96 Soviet Union Essay Topics

šŸ† Best Essay Topics on Soviet Union

šŸŽ“ Interesting Soviet Union Essay Topics

  1. The Postwar Crisis in the US and the Soviet Union
    The U.S. perceived the postwar crisis as an era of increased risks linked with unwanted ideologies spreading across Europe and Western powers.
  2. The Rivalry Between English Speaking and Soviet World
    The rivalry between the English-speaking and Soviet worlds was rooted in the differences in how these nations approached ideology and politics.
  3. Mass Rapes Committed by the Soviet Army in the Axis Countries
    This paper provides an annotated bibliography about mass rapes committed by the Soviet Army in the axis countries, both analytical articles and the ones based on personal experience.
  4. Political Changes in the Soviet Union and South Africa in the 1980s-90s
    The paths of the formation of statehood in the USSR and South Africa in the 1980s and early 1990s were different. Both powers adhered to similar principles of reform movements.
  5. Divisions Between the Soviet Union and the USA at the End of the WWII
    The current paper uses examples to present the issues that led to the division between the United States and the Soviet Union after the Second World War.
  6. The US and the Soviet Union: History
    In the transformed world after World War II and the Cold War, the economic changes brought about increased globalization in all spheres of life.
  7. Nature of Stalinā€™s Regime in Soviet Russia
    Stalinā€™s regime was indeed totalitarian as the fear of its terror existed even in peopleā€™s minds. All Soviet citizens were victims, no matter what class they belonged to.
  8. History: Soviet Union vs. US or East vs. West
    In the opposition of East vs. West, the capitalistic countries became winners in the ideological, cultural, and economic fields.
  9. The Last Soviet Generation: Term Definition
    In this essay, the author discusses the main aspects and reviews the book Everything Was Forever until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation by Alexei Yurchak
  10. Life in the US and in the Soviet Union in the 60s
    In the 1960s, there were sharp contrasts in the way people in the United States and the Soviet Union led their lives.
  11. History of Russia After the Soviet Union
    From the time when Soviet Union was founded in 1922, Communist henchmen thought of it as simply a tool of spreading Communism across the Globe.
  12. Revolution and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic
    The Russian revolution was caused by many factors. The autocratic czarist leadership that prevailed at that time subjected the population to adverse social and economic conditions.
  13. Oil and Gas Resource Curse in Post-Soviet Space
    The increase in oil and gas prices as a favorable factor is outweighed by non-tariff barriers, and these challenges are the cause of weak economies in these countries.
  14. Soviet Union: Totalitarian Control and Communist Ideology
    For the majority of the 20th century, the Soviet Union in its various iterations of leadership was considered the epitome of a totalitarian state.
  15. Afghani and Anti-Soviet Intelligence Operations: Historical Context and Analysis
    Although the CIA is instrumental in providing information supporting policy directives, its operations in Afghanistan and the Soviet Union have been a failure.
  16. Gorbachevā€™s Governance and the Soviet Union Collapse
    Mikhail Gorbachevā€™s resign in 1991 has become the symbol of both the ultimate end of the Cold War and the Soviet Unionā€™s existence.
  17. Churchill Did Not Believe That Soviet Russia Wanted Another War
    Churchill did not believe that Soviet Russia wanted another war. In fact, he claimed that they desired “the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines”.
  18. Tracing the Effects of the Cultural Revolution on Kosovo and the Soviet Unionā€™s Legacy
    The paper is a transcript of two interviews. The first one was made with a 40-year old female Russian resident. The other interview featured a 28-year old male Kosovo resident.
  19. United States and Soviet Union: Post-WWII Nuclear Arms Race
    This paper discusses the reasons behind the rapid growth in the number of nuclear weapons until the mid-eighties; it will focus on Russia and United States.

