128 Homer Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Homer

✍️ Homer Essay Topics for College

  1. Father-Son Relationships in Homer’s “The Odyssey”
    By focusing on the father-son relationship, Homer reveals what was important to the ancient Greeks and what should still be important to us today.
  2. Olympic and Funeral Games in “The Iliad” by Homer
    Homer’s “Iliad” is a full-scale artistic discovery made in the cradle of world culture — Ancient Greece. This is one of the first epic poems in the history of mankind.
  3. The Concept of “Therapon” in Homer’s “Iliad”
    Homer’s poem “Iliad” uses a concept of “therapon” which is not typical for any of other writers of those times and of modern times as well.
  4. God’s Anthropomorphism and Divinity in Homer’s Poem “Iliad”
    In the “Iliad”, Homer depicts gods as supernatural creatures who live following the rules. Gods are characterized by all human features.
  5. Homer, His Works and Homeric Culture
    Homer is known as the most significant Greek and Roman writer. In the olden days, the Romans and the Greeks only believed they were educated if they could quote his poems.
  6. Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey — Comparison & Critique
    The stories of both have been repeated countless times and used in cultural references and in making big budget movies which speaks of their pervasive affect.
  7. The Poem “The Iliad” by Homer: Hector’s Character
    The poem “The Iliad” by Homer, depicts many different leadership images, however, some of them are more vivid than others. For example, one of these characters is Hector.
  8. Graphic Novel’s Art in Homer’s and Hinds’ “The Odyssey”
    The paper states that Hinds’ graphic novel adaptation of “The Odyssey” is a serious work of art that honors Homer and the original text.
  9. Guest-Host Relationships in Homer’s ‘Odyssey’
    The relationship between a host and a guest is one of the most important themes that Homer portrays in his epic “The Odyssey”.
  10. Penelope’s Resilience in Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’
    As “The Odyssey” story progresses, Penelope is seen to have a strength of her own that has nothing to do with the physical strength prized by the men of her world.
  11. Heroic Code in Homer’s Iliad
    Homer’s Iliad is somewhat unique among the ancient tales because of its tendency to include human features in its heroes.
  12. Homer’s “Iliad”, Its Effect and Relevance
    This paper analyzes Homer’s poem and its effect as an object of comparison to modern life and values, stating that despite the apparent difference some aspects did not change.
  13. Glory of War in the Homer’s “Iliad”
    Homer forces the characters to choose war as a way of bringing fame to them thus ensuring that their names run down to future generations.
  14. Coelho’s Alchemist and Homer’s Odyssey: Theme Comparison
    The book alchemist has the story of a boy who had a dream of finding treasures which he finally found. The book of Odyssey Odysseus as a hero who had a long journey back to his land.
  15. The Warrior Culture in “The Iliad” by Homer
    The essay will concentrate on Paris as one of the major characters in The Illiad whose role was to portray the level in which the society valued the warrior culture.
  16. Poseidon, Penelope and Scylla in “The Odyssey” by Homer
    Homer’s “The Odyssey” is a classical epic story. Its plot represents a combination of simplicity and sophistication, as the basis of it is a hero’s journey home.
  17. Literature Studies: The Odyssey by Homer
    The favorite selection is the book that depicts Odysseus’s encounter with a giant, named Polyphemus. This part of the narrative portrays a breath-taking account of Odysseus’s ingenuity and courage.
  18. Building Blocks of “The Odyssey” by Homer
    This essay seeks to single out and explain central themes and the building blocks of Homer’s “The Odyssey”: hospitality, loyalty, and the conflict between reality and illusion.
  19. The Story of Telemachus in “The Odyssey” by Homer
    The nation’s state before and after the coronavirus pandemic is studied in the above article. Everyday life has changed in many ways due to the COVID-19 virus.
  20. Recognition in Sophocles’ ”Oedipus Rex” and Homer’s ”The Odyssey”
    The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the scenes of recognition in Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King” and Homer’s “The Odyssey.”
  21. Analysis of the “Odyssey” by Homer
    The “Odyssey’s” modernity is revealed in the overarching themes explored in the text, the use of symbols, the complex characters, and the poem’s representation of women.
  22. The Troy Film Inspired by Homer’s Iliad
    The Troy film is based on Homer’s Iliad work, though it does not completely represent the original work in Homer’s literature the plot and characters seem to be similar.
  23. Gilgamesh and Homer’s Achilles as Epic Heroes
    Gilgamesh and Achilles depart from their comfortable lives and set off on a journey of discovery; they are initiated after enduring hardships that try their character.
  24. Passage Analysis from “The Odyssey” by Homer
    The paper discusses “The Odyssey”. It is one of the famous and classic poems of the ancient Greek poet Homer, familiar to every thinking person.
  25. The Poem “Odyssey” by Homer: Episode with Cyclops
    The importance of the episode with cyclops to the plot of the poem “Odyssey” by Homer is supported by the fact that it changes the fate of the heroes.
  26. Insignificance of the Doloneia in Homer’s “The Iliad”
    The Doloneia included a number of archaisms, which create the illusion of the ancient past, although this approach to antiquity has not been used by Homer throughout the story.
  27. Love in “The Odyssey” by Homer, St. Augustine’s “Confessions”, and in Dante’s “Inferno”
    The work investigates the interpretation of love in such works as The Odyssey by Homer, St. Augustine’s Confessions, and Dante’s Inferno.
  28. Ancient Literature. Decision Making in Iliad by Homer
    The whole epic in ‘Iliad’ comes because of the Paris declaring the wrong goddess to be the most beautiful, which became the root cause of the war between Greeks and Trojans.

