101 Fiction Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Fiction

✍️ Fiction Essay Topics for College

  1. Theme of Sexuality from Both Fiction and Non-Fiction Context
    This essay is intended to explain the connection and differences between sexuality portrayed in imaginary narratives and that based on facts.
  2. Pulp Fiction as Iconic Gangster Cinema
    Pulp Fiction is analyzed from the standpoints of genre theory, presenting it as a prominent example of gangster films and describing the work’s design techniques.
  3. Science Fiction as “Literature of Change”
    Science fiction as a genre of modern literature is organically integrated into the public worldview in the humanitarian culture of the 20th and early 21st centuries.
  4. Fiction Elements in Chopin’s The Story of an Hour
    In 1984, Kate Chopin published a short story titled “The Story of an Hour”. The independence of a woman is one of the core topics explored in “The Story of an Hour.”
  5. The Novel “Hoot” by Carl Hiaasen: Domestic and Adventure Fiction Traits
    The paper examines Hiaasen’s novel “Hoot”, determining its features of domestic and adventure fiction, as well as exploring the essentials of this book – plot, characters, ideas.
  6. Science Fiction Then and Now
    This paper compares classic scientific fiction from prominent writers (Heinlein, Asimov, Bradbury) and recent science-fiction writers (Tim Maly, Mike Krath, Jack London).
  7. Summary of “Women in Diaspora: A Study of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Fiction”
    To survive and compete in the USA, the Indian women retrospect and recognize the requirements of the new culture.
  8. Newspeak as a Language of Fiction
    Newspeak can be defined as a language of fiction that was invented by a writer called George Orwell in his book called “Nineteen Eighty-Four”.
  9. Human Behavior Depicted in Science Fiction Works
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the situation described in the novels Fahrenheit 451, Night and Things Fall Apart and the changes in human behavior brought out in them.
  10. Standards of Quality Prose Fiction
    High quality prose fiction is characterized by several unique features. These features include a properly chosen point of view, precise themes, appropriate stylistic devices.
  11. Science Fiction in Qaqish’s “Before Arrival” Film
    In this paper, the elements of science fiction that are displayed in the film “Before Arrival” by Joseph Qaqish will be analyzed.
  12. Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill Films by Quentin Tarantino
    The director of the films Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill is Quentin Tarantino. In each Tarantino created an entire universe in which the heroes of his movies live.
  13. History vs. Fiction of Oroonoko, Inkle and Yarico
    There are uncertainties as to what is absolute truth or exaggeration within fiction based on stories told centuries ago. That is the case with Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko.
  14. The Definition of the Science Fiction
    To define science fiction, one should first look more closely at the two parts its name consists of – science and fiction.
  15. The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Fiction and Science
    Although there are numerous technological advancements, not many of them have caused such a tremendous controversy as artificial intelligence.
  16. Artificial Intelligence in Scientific and Fiction Works
    I decided to research what possible benefits can come from cooperation between scientists and science fiction writers regarding the negative image of artificial intelligence.

👍 Good Fiction Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. “The Revenge of Babylon”: Historical Fiction Story
    This paper aims to present a historical fiction story titled “The Revenge of Babylon” – an original own short piece of historical fiction.
  2. The “Criminal Minds” and “Brady Bunch” Fiction Films
    Schwartz and Thomas produce great movies which are watched worldwide. They are of great importance to society and change the lives of people.
  3. Compare and Contrast Fiction Analysis
    Both The Cathedral and A Rose for Emily use characterization and symbolism as stylistic devices to share the positive and negative effects of embracing transformations in society.
  4. Contrast Between the Women of Fact and Women as Portrayed in Fiction
    In the “What if Shakespeare Had Had a Sister” article, Virginia Woolf imagines the possibility of a female Shakespeare and the things that would have become of her.
  5. Decolonization Through Fiction: Indigenous Horror in Canada
    North American cinema was largely synonymous with Hollywood-made films. Canadian Indigenous films represent a new distinctive branch of independent North American cinema.
  6. Implications of Fiction for Children
    Fiction is a genre of literature that involves invented characters, usually in prose. This paper discusses the implications of fiction for children, both negative and positive.
  7. Ursula Le Guin: Science Fiction Genre Writer Career
    As one of the most prolific and innovative science fiction writers, Ursula K. Le Guin has definitely left her mark on the landscape of science fiction as a genre.
  8. Facts From Fiction and From the Internet
    With the abundance of information that is thrown at Internet users from every corner of every site, the range of false data is huge, and taking this information may cost well-being.
  9. Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction Novels
    Many writers created stories and novels in the science fiction genre in an attempt to predict how the life where robots are not just machines but equal members of society would be.
  10. American Dream as a Symbol of Hopelessness in Gothic Fiction
    This paper aims to provide evidence that the characters of Lutie Johnson and Robin both failed to fulfill the American Dream.
  11. “Why We Need More Science in Fiction?” by A. Gambis
    In this speech, Gambis discusses his scientific work. His main intention is to convince the audience that real science can be entertaining and inspiring for filmmakers.
  12. The Mix of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in the Fiction Unit
    This paper examines the manner in the different authors have embraced the concept of race, ethnicity, and culture.
  13. Postmodern Ideas and Realism in Works of Fiction
    Postmodernism is a broad academic term that came into the limelight in the mid- 1980s. It refers to certain aspects of works done after the Second World War.
  14. Cyber-Science, Fiction or Modern Reality?
    According to the authors, within the matter of the next twenty years, people will not only be able to enhance their physical existence by becoming increasingly cyborg-like.
  15. Exploring How Young Adult Fiction Shapes and Influences Personal Worldviews
    In “Darkness too visible,” Gurdon discusses the problem of young adult fiction, which often appears to be too brutal and gory to be introduced to young readers.
  16. Gender Representation in Fiction: A Sociological Perspective
    This paper addresses the question of why people study literature from the perspective of gender using three books, “Beloved,” “Bros before Hos,” and “Becoming 100% Straight.”
  17. Concept of the Fiction in Writing
    In writing, fiction is a type of story that can be characterized by a specific set of features. Fiction commonly refers to the kind of setting or a scenario that was made up by the author.
  18. Good Faith by Jane Smiley: Real Estate Ethics in Fiction
    The book ‘Good Faith’ by Jane Smiley is a master piece that brings out ethics in real estate using fiction in a way that not only entertains, but also very educative.

