150 Prison Essay Topics & Corrections Topics for Research Papers

Welcome to our list of prison research topics! Here, you will find a vast collection of corrections topics, research papers ideas, and issues for group discussion. In addition, we’ve included research questions about prisons related to mass incarceration and other controversial problems.

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Prison

✍️ Prison Essay Topics for College

  1. The Stanford Prison Experiment Analysis
    Abuse between guards and prisoners is an imminent factor attributed to the differential margin on duties and responsibilities.
  2. Prison Makes Criminals Worse
    This paper discusses if prisons are effective in making criminals better for society or do they make them worse.
  3. Discrimination in Prison Problem
    The problem of discrimination requires a great work of social workers, especially in such establishments like prisons.
  4. Rehabilitation Programs Offered in Prisons
    The paper, am going to try and analyze some of the rehabilitation programs which will try to deter the majority of the inmates from been convicted of many crimes they are involved in.
  5. Psychology: Zimbardo Prison Experiment
    Despite all the horrors that contradict ethics, Zimbardo’s research contributed to the formation of social psychology. It was unethical to conduct this experiment.
  6. The Canadian Prison System: Problems and Proposed Solutions
    The state of Canadian prisons has been an issue of concern for more than a century now. Additionally, prisons are run in a manner that does not promote rehabilitation.
  7. Prisons as a Response to Crimes
    Prisons are not adequate measures for limiting long-term crime rates or rehabilitating inmates, yet other alternatives are either undeveloped or too costly to ensure public safety.
  8. The State of Prisons in the United Kingdom and Wales
    Since 1993, there has been a steady increase in the prison population in the UK, hitting a record highest of 87,000 inmates in 2012.
  9. Recidivism in US Prisons: Causes and Solutions
    At present, recidivism is a severe problem for the United States. Many prisoners are released from jails but do not change their criminal behavior due to a few reasons.
  10. Drug Abuse Demographics in Prisons
    Drug abuse, including alcohol, is a big problem for the people contained in prisons, both in the United States and worldwide.
  11. Prison’s Impact on People’s Health
    The paper explains experts believe that the prison situation contributes to the negative effects on the health of the convicted person.
  12. Security Threat Groups: The Important Elements in Prison Riots
    Security Threat Groups appear to be an a priori element of prison culture, inspired and cultivated by its fundamental principles of power.
  13. Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts
    In the article Larry Goldsmith has attempted to provide a detailed history of prison life and prison system during the 19th century.
  14. The Politics of Prison Siting in Pocatello, Idaho
    Dive into the complex dynamics of prison siting in Pocatello, Idaho, exploring the intersection of economic revitalization, political interests, and humanitarian considerations.
  15. Basic Literacy and School-to-Prison Pipeline
    Basic literacy is undoubtedly important for students to be successful in school and beyond, but it is not the only factor in stemming the school-to-prison pipeline.
  16. The Issue of Overcrowding in the Prison System
    Similar to terrorist attacks and the financial recession, jail overcrowding is an international issue that concerns all countries, regardless of their status.
  17. The Stanford Prison Experiment’s Historical Record
    The Stanford Prison Experiment is a seminal investigation into the dynamics of peer pressure in human psychology.
  18. The Lucifer Effect: Stanford County Prison
    In 1971, a group of psychologists led by Philip Zimbardo invited mentally healthy students from the USA and Canada, selected from 70 volunteers, to take part in the experiment.
  19. The Prison Effect Based on Philip Zimbardo’s Book
    This paper explores the lessons that can be learned from Philip Zimbardo’s book “The Lucifer Effect” and highlights the experiment’s findings and their implications.
  20. Ethical Decision-Making for Public Administrators at Abu Ghraib Prison
    The subject of prisoner mistreatment at Abu Ghraib Prison has garnered global attention and a prominent role in arguments over the Iraq War.
  21. Bruce Western’s Book Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison
    The book by Bruce Western Homeward: Life in the Year after Prison provides different perspectives on the struggles that ex-prisoners face once released from jail.
  22. Alcatraz Prison and Its History With Criminals
    Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary famously referred to as “The Rock”, served as a maximum prison from 1934-1963. It was located on Alcatraz Island.
  23. Economic Differences in the US Prison System
    The main research question is, “What is the significant difference in the attitude toward prisoners based on their financial situation?”
  24. Transgender People in Prisons: Rights Violations
    There are many instances of how transgender rights are violated in jails: from misgendering from the staff and other prisoners to isolation and refusal to provide healthcare.
  25. American Prisons as Social Institutions
    The prison system of the U.S. gained features that distance it from the theoretical conception of a redemptive control mechanism.
  26. Prison Population by Ethnic Group and Sex
    Labeling theory, which says that women being in “inferior” positions will get harsher sentences, and the “evil women hypothesis” are not justified.
  27. Norway Versus US Prison and How They Differ
    The paper states that the discrepancies between the US and Norwegian prison systems can be influenced or determined by various factors.
  28. My Prison System: Incarceration, Deterrence, Rehabilitation, and Retribution
    The prison system described in the paper belongs to medium-security prisons which will apply to most types of criminals.

