72 Franchising Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Franchising

✍️ Franchising Essay Topics for College

  1. National Dental Franchise Planning
    The main objective of the Healthcare organization is to ensure safety and earn patients’ trust by providing the best dental services and consultations.
  2. The Hospitality Industry Management and Franchising Contracts
    Both management and franchising contracts benefit the hotel industry, as they allow hotels to enter new markets, implement innovations, and increase their profits.
  3. Franchise, Crowdsourcing, and Retailer Business Models
    A business model is simply the strategy chosen by a business owner to make money and deliver value to customers.
  4. E-Business Model Evaluation of the Mitsis Hotels Franchise
    Mistis Hotels is a well-designed, robust e-business model with many strengths. The franchise has a clear digital and marketing strategy.
  5. Rhetorical Strategies of FIFA Franchise
    The website central to this review provides its viewers with reasons for either pre-ordering or waiting on the newest instalment in the FIFA franchise, FIFA 22.
  6. Professional Sports Franchises
    Athletic organizations are perceived to be among the organizations that generate the most profit. However, in running these organizations management is faced with serious problems.
  7. Business Structure for Pilates Studio Franchise
    The idea to open a Pilates Studio franchise needs analysis of various legal forms to understand the business structures work and choose the one meeting all requirements.
  8. Franchising: Advantages and Disadvantages
    A confirmed or established business format is prudent for sports-related ventures owing to limited time to form such businesses.
  9. Franchise Firm Entry Time
    The authors aimed to show how franchises in Spain established in the early 1950s – 1980s have been able to survive for so long due to their early entry into the market.
  10. Hospitality Property Management: Ownership and Franchising Issues, Impacts of Servicescape and Sustainability on the Hospitality Industry
    This discussion will look at hospitality property management, paying special attention to the effects of ownership, franchising issues, impacts of servicescape, and sustainability.
  11. The Thai Lay Fashion Company: Franchising
    The initial franchise fee for obtaining a license will help to bring in capital at a later stage which can be used to develop the business. This paper is a marketing plan for the franchise business plan.
  12. Franchise Firms & Economies of Scale: Benefits & Challenges
    Franchise firms are the small businesses that are operated in such a way that they deal with goods of large corporations. They usually buy the products from the corporation at a discounted price.
  13. Where to Buy American Flatbread in Indiana
    American Flatbread is a company that believes in a return to the original bread roots and offers various products with wholesome ingredients.
  14. HMV’s Potential Expansion Into Saudi Arabia’s Music Market
    HMV or ‘His Master’s Voice’ as it is commonly known, is a British company engaged in the entertainment (music and movies) business.
  15. How Many Local Franchises Have Used the Best Ideas and Strategies for Success
    Many local franchises are working hard to become international brands. The decision to introduce a local brand in an international market is not easy.

👍 Good Franchising Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Rebranding Strategies and Success Stories in Franchising
  2. Definition and Evolution of Franchising
  3. Effective Marketing and Advertising Strategies in Franchising
  4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising for Entrepreneurs
  5. The Role of Franchising in the Modern Business Landscape
  6. Co-Op Advertising in Franchising: Benefits and Implementation
  7. Conducting Feasibility Studies for Franchising Ventures
  8. Emerging Trends in the Franchising Industry
  9. Franchising Models: Understanding the Different Types
  10. The Regulation of Franchising in the New Global Economy
  11. Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Franchising: Challenges and Solutions
  12. Financing Strategies for Franchising: Options and Approaches
  13. The Effect of Contract Regulation on Franchising
  14. International Franchising: Opportunities and Challenges
  15. The Law and Regulation of Franchising in the EU
  16. Navigating Global Markets Through International Franchising
  17. The Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship in Franchising
  18. Evolution in Franchising: Trends and New Perspectives
  19. Multiple-Unit Ownership in Franchising: Advantages and Considerations
  20. The Role of Franchising Brands in Driving Positive Social Change
  21. Ethical Sourcing and Responsible Supply Chain Management in Franchising
  22. Selecting the Right Franchising Opportunity: Factors to Consider
  23. Philanthropic Efforts in Franchising: Impact and Benefits
  24. The Role of Franchising in Modern Business
  25. International Expansion Through Franchising: Opportunities and Challenges

🎓 Most Interesting Franchising Research Titles

  1. The Entrepreneurial Journey of a Franchisee in Franchising
  2. Franchisee Training and Support: A Pillar of Success in Franchising
  3. Tailoring Localized Marketing Strategies for Franchise Units in Franchising
  4. Resolving Franchisee-Franchisor Disputes: Strategies and Prevention in Franchising
  5. Green Franchising: Reducing Environmental Footprints
  6. The Influence of Franchisee Associations in Supporting Franchisees in Franchising
  7. Securing Investment Capital for Franchise Growth in Franchising
  8. Building and Nurturing a Strong Franchise Brand: Strategies and Challenges in Franchising
  9. Key Financial Performance Metrics in Franchising
  10. Evolution of Franchising and Franchise Contracts
  11. Franchising, Vertical Integration, and Vertical Restraints
  12. Crisis Management in Franchising: Safeguarding Brand Reputation
  13. Franchisee Satisfaction and Success Stories in Franchising
  14. The Integral Role of Franchise Marketing in Attracting Customers in Franchising
  15. Employee Welfare in Franchise Units: Best Practices in Franchising
  16. Dual Organizational Structures in Franchising
  17. Franchisee Contributions to Local Communities in Franchising
  18. Evaluating the Impact of Online Reviews on Franchise Reputation in Franchising
  19. Harnessing the Power of Social Media in Franchise Marketing in Franchising
  20. Franchising and the New EU and UK Vertical Block Exemptions
  21. Royalty Rate Structure in Case of Franchising
  22. Innovations by Franchisees: Enhancing the Franchise System in Franchising
  23. Cultivating Franchise Brand Loyalty: Strategies for Building Customer Relationships in Franchising
  24. Analyzing the Economics of the Franchising Business Model
  25. Ethical Considerations in Franchising: Codes of Conduct and Values

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StudyCorgi. "72 Franchising Essay Topics." September 16, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/franchising-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "72 Franchising Essay Topics." September 16, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/franchising-essay-topics/.

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