142 Mental Illness Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Mental Illness

✍️ Mental Illness Essay Topics for College

  1. Abnormality and Mental Illness in Social Psychology
    The first explanation of abnormality is nonconformity to social standards. The main problem with this definition is that social norms change quickly.
  2. Mental Illness: The Case Study
    This document presents the results of John Doe’s mental illness assessment histories. The interview was conducted to collect information about the client’s mental health condition.
  3. Relationship Between Brilliance and Mental Illness
    There is a popular myth that no great genius can exist without a dash of lunacy. The history of genius is littered with the names of disturbed minds.
  4. Mental Health, Mental Illness, Risk, & Resilience
    It needs to be said that the way mental health and mental illness are perceived has changed over the years, and a broad range of concepts has been developed.
  5. Isolation, Patriarchy, Materialism, and Mental Illness in “The Yellow Wallpaper”
    “The Yellow Wallpaper” utilizes a broad range of literary devices to explore the subservient state of women and the neglect of their mental health in late 19th-century America.
  6. Interventions for Homeless With Mental Illness
    This paper is an annotated bibliography of the five articles devoted to the topic of interventions for homeless with mental illness.
  7. Mental Illness and Work: Bipolar Disorder
    Bipolar disorder, previously termed manic depressive psychosis, is a serious mental illness characterized by mood swings with episodes of both elevated and depressed moods .
  8. Vincent Van Gogh and His Mental Illness
    This paper analyzes Van Gogh’s state of mind by studying his paintings and the time sequence of when they were painted from both the personal and social perspectives.
  9. Mental Illness: A Generalised Anxiety Disorder
    The paper presents a patient, who was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. He is in his second year at the university and experiences anxiousness challenges.
  10. Juvenile Mental Illness and Sex Offenders
    The paper looks at how mental illness affects the actions of young people who commit sexual crimes. It gives a more thorough grasp of the problem.
  11. Trauma Associated With Severe Mental Illness
    Severe psychological disorders are followed by harmful effects on organisms and might cause post-traumatic stress disorder, complicating mental health conditions.
  12. The Medical Model of Mental Illness
    A medical model is called a direction in psychology that explains mental illness through physical causes. The medical model connects problems with biological ones.
  13. Health Care Policy for Veterans With Mental Illness
    The paper discusses The National Research Action Plan as the current policy designed in 2013 to improve the health services for veterans, service members, and their families.
  14. Mental Illness and Mental Health
    Mental health issues are often overlooked in general medicine. However, they can impact an individual’s life as severely as many physical illnesses.
  15. Mental Illness for Brilliant People
    Mental illness is defined as a health condition with changes in one’s emotions and behavioral changes which accrue from stress or challenges after engaging in activities.
  16. Treatment of People With Severe Mental Illness
    This paper will argue that despite advances in medical treatment, the social perception and treatment of people with such issues have changed little.
  17. Incarceration and Mental Illness
    Mental health problems and their relation to prisoners and incarceration slowly became more evident in the last two decades.
  18. Mental Illness and Madness and Approach to Mental Disorders
    The biological approach is currently more typical for psychiatry, which, having a close connection with clinical psychology, considers mental disorders mainly from such positions.
  19. Problem of Mental Illness for the Individual and Society
    The paper states that any mental illness is a serious problem for the individual as well as for society. Mentally ill people can be dangerous.
  20. Mental Illness Diversion Program
    This paper will present a diversion program for people with mental illness, highlighting its most important points.
  21. Available Resources to Uninsured People With Mental Illness
    Uninsured patients with bipolar disorder have limited access to healthcare services because diagnosis, treatment, and management of the disorder are very expensive.