👍 Good Prison Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Criminal Justice System: The Prison Industrial Complex
    The criminal justice system is the institution which is present in every advanced country, and it is responsible for punishing individuals for their wrongdoings.
  2. Penal Labor in the American Prison System
    The 13th Amendment allows for the abuse of the American prison system. This is because it permits the forced labor of convicted persons.
  3. Mental Health Institutions in Prisons
    Mental institutions in prisons are essential and might be helpful to inmates, and prevention, detection, and proper mental health issues treatment should be a priority in prisons.
  4. Private and Public Prisons’ Functioning
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the functioning of modern private and public prisons. There is a significant need to change the approach for private prisons.
  5. “Picking Battles: Correctional Officers, Rules, and Discretion in Prison”: Research Question
    The “Picking Battles: Correctional Officers, Rules, and Discretion in Prison” aims to define the extent to which correctional officers use discretion in their work.
  6. Understanding Recidivism in America’s Prisons
    One of the main issues encountered by the criminal justice system remains recidivism which continues to stay topical.
  7. The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders Released From Jail or Prison
    The paper analyzes the issue of electronic monitoring for offenders who have been released from prison or jail.
  8. Researching of the Reasons Prisons Exist
    While prisons are the most common way of punishing those who have committed a crime, the efficiency of prisons is still being questioned.
  9. “Episode 66: Yard of Dreams — Ear Hustle’’: Sports in Prison
    “Episode 66: Yard of dreams — Ear hustle’’ establishes that prison sports are an important aspect of transforming the lives of prisoners in the correctional system.
  10. The Concept of PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)
    Rape remains among the dominant crimes in the USA; almost every minute an American becomes a victim of it. The problem is especially acute in penitentiaries.
  11. Recidivism in the Criminal Justice: Prison System of America
    The position of people continuously returning to prisons in the United States is alarming due to their high rates.
  12. How Education in Prisons Help Inmates Rehabilitate
    Criminal justice presupposes punishments for committing offenses, which include the isolation of recidivists from society.
  13. Mass Incarceration in American Prisons
    This research paper describes the definition of incarceration and focuses on the reasons for imprisonment in the United States of America.
  14. Prisons and the Different Security Levels
    Prisons are differentiated with regard to the extent of security, including supermax, maximum, medium, and minimum levels. This paper discusses prison security levels.
  15. Prisons in the United States
    In the present day, prisons may be regarded as the critical components of the federal criminal justice system.
  16. Understanding the U.S. Prison System
    This study will look at the various issues surrounding the punishment and rehabilitative aspects of U.S. prisons and determine what must be done to improve the system.
  17. Private Prisons: Review
    In the following paper, the issues that are rife in connection with contracting out private prisons will be examined along with the pros and cons of private prisons’ functioning.
  18. Women Serving Time With Their Children: The Challenge of Prison Mothers
    The law in America requires that mothers stay with their children as a priority. Prisons have therefore opened nurseries for children of mothers who are serving short terms.
  19. Prison System Issues: Mistreatment and Abuse
    This research paper suggests solutions to the issue of prisoner abuse by exploring the causes of violence and discussing various types of assault in the prison system.
  20. Arkansas Prison Scandals Regarding Contaminated Blood
    A number of scandals occurred around the infamous Cummins State Prison Farm in Arkansas in 1967-1969 and 1982-1983.
  21. Early Prison Release to Reduce a Prison’s Budget
    The primary goal of releasing nonviolent offenders before their sentences are finished is cutting down on expenses.
  22. State Prison System v. Federal Prison System
    The essay sums that the main distinction between these two prison systems is based on the type of criminals it handles, which means a difference in the level of security employed.
  23. Prisons in the United States Analysis
    The whole aspect of medical facilities in prisons is a very complex issue that needs to be evaluated and looked at critically for sustainability.
  24. Sex Offenders and Their Prison Sentences
    Both authors do not fully support this sanction due to many reasons, including medical, social, ethical, and even legal biases, where the latter is fully ignored.
  25. Criminal Punishment, Inmates on Death Row, and Prison Educational Programs
    This paper will review the characteristics of inmates, including those facing death penalties and the benefits of educational programs for prisoners.
  26. Prison System for a Democratic Society
    This report is designed to transform the corrections department to form a system favorable for democracy, seek to address the needs of different groups of offenders.
  27. Healthcare Among the Elderly Prison Population
    The purpose of this article is to address the ever-increasing cost of older prisoners in correctional facilities.
  28. Prison Staffing and Correctional Officers’ Duties
    The rehabilitative philosophy in corrective facilities continually prompts new reinforced efforts to transform inmates.
  29. Women’s Issues and Trends in the Prison System
    The government has to consider the specific needs of the female population in the prison system and work on preventing incarceration.
  30. What Makes Family Learning in Prisons Effective?
    This paper aims to discuss the family learning issue and explain the benefits and challenges of family learning in prisons.