🎓 Most Interesting Fiction Research Titles

  1. Fiction and Human Society
  2. Chinese and Japanese Similar Fiction Stories
  3. Language Race and Identity Creative Non-Fiction
  4. Fact, Fiction, and Perception: Understanding Schizophrenia
  5. Fiction and Devilish Woman Epithet
  6. Juvenile and Young Adult Mystery Fiction Analysis
  7. Immigrant Fiction: Treading the Narrow Path
  8. Literature Theory and Gothic Fiction
  9. Monetary Policy Inertia: Fact or Fiction
  10. Historical Fiction and Its Importance in Society
  11. Feminist Science Fiction Analysis
  12. Popular Fiction and Development Studies
  13. Dismembering the American Dream: The Life and Fiction of Richard Yates
  14. African Americans and Their Evolution in Fiction and Nonfiction
  15. European Stock Market Integration: Fact or Fiction
  16. Madame Bovary and Techniques in Fiction
  17. Making Physics More Realistic with Fiction
  18. Fiction and the Portrayal of Management Leadership
  19. Imperialism, Colonialism, and Identity in 20th-Century Fiction
  20. Gothic Fiction: The Representation of Evil in Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto
  21. Facts and Fiction Regarding John F. Kennedy
  22. Fact and Faith Within Detective Fiction
  23. Humor and Science Fiction by Kurt Vonnegut
  24. Literary Fiction and Self-Discovery
  25. King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table: Fact or Fiction
  26. Fiction Comparisons Through Symbolism and Settings: “A Pair of Tickets” and “Volar”
  27. George Orwell’s Fiction Novel 1984
  28. Facts and Fiction Regarding the Bermuda Triangle
  29. Nineteen Minutes: Fiction Imitating Reality
  30. Fact, Legend, and Fiction of King Arthur

💡 Simple Fiction Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Fiction and Australian Identity
  2. Film and Broadcast Fiction
  3. Gender and Sexuality Debates in the Genre of Science Fiction
  4. Narrative Fiction and the Portrayal of Female Characters
  5. American Lit: Regionalism, Gothic Fiction, and Naturalism
  6. Bermuda Triangle: Facts vs. Fiction
  7. Demonic Possession and Exorcisms: Fact or Fiction
  8. Facts and Fiction Regarding Jack the Ripper
  9. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: Fact & Fiction
  10. Altered Cognition and the Reading of Fiction
  11. Dubois and Washington: Realism in Fiction
  12. Native American Fiction Analysis
  13. Fiction and Basic Terms
  14. Monetary Policy and Financial Imbalances: Facts and Fiction
  15. Japanese Long Fiction Analysis
  16. Dystopian Fiction Often Paints a Frightening Picture of the Future
  17. Genre and Narrative Establishment in the Opening of Pulp Fiction, the Krays, and Goodfellas
  18. Crossing: Fiction and Story
  19. Combining Fact and Fiction in the Writing of Frederick Douglass’ The Heroic Slave
  20. American Politics Through Film and Fiction
  21. Feminism and Gender Bias in Science Fiction
  22. Literary Fiction and Commercial Fiction
  23. Henry James and the Art of Fiction Term
  24. Danielle Steel’s The Ring – A Thin Line Between Fiction and Reality
  25. French Mystery Fiction Analysis
  26. Anne Bronte’s Gothic Romantic Fiction
  27. Fiction and the Depiction of Women
  28. Fiction Works and Conceiving of Creative Writing in Literature
  29. Asian Mystery Fiction Analysis
  30. African American Long Fiction Analysis

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "101 Fiction Essay Topics." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/fiction-essay-topics/.

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