Related Essay Topics

117 Public Relations Topics

If you are writing a paper on public relations, you will need to explore the dynamic world of communication, reputation management, and strategic messaging. On this page, we’ve gathered an outstanding compilation of public relations topics that you can use for an essay, research paper, or project. With the help of our PR topics, you could reveal how public relations shape the perception of organizations in the public eye.

🏆 Best Public Relations Essay Topics

đź“° 10 Interesting Public Relation Topics

  1. Emerging Technologies in Public Relations
    The work reveals that PR experts are presently utilizing emerging technologies to complete their research works successfully and maximize productivity.
  2. Commercial Law: Sprod v Public Relations Oriented Security
    In Sprod v Public Relations Oriented Security, the plaintiff was found lying in a pool of blood at the northern side of the Great Western Highway at St Marys.
  3. The 2008 Beijing Olympics: Public Relations Issues
    Advertisement China did during and at the close of the Olympics was a life-changing that was able to convince the entire world that things were not as earlier thought.
  4. Public Relations and Photography
    Public relations are usually related to broadcasting, publicizing, photography, and promoting. The experts require time and talent to advance relations with mass media.
  5. The Art of Persuasion and Public Relations
    The art of persuasion appears almost in the fields related to human interactions, such as advertising, TV, the Internet, and mass media.
  6. ABC Company’s Public Relations: Strategic Plan
    The strategic public relations plan seeks to help ABC Company to develop a close relationship with various strategic stakeholders.
  7. Race and Gender Diversity in Public Relations Careers
    This capstone paper examines the impact of race and gender diversity on building careers in the sphere of public relations.
  8. Public Relations from Religious Perspective
    The field of public relations is an excellent illustration of how utilizing your faith to direct your professional actions may produce more moral and useful outcomes.
  9. Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Public Relations
    The campaign conducted by Alcohol and Drug Foundation is a vivid example of how the theories and practices of PR can help alter people’s behavior.
  10. Public Relations: Preparing for a Job
    Preparing for a job in public relations requires developing and mastering skills related to public relations. In particular, soft skills present one of the top requirements.
  11. Measuring Public Relations and Advertising Efforts
    Advertising programs should be measured primarily by the organization’s internal experts. It is because “advertising is one of the main ways companies generate business”.
  12. Cyber and Public Relations in an Organization
    The paper states that public relations professionals are essential to an organization. Modern technology has introduced digital corporate PR.
  13. Role of Women in Public Relations
    Public relations attract a significant number of women since it is necessary for specialists to work well in teams and empathize with and listen to their clients.
  14. Public Relations in Organizations: Article Response
    Communication affects all aspects of an organization including management, public relations, marketing and political communication, technical communication.
  15. Sea Shepherd: Public Relations Proposal
    The proposal suggests the alternatives the Sea Shepherd organization can adopt in responding to future accusations or when effectively wants to communicate to its publics.
  16. Larry Summers’s Public Relations Advisor: Case Study
    This paper will analyze and discuss the final decision on whether to fire or hire Summers, which rests with the Harvard Board.
  17. Effective Public Relations in the Fashion Industry
    The influence of public relations on other aspects of marketing, as well as on the perception and attitude of potential buyers to the promoted product.
  18. What Is the Role of Rhetoric in Public Relations Practice?
    In public relations, rhetoric helps PR managers and administrators to appeal to the emotions of the target audience and their internal feelings.
  19. Coca-Cola Light: Public Relations and Marketing
    Coca-Cola Light is a sugar-free, low caloricity beverage. Marketing communications have meaning to the extent that a predisposition him to see, hear, or read them.
  20. Role of Public Relations Staff in a Sports Organization
    This paper highlights this very function and role of a PR staff in managing a crisis in a sports organization through his skills in effective communication and modern media management.
  21. Optus Company: Organizational Public Relations Problem
    This report presents an analysis of the organizational PR problem of the company “Optus” based on media articles that followed particular “crisis” situations providing recommendations on managing those issues.
  22. Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations
    This paper discusses the marketing strategy of health care, including dealing with the negative reviews and managing long-term mutually beneficial relations.
  23. Corporate Communications and Public Relations
    Corporate communications involve both internal and external information that the company’s management addresses to its employees, target audiences, and partners.
  24. Chess Girls DC: Empowering Girls Through Chess Since 2013
    The key challenge encountered by Chess Girls DC is the lack of constant funding that creates a shortage of coaches and equipment for appropriate training.
  25. Downsizing Misinterpreted Due to Administrator’s Failures
    In the long-term perspective, it will be significant to concentrate on the employees’ performance and the conditions to recreate the image of the hospital.