🎓 Controversial Corrections Research Topics

  1. Prison System in the United States
    Depending on what laws are violated – federal or state – the individuals are usually placed in either a federal or state prison.
  2. Overcrowding in Jails and Prisons
    In a case of a crime, the offender is either incarcerated, placed on probation or required to make restitution to the victim, usually in the form of monetary compensation.
  3. Unethical and Ethical Issues in the Prison System of Honduras
    Honduras has some of the highest homicide rates in the world and prisons in Honduras are associated with high levels of violence.
  4. Prison Reform in the US
    Up until this day, the detention facilities remain the restricting measure common for each State. The U.S. remains one of the most imprisoning countries.
  5. Whether Socrates Should Have Disobeyed the Terms of His Conviction and Escaped Prison?
    Socrates wanted to change manners and customs, he denounced the evil, deception, undeserved privileges, and thereby he aroused hatred among contemporaries and must pay for it.
  6. The Role of Culture in the School-to-Prison Pipeline
    The school-to-prison pipeline is based on many social factors and cannot be recognized as only an outcome of harsh disciplinary policies.
  7. Psychological and Sociological Aspects of the School-to-Prison Pipeline
    The tendency of sending children to prisons is examined from the psychological and sociological point of view with the use of two articles regarding the topic.
  8. School-to-Prison Pipeline: Roots of the Problem
    The term “school-to-prison pipeline” refers to the tendency of children and young adults to be put in prison because of harsh disciplinary policies within schools.
  9. US Prisons Review and Recidivism Prevention
    This research paper will focus on prison life in American prisons and the strategies to decrease recidivism once the inmates are released from prison.
  10. Administrative Segregation in California Prisons
    In California prisons, administrative segregation is applied to control safety as well as prisoners who are disruptive within the jurisdiction.
  11. Meditation in American Prisons from 1981 to 2004
    Staggering statistics reveal that the United States has the highest rate of imprisonment of any country in the world, with the cost of imprisonment of this many people is now at twenty-seven billion dollars.
  12. How ”Prison Life” Affects Inmates Lifes
    As statistics indicate, 98% of those released from American prisons, after having served their sentences, do not consider themselves being “corrected”.
  13. Impact of the Stanford Prison Experiment Have on Psychology
    This essay will begin with a brief description of Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment then it will move to explore two main issues that arose from the said experiment.
  14. Use of Contingent Employees at the Federal Bureau of Prisons
    Contingent employment is a staffing strategy that the Federal Bureau of Prisons can use to address its staffing needs as well as achieve its budgetary target.
  15. Prison Culture: Term Definition
    There has been contention in the area of literature whether prison culture results from the environment within the prison or is as a result of the culture that inmates bring into prison.
  16. Privatization of Prisons in the US, Australia and UK
    The phenomenon of modern prison privatization emerged in the United States in the mid-1980s and spread to Australia and the United Kingdom from there.
  17. Death Penalty from a Prison Officer’s Perspective
    The death penalty can be considered as an ancient form of punishment in relation to the type of crime that had been committed.
  18. Private Prisons in the US: Grizzly Conditions and Needed Reforms
    The present paper will explore the issue of these ‘grizzly’ conditions in public prisons, arguing that private prisons need to be strictly regulated in order to prevent harm to inmates.
  19. Philip Zimbardo’s 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment: Key Findings
    The Stanford Prison Experiment is a study that was conducted on August 20, 1971 by a group of researchers headed by the psychology professor Philip Zimbardo.
  20. Women in Prison in the United States: Article and Book Summary
    A personal account of a woman prisoner known as Julie demonstrates that sexual predation/abuse is a common occurrence in most U.S. prisons.
  21. Reforming the American Prison System: Key Areas for Improvement
    The current operation of the prison system in America can no longer be deemed effective, in the correctional sense of this word.
  22. Addressing the Challenge of Overcrowding in Prisons
    Most prisons in the United States and other parts of the world are overcrowded. They hold more prisoners that the initial capacity they were designed to accommodate.
  23. School-to-Prison Pipeline in Political Aspect
    This paper investigates the school-to-prison pipeline from the political point of view using the two articles concerning the topic.
  24. Impact of Zero-Tolerance Policies on School-to-Prison Pipeline
    This paper studies the problem by reviewing two articles regarding the school-to-prison pipeline and its aspects related to justice systems.
  25. The War on Drugs: Unsuccessful Efforts and Prison Overpopulation
    The War on Drugs, which was conducted from the 1980s to 1990s, is considered to be a massive failure in almost every way. It has affected the prison population and correctional facilities in the US.
  26. US Prison System: Impact of the War on Drugs and Reform Needs
    The War on Drugs started largely due to public demand. The amount of drugs flowing through the Mexican border was frightening.
  27. Healthcare Models and Challenges for the US Prison Population: An Analytical Review
    This paper focuses on the prison population with a view to apply the Vulnerable Population Conceptual Model, and summarizes US healthcare models.
  28. Reforming the Prison System: A Focus on Prisoners’ Rights and Justice
    Criminal justice laws are antiquated and no longer serve their purposes. Instead, they cause harms to society, Americans and cost taxpayers billions of dollars.
  29. ICE Detention Surge: Impact of Legislative Changes and Border Security
    The issue of contracting the private prisons for accommodating the inmates has been challenged by various law suits over the quality of service that this companies offer to the inmates.
  30. Drugs and Prison Overcrowding
    There are a number of significant sign of the impact that the “war on drugs” has had on the communities in the United States.

