🏆 Best Essay Topics on Sexual Harassment
✍️ Sexual Harassment Essay Topics for College
- Sexual Harassment at the Uber CompanySexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that might impact a person’s well-being, his/her performance, and chances for a successful career.
- The Police Sexual Harassment: Case StudyThis paper reviews a case involving sexual assault by a police officer with the view to discussing its cause, results, and what could have been done to prevent the wrongdoing.
- Sexual Harassment Predicament and Analytical SolutionsSexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination that involves sexual advances that are unwelcome and sexual favors requests. Sexual harassment in school. Solutions to sexual harassment.
- Sexual Harassment at Workplace in Massage IndustrySexual harassment is a common issue in workplaces and the massage industry worldwide. It can be related to any gender, but the issue is particularly relevant for women.
- Ethical Implications of Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceThe paper will analyze the ethical implications of sexual harassment in the workplace because employees’ behavior reflects a company’s values.
- Police Sexual Harassment SuitThis paper analyzes the case of the ex-Round Lake Height’s policeman, Hossein Isbitan, who filed a Lawsuit against his boss despite other problem-solving measures at his workplace.
- Workplace Harassment Summarizing of Culpable BehaviorThe employee Giovanna has been harassing another worker Carole during the job process. The actions made by Giovanna are taking a significant toll on Carole mental health.
- Workplace Harassment in CanadaThe paper aims to answer questions about the level of harassment in Canadian workplaces, how it manifests itself, and what measures to combat it exist.
- Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the WorkplaceSexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace are important modern problems. They lead to health deterioration and also influence an individual’s habits and attitudes.
- Rethinking Sexual Harassment and Gender DiscriminationThe paper focuses on the theory of egoism and when to apply the theory in the work environment to avoid sexual discrimination.
- Sexual Harassment in the Nursing WorkplaceThis paper explains the impact of sexual harassment at nurses’ workplace and outlines possible actions that could be taken to mitigate it.
- Bullying and Sexual Harassment at Work PlaceAccording to Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention, workplace bullying occurs when an individual direct irrational actions repeatedly towards their fellow worker.
- Aspects of the Anti-Harassment Workplace PolicyThe paper aims to develop an anti-harassment workplace policy to help Java Corporation provide a job-free discrimination atmosphere.
- Harassment in the Workplace: Types and MisconceptionsThe business’s success is defined by a combination of many factors, one of which is comfortable working conditions for employees.
- Company’s Plan to Prevent Sexual HarassmentSexual harassment affects the competitive edge of a business entity by creating a distraction, high turnover, and delayed processes in the workplace.
- McDonald’s: The Sexual HarassmentThe problem of sexual harassment in the McDonald’s restaurant chain is a critical one to limit and find ways to further its prevention.
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Preventive MeasuresSexual harassment is an issue that continues to be witnessed in society today, with women being most affected, especially in the workplace.
- So Cal’s Water Agency: Racism, Sexual Harassment, and RetaliationSo Cal’s Water Agency has reported racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation cases. Practices of unequal hiring have been experienced by employees in this agency.
- “Street Harassment: Current and Promising Avenues for…” by LoganIn her article, Logan addresses the street harassment concern by combining several key rhetorical devices as the means on emphasizing the core message.
- Java Corp.’s Anti-Harassment PolicyThis paper articulated the anti-harassment policy at Java Corp. Supervisors and the human resources team at Java Corp should undertake anti-harassment lessons.
- Sexual Harassment and Assault in the ArmyThe essay aims to address reasons for sexual misconduct, the risks associated with the acts, and training approaches to minimize the vice in the army.
- McDonald’s and Sexual Harassment LawsuitsSexual harassment is a serious legal issue, which employers must avert to protect their employees and maintain a good public image.
- Workplace Sexual Harassment Case StudyWorkplace sexual harassment is a safety issue because it leads to lasting mental and physical health problems.
đź‘Ť Good Sexual Harassment Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Workplace Harassment and Preventive MeasuresPrevention of harassment within the workplace requires to be addressed in a comprehensive manner. Employees must understand the consequences of such behavior.
- Sexual Harassment Study Without Probability SamplingMadan & Nalla’s study “Sexual harassment in public spaces” was focused on the female respondents, thus, chose to gather more women than men in the sampling.
- Harassment and Employment Related LawsAccording to the Protection from Harassment Act of 1997, workers can sue their employees if they fall victims of harassment in the workplace.
- Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Addressing the IssueThis essay will address sexual assaults in the U.S. military, examine possible causes, and acknowledge possible solutions.
- Discrimination and Harassment in the WorkplaceThis paper examines the issues faced by an employee at Abercrombie & Fitch, evaluates the case in terms of the law, and assesses the potential actions of the HR director.
- Sexual Harassment in the Army: Causes and SolutionsDue to the rigid structure and the established hierarchy in the US Army, the instances of sexual harassment and assault are silenced to secure the public image of the military.
- Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention ProgramArmy’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program is a perfect and successful solution that can help eliminate sexual violence in the U.S. ranks.
- HR Management: Potential Abuser, Workplace HarassmentThe paper analyzes an article by Williams on the fight against oppression at work. Despite a significant number of measures taken to prevent such behavior.
- Defining Workplace Harassment and Its Harmful EffectsThe paper specifies that workplace harassment can take many forms but is always discriminatory and harmful, impacting employees’ physical and mental health.
- Sexual Harassment Problem AnalysisIn this paper, an example of the type of discrimination will be discussed, as well as the role of an HR manager in situations with sexual harassment will be reviewed.