👍 Good Homer Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Five Priorities for Wisest Life: “The Odyssey” by Homer
    This paper discusses five priorities for living the wisest possible life according to character and moral examples derived from Homer’s “The Odyssey”.
  2. The Poem “The Odyssey” by Homer: Story of the Sirens
    When it comes to the story of the Sirens in Homer’s poem “The Odyssey”, the first mention of them comes from the goddess Circe.
  3. Roles of Women in “The Odyssey” by Homer
    The Odyssey was written at a time when men played a key role in society. This paper discusses the role of women as seductive beings in The Odyssey.
  4. “Sundiata” by Niane and “The Odyssey” by Homer Review
    Sundiata by Niane and The Odyssey by Homer are epic poems from different cultures and eras – 13th century West Africa and 8th century Greece respectively.
  5. The Influence of the Epics of Homer “The Illiad” and “The Odyssey” on Modern Civilization
    “The Illiad” and “The Odyssey” are excellent illustrations of the ancient Greek social structure, which later became the basis for the development of democracy.
  6. Achilles and Hector in The Iliad by Homer: Comparison
    Achilles and Hector are two heroic characters in Homer’s classic Iliad and both these fearless warriors display honour and virtue in their characters.
  7. Homer’s Odyssey in Ancient Greece’s Reality
    Odyssey shines in the way of resembling the ancient Greek worldviews: personal renown, generous hospitality, widespread superstitions, and an overwhelming fatalism.
  8. The Iliad by Homer: Interpretation in Art
    In the “Iliad,” Homer tells the story of how the murderer was able to repent and remember when he still had a soul. Achilles is presented in the book as evil.
  9. Achilles in The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer
    Achilles was the Achaian army’s best warrior, honorable, strong, and proud. The Iliad is about the Trojan Conflict and how Achilles’ rage and power affect the war.
  10. Achilles’ Second Self in The Iliad by Homer
    When analyzing the events of Homer’s The Illiad, one can note that Achilles’ visible personality can intersect with another, which is called the second self.
  11. Why Homer’s Odyssey Is Important to Human Communities
    The Odyssey is an epic poem written by the ancient Greek author Homer, narrating the hero’s life during the Trojan War.
  12. Fathers and Sons in “The Odyssey” by Homer
    The play “The Odyssey” by Homer explores the human family values and the relationships between father and son.
  13. The Myth and History Relationship in Homer’s Iliad
    The paper will examine the connection between myth and history to comprehend Greek civilization through Homeric poetry.
  14. The Man Ideal and Women Image in “The Odyssey” by Homer
    The Odyssey is one of the most significant epic poems in the history of literature. The author used various literary devices to make the work outstanding.
  15. The Poem “The Iliad” by Homer: Achilles’ Motivation in Ransoming Hector
    In Homer’s poem “The Iliad”, Achilles ransomed Hector’s body to return it safely to his family for proper burial to prevent further anger from the gods.
  16. Analysis of Homer’s Idea of Excellence
    This essay aims to analyze and illustrate the hero between Hector and Achilles, considering each individual’s viewpoint for participating in the battle.
  17. Homer’s Odysseus as a Favorite Hero
