small Island Countries
    This paper discusses the importance of family farming in small island countries for achieving food security and explores the challenges and opportunities associated with gardening.
  9. Environmental Impact of Avocado Farming in Mexico
    Despite the benefits of Avocado growing in the Mexican economy, farming has some detrimental effects on the environment, which, if not checked, could lead to world disaster.
  10. Antibiotics Use in Factory Farms
    The current approach to food production has serious drawbacks and leads to unexpected health issues nationwide, as huge factory farms use large quantities of antibiotics.
  11. Fair Trade and Its Benefits for Local Farmers
    Fair trade was introduced to support the work of local farmers, whose incomes depend not only on themselves but also on various factors such as drought, crop diseases, and others.
  12. Organic Farming: Opposition to Traditional Farming
    As opposed to traditional farming, the benefits of organic are that these farmers avoid using harmful chemicals and work with the environment they are in to produce crops.
  13. “How Factory Farms Play Chicken With Antibiotics”: A Response
    In his 2016 article, “How Factory Farms Play Chicken with Antibiotics,” Philpott explains the antibiotics-based approach toward preventing bacteria.
  14. Case Study: Farming the Cerrado
    The case “Farming the Cerrado” documents the advantages and disadvantages of expansion in soybean farming in Brazil.
  15. Rebellion on the Animal Farm: Need to Rise Against Pigs
    The pigs’ tyranny envelops various spheres of the animals’ lives, from stolen products, such as milk and apples, to abusing the community representatives’ amount of work.
  16. The Shortage of Labor and Inability of European Farmers: Slave Trade
    The shortage of labor and the inability of European farmers to find alternative sources of it are the major factors that influenced the growth of the transatlantic slave trade.
  17. Organic Farming Methods: Pest Management Methods
    The organic farming techniques aim is providing highest nutritional foodstuffs with little effect on the natural environment.
  18. The Great Depression and the New Deal Farm Policies
    The years of the great depression were characterized by poverty, high unemployment, deflation, low profits and plunging farm incomes.
  19. The Current American Food Situation Influenced by the Immigrant Farmers
    This research paper is concerned with finding out about the States’ food system and how immigrant farmers contribute to the food situation in current American society.
  20. The Agrarian Protest: Causes, Farmers Alliances, Break Up
    The Agrarian Protest made a distinctive feature in the history of America, the protests were largely brought about by the American farmers against the economic ills at this time.
  21. Issue for Farmers in Developing Countries
    Agriculture is a very important sector in the whole world economy since it makes available, food to every living person.
  22. Gender Identities Within the Farm Family
    The major phenomenon considered in the article is the development of gender identities within the farm family living in Northern Ireland.
  23. Effective Techniques for Building a Raccoon-Proof Chicken Coop
    Adopting the idea of Novella Carpenter about farming and taking care of animals, I would like to share my experience of farming and building a raccoon-proof chicken coop.
  24. Future Farming Innovations: The Role of Genetically Modified Organisms
    There are many debates about benefits and limitations of GMOs, but so far, scientists fail to prove that the advantages of these organisms are more numerous than the disadvantages.
  25. Exploring Farming and Hydroponics Systems in the Delmarva Area
    Delmarva is a peninsula that is situated at the East Coast of the United States. It covers vast areas of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.
  26. Immokalee City Development: Weighing the Options Between Farming and Gambling
    It is necessary to note that economy can benefit from investment into development of education and training as the population is quite young.
  27. Conventional Farming vs Hydroponic
    Conventional farming utilizes pesticides and other land requirements to facilitate crop yield. However, pest and plant diseases continue to plague conventional farming.

🎓 Most Interesting Farming Research Titles

  1. Multi-Objective Optimization and Design of Farming Systems
  2. Agriculture and Organic Farming
  3. Farming During the Late Nineteenth Century
  4. Entry and Exit From Farming in North Carolina, 1978-87
  5. Organic Farming Can Not Feed the World
  6. Differences Between Conventional and Organic Farming
  7. Farming Safety and Production
  8. Cost Structure and Vertical Integration Between Farming and Processing
  9. Factory Farming Should Not Be Allowed in America
  10. Alabama’s Forestry and Farming Industries
  11. Exit From Farming and Land Abandonment in Northern Norway
  12. Land Allotment and the Decline of American Indian Farming
  13. Keynesian Economics and Farming
  14. Chinese Peasant Choices: Migration, Rural Industry, or Farming
  15. Ancient Egypt’s Farming System
  16. Hog Farming and the Dangers to the Air and Water
  17. Animal Rights and the Tragedies of Factory Farming
  18. Organic Farming and Organic Food
  19. Ancient Rome: Farming, Clothing, Sports, and Government
  20. Contract Farming: Theory and Practice
  21. Mussel Farming and Its Potential in the Baltic Sea
  22. Living With Low Inflation: Farming for Profit
  23. 19th Century Farming, American History
  24. Canada’s Forestry, Fishing, and Farming Industries
  25. Farming the Tambopata Reserve
  26. Contract Farming and Agricultural Development of Orissa
  27. Integrating Fish and Azolla Into Rice-Duck Farming in Asia
  28. Grass Conservation and Dairy Farming
  29. Financial and Economic Aspects of Urban Vegetable Farming
  30. Contract Farming and Outgrower Schemes in East and Southern Africa