šŸ’” Simple Soviet Union Essay Ideas

  1. The Soviet Union and Victory Over Nazi Germany
  2. Child Abuse During the Soviet Union
  3. Trust Versus Illusion: What Is Driving Demonetization in the Former Soviet Union
  4. China Economic Policy Soviet Union
  5. The Discrimination That Plagued Communist Soviet Union During Stalinā€™s Reign
  6. What Did Cuba Gain or Lose by Its Relations with the Soviet Union
  7. Gender, Work, and Wages in the Soviet Union: A Legacy of Discrimination
  8. The Soviet Union and Modern Industrialized Economy
  9. Soviet Union Industrialization and Collectivism From 1928 Until 1933
  10. Truman and the Soviet Union – 1945-1949
  11. Reagan First Used the Phrase ā€˜Evil Empireā€™ Referring to the Soviet Union
  12. Housing Quality and Housing Classes in the Soviet Union
  13. Communism and Marxist Ideologies and the Soviet Union
  14. Energy Sector Quasi-Fiscal Activities in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union
  15. Weather and Grain Yields in the Soviet Union
  16. Struggling for New Lives: Family and Fertility Policies in the Soviet Union and Modern Russia
  17. The Female Combat Pilots of the Soviet Unionā€˜s Air Force
  18. Britain and America Common Foes of the Soviet Union
  19. Six Reasons Communism Fell Into the Soviet Union
  20. The Space Race Between the United States and the Soviet Union

šŸ“Œ Easy Soviet Union Essay Topics

  1. Relations Between the Soviet Union and the United States and the Truman Doctrine
  2. Trade Policy and Exchange Rate Issues in the Former Soviet Union
  3. Stalin Pushed Five-Year Plan To Turn Soviet Union Into an Industrial Nation
  4. The Soviet Union and International Economic Organizations and Arrangements
  5. Marxist and Sociological Study on the Soviet Union
  6. Cold War and Varying Perceptions by the Soviet Union and the United States
  7. How and Why Did the Bolsheviks Manage to Gain Control of the Soviet Union by 1922
  8. What Methods Did Stalin Use To Control the Soviet Union
  9. Migrant Selection and the Health of U.S. Immigrants From the Former Soviet Union
  10. Similarities Between China, Germany, and the Soviet Union
  11. How Did the Rule of Stalin Affect the Soviet Union
  12. The Creation, Launch, and History of the Sputnik Satellite by the Soviet Union
  13. Popular Attitudes Towards Free Markets: The Soviet Union and the United States Compared
  14. Growth, Poverty, and Inequality: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
  15. Economic Prosperity During the Soviet Union
  16. The Soviet Union and How They Used Scorched Earth Tactics
  17. Internal Currency Markets and Production in the Soviet Union
  18. Social Inequalities and Industrialization in the US and Soviet Union
  19. Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Unionā€™s Environment and Agriculture
  20. Soviet Unionā€™s Downfall and Reports by American Intelligence

ā“ Questions about the Soviet Union

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Who Was the First Leader of the Soviet Union?
  2. Why Did Us Relations with the Soviet Union Deteriorate in the 1970s?
  3. What Happened to the Soviet Union During the Reagan Administration?
  4. Was the Republic of China Part of the Soviet Union?
  5. Was the Soviet Union a Giant Corporation?
  6. Did the Soviet Union Adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
  7. Did the Soviet Union Have More Territory Than the Russian Empire?
  8. Why Did the Soviet Union Lose the Cold War?
  9. What Effect Did Nikita Khrushchev Have on the Soviet Union?
  10. Did Leon Trotsky Predict the End of the Soviet Union?
  11. How Many Socialist Republics Did the Soviet Union Consist Of?
  12. Why Did the Soviet Union Invade Afghanistan?
  13. How Did the Soviet Union React to the Cuban Revolution?
  14. Why Is the Soviet-Afghan War Called the Soviet Unionā€™s Vietnam War?
  15. Why Was the Soviet Union Involved in the Korean War?
  16. What Country Gained Independence From the Soviet Union in 1991?
  17. Why Did the Soviet Union Join the Allies?
  18. What Type of Government Did the Soviet Union Have?
  19. What Events Led to the Collapse of the Soviet Union?
  20. What Type of Economy Did the Soviet Union Have?
  21. How Many Political Parties Were Allowed in the Soviet Union?
  22. How Did Perestroika Affect the Soviet Union?
  23. Who Introduced Communism to the Former Soviet Union?
  24. Why Did Germany Sign a Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union in 1939?
  25. How Did Heavy Industry in the Soviet Union Avoid Competition?
  26. How Did Romania Gain Its Freedom From the Soviet Union?
  27. How Long Did the Soviet Union Last?
  28. Did Chornobyl Contribute to the Fall of the Soviet Union?
  29. How Did Stalin Industrialize the Soviet Union?
  30. How Many People Died From Famine in the Soviet Union?

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "96 Soviet Union Essay Topics." July 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/soviet-union-essay-topics/.

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