- Sexual Harassment in Workplace ConsequencesFor the research, the effects of sexual harassment on organizations and individuals are discussed, due to its ability to have a profound impact on the working environment.
- Legal Issues Analysis: Sexual HarassmentThe issue of sexual harassment has of late become thorny in society. Workplaces have been dogged by claims of sexual harassment to female employees.
- Sexual Harassment Like Discrimination FormSexual harassment is considered to be a sex discrimination form violating employees’ freedom through unwelcome sexual advances and favors requests.
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Complaint ProcedureSexual harassment refers to a form of discrimination that is directed towards a person because of his or her sex i.e. being a male or female.
- Sexual Harassment Education for ManagersSexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, the conduct of a sexual nature, or solicitation of sexual favors that are inappropriate, intimidating.
- Sexual Harassment and Assault in the MilitaryThe marines are extremely negatively disposed towards the presence of female soldiers in their combat formations.
- Understanding Sexual Harassment Law in ActionBehavior that involve the intentional crossing of accepted ethical boundaries should be considered immoral and thus influence subsequent ascription of responsibility.
- UWM Post v. Board of Regents: A Speech Code CaseThis paper highlights the UWM Post v. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin case, which is related to discrimination and discriminatory harassment code.
- Workplace Sexual Harassment and Legal BoundariesThis is a case of a corporate sales supervisor who wants a sales associate, to have sex with him so that he can sign his expenses bill for reimbursement.
- RCMP Sexual-Harassment Class ActionThe landmark deal in RCMP sexual-harassment class action addressed the problem of sex-related harassment within the rows of Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- Performance Appraisal, Harassment, Job AnalysisThis paper attempts to present and define three of the concepts from the human Resource Management: performance appraisal, sexual harassment in the workplace, and job analysis.
- Title VII Protected Class: Nurse’s Harassment CaseSexual harassment in the workplace constitutes an act of discrimination on the basis of sexual decisions of an employee.
- Examining Discrimination, Affirmative Action, and Sexual Harassment: Key Issues and PerspectivesActs of discrimination can be sporadic or systematic and cause psychological, material or physical harm to the victims.
- Daryl Kolendich’s Response to Workplace HarassmentWorkplace harassment can be on many bases—gender, racial and sexual, which are all equally important and should never be permitted to happen.
🎓 Most Interesting Sexual Harassment Research Titles
- Law Against Sexual Harassment in Qatar
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Its Impact on the Work Environment
- Hotel Industry and Issues of Sexual Harassment
- Occupational Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy
- American Corporate Sphere and Sexual Harassment
- Perception: Defining Sexual Harassment in Colleges
- Sexual Harassment and Assault Response Preventative Program
- Bullying and Sexual Harassment in Schools
- Elementary School Students and Sexual Harassment
- Gender Bias and Sexual Harassment in Schools
- Sexual Harassment and Anti-Feminist Backlash on the Internet
- Conceptualizing, Defining and Measuring Sexual Harassment: An Exploratory Study in Tanzania
- How Does Sexual Harassment Implicate the Organisational Culture Within Organisations
- Basic Training: Sexual Harassment and Other Gender Issues
- Argument Against Sexual Harassment Policies
- Sexual Harassment Among Canadian Women, Black and White
- Rape and Sexual Harassment: The Intersectional Experiences of Racism and Sexism for Minorities
- Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Australia
- Gender Equality and Sexual Harassment Issue
- Analysis of the Sexual Harassment and Civil Rights Act 1964
- Australia Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
- Relationship Between Rights and Justice in Sexual Harassment Cases
- Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Hostile Workplace Conditions Under Ambiguous Sexual Harassment Policies
- Sexual Harassment and Men’s Empathic Accuracy in Sexual Harassment
âť“ Research Questions about Sexual Harassment
- What Constitutes Workplace Sexual Harassment?
- What Is Known about Sexual Harassment in the United States Government?
- Does Sexual Harassment Effect Its Victims?
- What Are the Problems of Sexual Harassment in the Hotel Business?
- How Can Companies Reduce Levels of Sexual Harassment and Abuse in the Workplace?
- What Is Included in the Army Sexual Harassment Prevention/Assault Response Program (SHARP)?
- What Is the Solution to the Global Sexual Harassment Problem?
- How Does Sexual Harassment Implicate the Organisational Culture within Organisations?
- What Is the Fight against Sexual Harassment Online?
- What Is the Attitude of Society Towards Sexual Harassment?
- How Culture Can Breed Sexual Harassment in the Academy?
- What Are the Emotional, Physical, and Verbal Effects of Sexual Harassment?
- When Facing Sexual Harassment at Workplaces, What Options?
- Did Sexual Harassment of Women in the Military Exist Even in the 90s?
- What Factor Influences Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Malaysia?
- How to Avoid Bullying and Sexual Harassment in Schools?
- Why Shouldn’t Laws on Sexual Harassment Be Repeal?
- What Are the Mental Effects of Sexual Harassment?
- What Is the Awareness of Sexual Harassment on the California Campuses?
- What Do We Know about Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in Australia?
- What Constitutes Sexual Harassment and How Does Sexual Harassment Differ from Gender Discrimination?
- Does Sexual Harassment Still Exist in the Military for Women?
- What Are the Known Incidents of Sexual Harassment in the Political and Corporate World?
- Why Are Sexual Harassment Cases Getting More Complex?
- Does the Military Continue to Have Sexual Harassment and Discrimination?