💡 Simple Farming Essay Ideas

  1. Farming and the Soil in Our State Today
  2. California Drought and Organic Versus Conventional Farming
  3. Green House Farming and the World Food Crisis
  4. Hill and Upland Farming in the North of England
  5. Difference Between Organic and Conventional Foods and Farming
  6. Comparing Organic Farming and Conventional Farming
  7. Manmade Wetlands and Hog Farming
  8. Land Transfers and Agrarian Changes in Individual Farming
  9. Fish Farming: Meeting the World’s Demand for Fish Supply
  10. Organic Farming and the Food Industry
  11. Health, Health Insurance, and Decision to Exit From Farming
  12. Agriculture Farming and Subsistence Farming
  13. Fish Farming Through Community Participation in Assam
  14. Farming Systems and the Common Market
  15. Nile Basin Farming Systems and Productivity
  16. Farm Size and the Organization of U.S. Crop Farming
  17. Farming Methods and Food Crisis
  18. Improvement Strategies for Farming Systems in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia
  19. Factors Influencing the Conversion to Organic Farming in Norway
  20. Factory Farming and Its Effects on the Environment
  21. Fossil Energy and Ghg Saving Potentials of Pig Farming in the EU
  22. Farming During the Daily Lives of Ancient Egypt
  23. Market Signals for Organic Farming
  24. Farming During the 1930s
  25. Information and the Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies
  26. Agriculture and Animal Farming
  27. Absolute and Comparative Sustainability of Farming Enterprises in Bulgaria
  28. Kenya Ameru Tribe People Crops Farming
  29. Factors That Affect the Use of Herbicides in Philippine Rice Farming Systems
  30. Free Range Farming Should Be Banned

❓ Research Question about Farmers

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Are Organic Farming Practices Safer?
  2. Can Commercial Farming Promote Rural Dynamism in Sub-Saharan Africa?
  3. Why Did Deflation During the Late 1800s Hurt Farmers?
  4. Does Climate-Smart Village Approach Influence Gender Equality in Farming Households?
  5. Are Italian Farming Households Actually Poorer Than Other Non-agricultural Households?
  6. What Are the Barriers to Adopting Carbon Farming Practices?
  7. Can Organic Farming Feed the World?
  8. Are Farmers More Dependent on Rural Communities Than Rural Communities Are Dependent on Farmers?
  9. Who Are Today’s Farmers and What Are Their Educational Needs?
  10. Does Carbon Farming Provide a Cost‐Effective Option to Mitigate GHG Emissions?
  11. Can Seaweed Farming Play a Role in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation?
  12. Was the Federal Government Biased Against Farmers and Workers in the Late 19th Century?
  13. How Does Corporate Farming Affect the Overall Health of Livestock?
  14. Does Contract Farming Improve Welfare?
  15. Can Organic Farming Reduce Vulnerabilities and Enhance the Resilience of the European Food System?
  16. What Motivates Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Change?
  17. Are African Female Farmers Disadvantaged in the Microfinance Lending Market?
  18. Can Small Farmers Survive in a Globalized World?
  19. How Does Farming Change Between Bredon Hill and Birmingham?
  20. Does Certified Organic Farming Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Agricultural Production?
  21. Should Farmers Forced the Gas Exploration on Their Lands?
  22. How Did Railroad Development Affect Midwestern Farmers?
  23. Does Rice Farming Shape Individualism and Innovation?
  24. Are Australian and United States Farmers Using Soil Information for Soil Health Management?
  25. What Are the Key Constraints in the Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Africa?
  26. Did China’s Tax-for-Fee Reform Improve Farmers’ Welfare in Rural Areas?
  27. How Does Organic Farming Affect the Environment?
  28. What Factors Affect the Distribution of Direct Payments Among Farmers in the EU Member States?
  29. Are Organic Farmers Really Better Off Than Conventional Farmers?
  30. Can Organic Farmers Produce Enough Food to Feed the World?

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