    Homer’s memo emphasizes how great a leader Odysseus is in the book. He demonstrates taking risks, achieving a goal, and demonstrating what a true leader is.
  18. “The Iliad of Homer” by Butler
    Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad, raises some existential questions pertaining to the roles of humans and gods in determining destiny.
  19. ”The Odyssey” by Homer: A Greek Poem Analysis
    Although Odyssey is an Ancient Greek poem, it is interesting to read even nowadays, when people got used to twisted plots.
  20. Homer “Odysseus”: Plot and Aspects
    The main plot of the series revolves around Odysseus’ return home after the Trojan War. God Poseidon set up a terrible sea storm.
  21. King Odysseus from Homer’s Epic “The Odyssey”
    This analysis focuses on the character of king Odysseus, the main figure of Homer’s epic “The Odyssey”. King Odysseus represents a complex personality of a hero and a ruler.
  22. Travel Motive in Homer’s “The Odyssey”
    One of the most important ideas of The Odyssey is that each journey is not just an adventure, but a change in worldview and an overcoming of boundaries.
  23. Homer’s Iliad and Sophocles’ Three Theban Plays
    The article is an analysis of Homer’s “Iliad” and Sophocles’ “Three Theban Pieces” – plays proving the greatness of ancient Greek literature.
  24. Heroism in “Odyssey” by Homer and “Inferno” by Dante
    This work aims to study such an aspect of human experience as heroism in Odyssey by Homer and Inferno by Dante Alighieri.
  25. Caution and Restraint in Books 17-20 of Homer’s “The Odyssey”
    Books 17-20 of Homer’s “The Odyssey” concentrate on Odysseus’ arrival to his palace in a beggar’s disguise and the adventures surrounding his unannounced return.
  26. “The Iliad” by Homer: Using of Suppliancy
    Most ancient Greek writers used suppliancy in poetry and short stories and this became a unique identification mark amongst writers from various regions of the world.
  27. Women in Homer’s World
    Though the Homer’s world is patriarchal, there are some outstanding women like Andromache, Helen and Briseis who play very vital roles in the play.
  28. “Iliad” by Homer and “A Thousand and One Nights”: Comparison
    The paper compares “Iliad” by Homer and “A Thousand and One Nights” by their main characteristics: supernatural power, theme-dream, use of symbols, and settings.
  29. Gods in Homer’s “Odyssey”
    Analyzing Homer’s works, an interesting concept can be examined through the role of gods in his Odyssey and Iliad.
  30. Good Wife Penelope in Homer’s “The Odyssey”
    The extraordinary zest displayed by Penelope in protecting her husband’s kingdom becomes the highlight of the book and many more characters have been inspired by her character.
  31. Penelope and Weaving in Homer’s “The Odyssey”
    The status of women in ancient Greece was not the same kind of freedom women experience in today’s republics, despite the rumors of Athens’ greatness and equality.
  32. Father-Son Dynamics in Homer’s “Odyssey”: A Deep Analysis
    Being one of the most famous Ancient Greek plays, “Odyssey” has entered the realm of global culture, having left its mark on countless artworks and generations of readers.
  33. Homer Biography
    Homer is known to be the founder of the written poetry in the Western cultural history. His works are the first fixed examples of Greek poems that are currently available to the historians.

