🏆 Best Essay Topics on Plague
🌶️ Hot Plague Essay Topics
- The Film “Black Death” by Christopher Smith“Black Death”, a 2011 film by Christopher Smith, is one of the many cinematic deliberations on the subject of the 14th-century Black Plague in cinema.
- Plague, Religion, and Society in LiteratureIn the Late Middle Ages, the plague pandemic has become a world-changing precedent. This paper analyzes it compared to the modern pandemic and plague in Boccaccio’s “Decameron”.
- Black Death Impact on the Direction of Western CivilizationThe Black Death was a catastrophic global Bubonic Pest outbreak in the mid-1300s that affected Europe and Asia.
- The Bubonic Plague: History, Causes and SymptomsBubonic plague is a serious infectious disease that can be transmitted from animals to human beings, and it is also referred to as the Black Death.
- The Black Death Description and AnalysisThe book The Black Death by Philip Ziegler attempts to provide an account of the events followed by the arrival of the plague.
- The Black Plague and Its Social ImpactThe Plague brought a great tragedy to humanity, but it also opened new opportunities for economic, social, and cultural development.
- The Black Plague: Origin, Classification and ChallengesThe black plague – the term used to refer to one of the deadliest diseases to have been witnessed in the world. In 1347-1350, the disease was killed 1 person for every 4 people in Europe.
- The History of Mongols, the Black DeathHuman society can be compared with a living organism that is the constant process of development. The currents that present special interest for the present work are the Mongols.
- Educating on Pneumonic Plague: Integration into Nursing EducationThe nurse’s response to the pneumonic plague will be reflected in the two synchronous measures, which are education and surveillance.
- Encrypted Files: The New Frontier of Internet ThreatsThe Internet has never been safe enough – browsing online has always meant putting oneself under the threat of contracting a virus.
- The Black Death and the World It Made: Historical Impact and LegacyThe Black Death is known as one of the most horrible and destructive pandemics that hit the medieval world. It surfaced in Europe in the fourteenth century at around 1347 to 1350.
đź“Ś Easy Plague Essay Topics
- Responses to Plague in Early Modern Europe: The Implications of Public Health
- Meaning, Continuity, and Revolutionary Change in Histories of Medieval Plague
- Etiology of the 1664-1665 Black Plague in London
- Climate-Driven Introduction of the Black Death and Successive Plague Reintroductions Into Europe
- Bubonic Plague: How It Could Have Possibly Been Prevented
- Plague as a Re-Emerging Infectious Disease With Biowarfare Potential
- Christian and Muslim Views on the 14th-Century Plague
- The Influence of Temperature on the Seasonality of Historical Plague Outbreaks
- Ecological Opportunity, Evolution, and the Emergence of Flea-Borne Plague
- Plague in the 21st Century: Global Public Health Challenges & Goals
- Europe’s Bubonic Plague and Latin America’s Smallpox Outbreak Comparison
- The Economic Impact of the Black Death of 1347-1352
- Mortality Risk and Survival in the Aftermath of the Medieval Black Death
- The Black Death Artistic Legacy: How the Plague Has Affected the Arts and Literature
- Human Plague as an Old Scourge That Needs New Answers
- Plague Risk in the Western United States Over Seven Decades of Environmental Change
- Trade Routes and Plague Transmission in Pre-Industrial Europe
- Assembling a Safe and Effective Toolbox for Integrated Flea Control and Plague Mitigation
- The Source of the Black Death in the 14th-Century Central Eurasia
- Plague Prevention and Therapy: Perspectives on Current and Future Strategies
- Plague Vaccines: New Developments in an Ongoing Search
- Islamic Civilizations and Plagues: Religion, Faith, and Psychology During Pandemics
- Selectivity of Black Death Mortality With Respect to Preexisting Health
- Lessons From the History of Quarantine: From Plague to Influenza A
- Current Challenges in the Development of Vaccines for Pneumonic Plague
đź‘Ť Good Plague Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Model Systems to Study Plague Pathogenesis and Develop New Therapeutics
- Signatures of Natural Selection During the Black Death
- Human Plague System Associated With Rodent Diversity and Other Environmental Factors
- Plague and Pregnancy: Why Special Considerations Are Needed
- Plasmids & Pestilence: Biological and Clinical Aspects of Bubonic Plague
- Epidemiologic Determinants for Modeling Pneumonic Plague Outbreaks
- Why the Europeans Could Not Handle the Black Plague
- Bubonic Plague: A Molecular Genetic Case History of the Emergence of an Infectious Disease
- Geographic Distribution and Ecological Niche of Plague in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Bubonic Plague: A Metapopulation Model of a Zoonosis
- Socio-Epidemiological Determinants of the 2002 Plague Outbreak in India
- The Black Death: What We Can Learn From the Spread of Disease Along the Silk Roads
- A History of the Plague in China: From Ancient Times to Mao
- Inevitable or Avoidable: Why the World Is Not Yet Ready to Face the Next Great Plague
- Epidemic Response Scenario: Decision-Making in a Time of Plague
- Dissociation of Tissue Destruction and Bacterial Expansion During Bubonic Plague
- Economic, Political, Social, and Religious Structure Changes Brought by the Black Plague in Europe
- Epidemiology of Human Plague in the United States, 1900-2020
- Molecular and Physiological Insights Into Plague Transmission, Virulence, and Etiology
- How Bubonic Plague in Europe Has Changed Art History
- Plague as a Biological Weapon: Medical and Public Health Management
- Risk of Person-to-Person Transmission of Pneumonic Plague
- Identification of Chinese Plague Foci From Long-Term Epidemiological Data
- Pandemics, Places, and Populations: Evidence From the Black Death
- Prevention of Bubonic and Pneumonic Plague Using Plant-Derived Vaccines