🎓 Catchy PR Topics

  1. The Public Relations Practices of Tesla Motors
  2. Public Relations and Other Corporate Functions
  3. The Public Relations Industry
  4. Science, Technology, and Public Relations
  5. Public Relations Ethics Code Ethical
  6. Southeast Asia Tourism and Public Relations Problems
  7. New Media and Public Relations Practice
  8. Health Care Public Relations
  9. Public Relations Professionals Are Strategic Communicators
  10. Difference Between Marketing and Public Relations
  11. Hypothetical Public Relations Campaign
  12. Education and Public Relations Within the United States
  13. Big Business Affects Public Relations Ethics
  14. Global Public Relations and Multicultural World
  15. The Public Relations Firm of the Lake Anna Nuclear Power Plant
  16. Grunig and Hunt’s Four Models of Public Relations
  17. DIX and Eaton Public Relations Firm
  18. Toyota Solara Public Relations Plan
  19. Relationship Between Politics and Public Relations
  20. The Burson-marsteller Public Relations Scandal
  21. Public Relations and Relationship Marketing
  22. The Subjectivity and Objectivity of Public Relations
  23. Crisis Management and Public Relations Strategies
  24. Public Relations and University Entrepreneurship
  25. The Role and Importance of Public Relations at Non-Governmental Organizations
  26. Global Public Relations Trends
  27. The Many Different Functions in the Field of Public Relations
  28. Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations
  29. Advertising and Public Relations in America
  30. Effective Internal Public Relations

đź’ˇ Simple Public Relations Research Topics

  1. The Role and Importance of Public Relations in the University Environment
  2. Journalism, Advertising, and Public Relations
  3. The Relationship Between Public Relations Professionals and Journalism
  4. The Differences Between Public Relations and Marketing
  5. Understanding the Activities, Methods, and Importance of Public Relations
  6. The Role and Importance of Public Relations in a Company
  7. Successful and Unsuccessful Spin Doctoring Case in Public Relations
  8. Toyota’s Accelerator and Public Relations Crisis
  9. Propaganda and the Public Relations Industry
  10. Internal Public Relations Action Plan
  11. Public Relations Between Healthcare Organization Crisis
  12. Advertising and Public Relations in the United States
  13. Public Relations and the European Constitution for Greece
  14. Historical and Contemporary Figures in Public Relations
  15. Public Relations and Professionalism
  16. Internal Public Relations Action Plan at Burt’s Bees Inc.
  17. Effective Public Relations for Your Business World
  18. Social Media and Public Relations
  19. Science and Public Relations
  20. Public Relations Contemporary Approaches
  21. Connection Between Public Relations and Public Option
  22. International and Intercultural Public Relations
  23. The Demand for Public Relations Specialists
  24. Public Relations Campaign for New York Animal Rescue Shelter
  25. The Societal and Organizational Functions of Public Relations
  26. Public Relations and Organizational Listening
  27. Skills Needed for the Public Relations Profession
  28. Transmedia Marketing and Re-invention of Public Relations
  29. The Public Relations Practitioner as Cultural Intermediary
  30. Media and Public Relations Campaigns

âť“ Questions for a Public Relations Research

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Why Public Relations Professionals Should Use Facebook?
  2. What Are the Common Tools of Public Relations?
  3. What Models of Public Relations and Communication Are There?
  4. What Are Postmodern Values in Public Relations?
  5. What Guidelines for Measuring Relationships in Public Relations Are There?
  6. What Are the Definition, Dimensions, and Domain of Public Relations?
  7. What Is the Relationship Between Culture and Public Relations?
  8. How Do Diversity Issues Influence Public Relations?
  9. Is Using Social Media “Good” for the Public Relations Profession?
  10. How Did the Evolution of the Manager Role in Public Relations Practice Go?
  11. What Does Excellence Theory in Public Relations Mean?
  12. What Is the Organization of the Public Relations Function?
  13. What Are Perceptions of Public Relations Education?
  14. What Are Critical Perspectives on Public Relations?
  15. How Feminist Values Are Changing Public Relations?
  16. What Are the Differences Between Public Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility?
  17. What Is the Effect of Worldviews on Public Relations Theory and Practice?
  18. What Is the Paradigm Struggle in Public Relations?
  19. What Is the Role of Theory in Public Relations?
  20. How Public Relations Practitioners Actually Are Using Social Media?
  21. What Are the Ethical Obligations of Public Relations?
  22. What Is the Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication?
  23. What Cultural Values Influence American Public Relations Practitioners?
  24. Why Civil Society Is Considered as a Rhetorical Public Relations Process?
  25. What the Public Thinks About Public Relations?

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