👍 Good Mental Illness Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Mental Illness Impact on Family Members-Caregivers in a Home Setting
    Mental health problems can be characterised as an anxiety disorder that can occur after someone has been through a traumatic event.
  2. Mental Illness in the Context of Home Caregiving
    This study aims at discovering the experiences of the members of the family who live with mentally ill relatives. Descriptive phenomenology will be used as the study method.
  3. Usher Syndrome and Mental Illness
    Usher syndrome’s negative impact on the human body cannot be overstated as there when this diagnosis is associated with various mental diseases such as schizophrenia.
  4. Teen Anorexia: Mental Illness and an Eating Disorder
    Adolescents have increasingly been diagnosed with anorexia. They often have a nervous type of pathology, which is a psychological illness and is accompanied by an eating disorder.
  5. Problems of Prisoners With Mental Illness
    The author argues that the criminal justice system in its current state provides for a much higher proportion of people with mental problems than the health care system itself.
  6. Nursing Care for Patients With Mental Illnesses
    Mental illness spans a great number of symptoms and indications. There are many types and degrees of mental illness. Anyone in any age, ethnic, or socioeconomic group can be impacted.
  7. Mental Illness and People of Color
    This study’s focus is the specific misconceptions and stigmas of people of color that contribute to mistrust and underutilization of healthcare services for mental illness.
  8. Stigmas of Mental Illness and People of Color
    This study explores the factors that contribute to misconceptions and stigmas related to mental illnesses and their treatment that are common in communities of people of color.
  9. Marginalized Women with Mental Illness
    This paper aims at exploring the specific features concerning the challenges that marginalized women with mental health problems encountered.
  10. The Prevalence of Mental Illness in the United States
    The prevalence of mental illness in the United States is high, and the number of people experiencing mental health conditions affects how society continues to function.
  11. Mental Illness and People of Color: Misconceptions and Stigmas
    This research examined the personal attitudes, mistrust, and stigma of people of color regarding mental health services and their influence on the utilization of these services.
  12. Stigma About Mental Illness Among Communities of People of Color
    The paper includes the actual rates of mental illness among ethnic and racial minorities, health disparities and their specific types.
  13. The Teaching Plan for Mental Illness
    The current teaching plan targets adolescents and young adults who struggle with mental illness. The proposed seminar falls under the domain of educational policies.
  14. Mental Illness and People of Color Misconceptions
    It should be noted that the term “mental illness” is rather vague, and various healthcare professionals may interpret it differently.
  15. Understanding Psychiatric Disorders: Mental Illness Treatment Strategies
    The combination of pharmacology and behavioral therapy can reduce the need for medication and provide an identical health outcome.
  16. Defining and Labeling Mental Illness
    The existence of mental-disorders has necessitated extensive studies for quite some time now. This owes to its undesirable impacts to the patient and the community.
  17. Experience of People With Mental Illness
    The passage outlined below deals with the experience of people with mental illness. Four groups, by name ‘focus groups’ have come forward with research programmes.
  18. Return to Work After Mental Illness: Intervention Strategies
    The paper identified different levels and types of intervention strategies available for the individuals who return to work after the recovery from mental illness.
  19. The Problem of Perception and Adaptation of Mental Illness With Families by Wilson
    The academic questions for this article are related to the methods used by Wilson in his work concerning the problem of perception and adaptation of mental illness with families.
  20. Understanding Mental Illness: Aspects of Schizophrenia
    There is a significant social stigma surrounding severe mental illness such as schizophrenia which leads to discrimination of not just the patient, but the whole family.
  21. Homeless People with Mental Illness and Healthcare
    This study answers the question of how should homeless people with mental illness be addressed, adopting a systematic literature review approach.
  22. Mental Illness Stigmatization in Media and Literature
    The problem of labeling persons with mental illnesses is actively discussed by psychologists, sociologists, and other researchers in the context of making stigmas.
  23. Schizophrenia: Physiological Basis of a Mental Illness
    Schizophrenia is mental illness with a genetic basis and its complexity is presents in form of chronic psychosis and the cognitive ability of the individual becomes impaired.
  24. Mental Illness History: Early Beliefs and Theories of Mental Health
    The theories of mental health have undergone a series of evolution over the ages. Psychologists have studied various facets of man’s character to develop a probable theory.