🎓 Most Interesting Homer Research Titles

  1. Homer, Plato, and Dante: Historical View on Women’s History
  2. Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’ and Mythical Monsters
  3. Destiny, Fate, Free Will, and Free Choice in Homer’s Iliad
  4. Homer’s Comparison and Contrast of the Gods in Homer’s Epics With the God of the Hebrews
  5. Greek Rhetoric and Argument in Homer’s Iliad
  6. Conflict Within the Mythology of the Iliad by Homer
  7. Homer’s ‘The Iliad From Achilles’ Point of View: Justifying His Actions and Attitude
  8. Did Homer’s Troy Exist?
  9. Achilles: The Great Warrior in Homer’s Iliad
  10. The Life and Work of Homer
  11. Homer Suggests That the Women Odysseus Important to Penelope
  12. History and the Epic Poems of Homer
  13. Homer and His Impact on the Greek Culture
  14. Greek Culture and ‘The Iliad’ by Homer
  15. Comparing the Deceitful Women of Homer’s Odyssey and the Bible
  16. Classical Cannibalism: Personified Vice in Homer and Dante
  17. Divine Power and ‘The Iliad’ by Homer
  18. Ancient Greece and Roles for Women as Portrayed by Homer
  19. Continental Drift and Homer
  20. The Fates and the Gods and Goddesses in Homer’s Iliad
  21. Homer and Greek Classics
  22. Godlike and Human Characteristics of Odysseus in Odyssey by Homer
  23. Homer’s Women: Empowerment From an Unlikely Feminist
  24. Homer Simpson and Contemporary American Values of Fatherhood
  25. The Greek and Hebrew of the Bible and Homer’s The Odyssey
  26. Fate, Divinity, and Free Will as the Three Dimensions in Homer’s The Iliad
  27. Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’ and Substance Abuse
  28. Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’ and Women
  29. Homer’s ‘The Iliad’ and Classifications of Women
  30. Mortal Versus Immortal Women in the Odyssey, a Poem by Homer

💡 Simple Homer Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Goddesses Calypso and Circe in Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’
  2. Revenge, Justice, and Destiny – The Major Themes in Homer’s Iliad
  3. Minor Characters Which Shift the Plot of Odyssey by Homer
  4. Loyalty Conflicts Between Family and State in Homer’s Odyssey
  5. Homer and William Shakespeare’s Portrayal of Women
  6. Homer’s Biography and Bibliography
  7. Odysseus’ Relationships with Women in Homer’s The Odyssey
  8. Discuss Similarities and Differences Between Homer’s Iliad and the Movie Troy
  9. Character Foils for Odysseus by Homer
  10. Relationships Between the Gods and Mortals in Homer’s ‘Iliad’
  11. Homer His Life and His Works
  12. Gladiator Compared with ‘The Odyssey’ by Homer
  13. Destiny, Fate, and Free Will in Homer’s Odyssey – Test for Destiny
  14. Odyssey: Homer’s Epic Poem Is the World’s Most Influential Story
  15. Symbolism, Imagery, and Diction in Homer’s Odyssey
  16. Divine Providence and Destiny in Homer’s Iliad
  17. Diomedes, the True Hero of Homer’s Iliad
  18. Homer: Iliad, Odyssey, Greek History
  19. Similarities Between the Underworld of Homer‘s Odyssey
  20. Hospitality Gives Diligent Care to Visitors in The Odyssey by Homer
  21. Homer: The Most Famous Greek Poet
  22. Ancient Greek Civilization Aspects Glimpsed in The Odyssey by Homer
  23. Aristotle’s Views and Comment on the Epic of Homer
  24. Homer’s Iliad and Greek Art
  25. The Cunning and Deceitful Women of Homer’s Odyssey
  26. Parental Care For the Sons and Sisyphean Challenge in the Works of Homer
  27. Gilgamesh and Homer: Motif Sets, Distinctions, and Similarities
  28. Homer and the Influence of Material Excess in Alexander Pope’s “The Rape of the Lock” and “The Dunciad”
  29. Joseph From the Bible, and Homer From the Odyssey
  30. Homer and the Trojan War

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