💡 Hot Corrections Topics for Research Papers

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Explore our free research toolkit:
  1. Prison Dog Training Program by Breakthrough Buddies
  2. Prison Abuse and Its Effect On Society
  3. The Truth About the Cruelty of Privatized Prison Health Care
  4. Prison Incarceration and Its Effects On The United States
  5. The United States Crime Problem and Our Prison System
  6. Prison Overcrowding and Its Effects On Living Conditions
  7. General Information about Prison and Capital Punishment Impact
  8. Problems With The American Prison System
  9. Prison and County Correctional Faculties Overcrowding
  10. People Who Commit Murder Should Be A Prison For An Extended
  11. African American Men and The United States Prison System
  12. Prison Gangs and the Community Responsibility System
  13. Prison Overcrowding and Its Effects On The United States
  14. Prison Should Not Receive Free College Education
  15. Pregnant Behind Bars and The United States Prison System
  16. Prison Life and Strategies to Decrease Recidivism
  17. Penitentiary Ideal and Models Of American Prison
  18. The Various Rehabilitation and Treatment Programs in Prison
  19. Prison and Mandatory Minimum Sentences
  20. Prisoner Visit and Rape Issue In Thai Prison
  21. Private Prisons Are Far Worse Than Any Maximum Security State Prison
  22. Prison Gangs and Their Effect on Prison Populations
  23. Overview of Prison Overcrowding and Staff Violence
  24. Classification and Prison Security Levels
  25. Prison and Positive Effects Rehabilitation Assignment

❓ Prison Research Questions

  1. Can Prison Deter Crime?
  2. What Are the Two Theories Regarding How Inmate Culture Becomes a Part of Prison Life?
  3. What Prison Is Mentioned in the Movie “Red Notice”?
  4. What’s the Worst Prison in Tennessee?
  5. What Causes Students to Enter the School of Prison Pipeline?
  6. How Can the Prison System Rehabilitate Prisoners So That They Will Enter the Society as Equals?
  7. Should Prison and Jail Be the Primary Service Provider?
  8. How Can Illegal Drugs Be Prevented From Entering Prison?
  9. How Does the Prison System Treat Trans Inmates?
  10. What Is the Deadliest Prison in America?
  11. Should Prison and Death Be an Easy Decision for a Court?
  12. Why Is It Called Black Dolphin Prison?
  13. Does Prison Strain Lead to Prison Misbehavior?
  14. Why Is the American Prison System Failing?
  15. What Country Has the Best Prison System?
  16. Does Prison Work for Offenders?
  17. Should Prison for Juveniles Be a Crime?
  18. What Is the Most Infamous Prison in America?
  19. What Is the World’s Most Secure Prison?
  20. What Do Russian Prison Tattoos Mean?
  21. What Causes Convicted Felons to Commit Another Crime After Release From Prison?
  22. What Are the Implications of Prison Overcrowding and Are More Prisons the Answer?
  23. Can Private Prisons Save Tax Dollars?
  24. Is Incarceration the Answer to Crime in Prison?
  25. What Are Prison Conditions Like in the US?
  26. Who Escaped From Brushy Mountain Prison?
  27. Why Does the Public Love Television Show, Prison Break?
  28. What Is the Scariest Prison in the World?
  29. When Did Brushy Mountain Prison Close?
  30. Which State Has the Most Overcrowded Prison?

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