🎓 Most Interesting Mental Illness Research Titles

  1. Healthcare Concerning Mental Illness
  2. Behavioral Mental Illness: ADHD
  3. Anorexia and the History of Mental Illness
  4. Attitudes Toward Mental Illness 18th and 19th Century England
  5. Social Anxiety Disorder and Mental Illness
  6. Mental Illness and Social Justice
  7. Living With the Stigma of Mental Illness
  8. Mental Illness, Abuse, and Its Effect on Relationships
  9. The Correlation Between Religion and Mental Illness
  10. Poverty and Its Ensuing Mental Illness
  11. The Criminal Justice System and Mental Illness
  12. Mental Illness: The Main Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  13. Gun Control and Mental Illness
  14. Mental Illness Among African-Americans
  15. Domestic Violence, Women and Its Effects on Mental Illness
  16. Healthcare Delivery for Persons With Mental Illness
  17. Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Social Intervention
  18. Combat Ptsd and Other Forms of Mental Illness
  19. Dominant Attitudes Towards Mental Illness in Society
  20. Conquering Mental Illness Depression
  21. Suicide Risk and Mental Illness
  22. Bipolar Disorder and Mental Illness
  23. The Connection Between Mental Illness and Creativity
  24. Mental Illness and Its Effects
  25. The Genius and Mental Illness
  26. Mental Illness and Health Care For the Mentally Ill
  27. Alcohol and Drug Use Related to Mental Illness
  28. Biological and Genetic Explanations for Mental Illness
  29. Mental Illness and Its Effects on Our World
  30. Examining Stigmas Towards Children With Mental Illness

💡 Simple Mental Illness Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Art, Artists, and Mental Illness
  2. Differentiating Mental Illness From Mental Health
  3. Medications for Mental Illness
  4. Risk Factors for Mental Illness
  5. Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Problems
  6. The Moral Dilemma Surrounding the Mental Illness Medication
  7. Mental Illness Among Prisons and the United States
  8. Juvenile Offenders With Mental Illness
  9. Physical Mental Illness Adolescents
  10. Mental Illness Among the Elderly
  11. Correlation Between Mental Illness and Violence and Crime
  12. Mental Illness and Its Influence on His Writing Style
  13. Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Perspectives on Mental Illness
  14. Criminality and Mental Illness
  15. Some Economic and Demographic Consequences of Mental Illness
  16. Psychological and Legal Issues Associated With Mental Illness
  17. Mental Illness and Its Effects on the Brain
  18. Genomic Variation, Evolvability, and the Paradox of Mental Illness
  19. Combating Mental Illness Discrimination
  20. Mental Illness and Confidentiality Issues
  21. Contributing Factors for the Degradation in Mental Illness
  22. Discrimination Against People With Mental Illness in Wales
  23. Penal System and Mental Illness
  24. Mental Illness and Its Effect on Society
  25. Case Management for Homeless People With Mental Illness
  26. Factors Influencing Mental Illness Rates in Pakistan
  27. Mental Illness and Criminal Justice
  28. Mental Illness and Child Development
  29. Social Factors and Mental Illness
  30. Recovery From Mental Illness

❓ Mental Illness Research Questions

  1. How Does Social Context Influence the Experience of Mental Illness?
  2. At What Age Do Mental Illnesses Usually Manifest?
  3. What Is the Sociological Model of Mental Illness?
  4. How Does Mental Illness Affect Nutrition?
  5. What Is the Main Difference Between Abnormal Psychology and Mental Illness?
  6. Are Mental Illnesses Social Constructs?
  7. How Does Mental Illness Affect Criminal Behavior?
  8. What Is the Medical Model of Mental Illness?
  9. How Is Mental Illness Defined?
  10. Is Depression a Mental Illness or Mental Disorder?
  11. How Do Mental Illnesses Run in Families?
  12. What Does the Behavioral Model Say About the Cause of Mental Illness?
  13. Are Phobias a Mental Illness?
  14. How Is Psychopharmacology Utilized in the Treatment of Mental Illness?
  15. What Are Some of the Protective Factors to Avoid Mental Illness?
  16. How Does Stigma Affect People With Mental Illness?
  17. Is Mental Illness a Predictor of Violence?
  18. How Can Mental Illness Be Explained Using the Biopsychosocial Model?
  19. What Is Mental Illness According to the American Psychiatric Association?
  20. Are Personality Disorders Mental Illnesses?
  21. What Are the Main Types of Mental Illness Related to Eating Disorders?
  22. From What Perspective Were Mental Illnesses Considered in the Middle Ages?
  23. Can Mental Illness Cause Physical Symptoms?
  24. Do Social Factors Have an Influence on Mental Illnesses?
  25. What Are the Current Trends in the Use of Drugs to Treat Mental Illness?
  26. Is Mental Illness Genetic?
  27. How Does the Media Affect the Perception of Mental Illness?
  28. What Is the View of Mental Illness in Today’s Western Culture?
  29. What Is the Difference Between Mental Illness and Neurological Disorders?
  30. What Causes Mental Illness According to Behaviorism?

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