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75 Stroke Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Stroke

đź’ˇ Simple Stroke Essay Titles

  1. Improving Stroke Care for Indigenous Patients
    This proposal outlines strategies to enhance stroke care for Indigenous patients at XYZ Hospital, including reducing ED wait times and improving discharge processes.
  2. Stroke and Its Repercussions: Humanities and Educational Research
    Norma Lauderback, the subject of this case study, is 80. She shares a home with Floyd Lauderback, to whom she has been married for 50 years and they are locals of Riverbend City.
  3. Stroke: Risk Factors and Preventive Measures
    Stroke is a cardiovascular disease characterized by the interruption of blood supply to the brain cells, referred to as Ischemic stroke.
  4. Impact of a Stroke on the Brain’s Arteries
    A stroke affects the brain’s arteries and occurs when a blood vessel ruptures or the blood supply is blocked, killing brain cells.
  5. Heart Disease and Its Causes: Stroke Statistics
    According to a study published in the American Journal of Nursing, the leading cause of heart disease is lifestyle choices.
  6. Evaluation of the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan for Stroke
    Healthcare coordination for patients after stroke is insufficient even in developed countries like the United States and Europe and does not meet the patient’s needs.
  7. Relearning to Talk After a Stroke
    Each year, hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide suffer from strokes, and many may endure speech difficulties as a result.
  8. NIH Stroke Scale: Application and Effectiveness
    NIH Stroke Scale is a tool that is primarily used internationally to assess the cognitive effects of stroke. It is the quantitative measure of stroke-associated neurologic deficit.
  9. Dysarthria Diagnosis After Stroke
    The patient had a stroke that must have affected several cranial nerves in the brain that control the face and the tongue. Damage in the hemispheres can result in dysarthria.
  10. The Impact of Stroke on the “Sit to Stand” Task
    Sit to Stand movement is believed to be one of the most demanding activities. The paper will discuss both kinetic and kinematic changes of sit to stand position following stroke.
  11. Impacts of Stroke on the Nervous and Sensory System
    This article focuses on stroke, defining stroke and examining its implications for both the nervous and sensory systems.
  12. “My Stroke of Insight” TED Talk by Taylor
    Before I had the opportunity to watch the video of “My Stroke of Insight” TED talk by Taylor, I assumed the human brain worked in a unified and collaborative way.
  13. Heart Disease and Stroke (HDS): Pathophysiology and Treatment
    Heart disease and stroke (HDS) can affect people of all ages, but the risk of developing HDS is increasing with age.
  14. African American Women and Stroke Education
    The investigations prove that when it comes to stroke education, African American women are the little-informed category.
  15. Stroke and Alexia in Cognitive Neuroscience
    Stroke as a neuropsychological syndrome develops whenever there is a significant disturbance in the overall supply of blood throughout the brain.
  16. Healthcare: Stroke Education Needs of African American Women
    This paper criticizes an article by Beal, which is based on a study aimed at exploring the perception of African American women pertain stroke and evaluate their health searching tendencies.
  17. Stroke Education Needs of African American Women
    The author conducted a series of interviews in order to raise such an important topic as stroke symptoms awareness among a specific group represented by African American women.
  18. Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Strategies
    The purpose of this analysis is to identify the most efficacious policy strategies that can help prevent heart diseases and strokes.

đź‘Ť Good Stroke Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Crisis of Stroke: Experiences of Patients and Their Family Caregivers
  2. Death From Stroke During the Danish Malnutrition Period 1999-2007
  3. Sleep Duration and Risk of Fatal and Nonfatal Stroke
  4. Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Cognitive Training and Transfer Effects in Stroke Patients
  5. Creative Arts-Based Therapies for Stroke Survivors
  6. Long-Term Antithrombotic Therapy for the Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke
  7. Understanding the Risks of Stroke During Pregnancy
  8. Frequency, Risk Factors, and Prognosis of Dehydration in Acute Stroke
  9. Promoting Manual Dexterity Recovery After Stroke
  10. Acute Ischemic Pediatric Stroke Management: An Extended Window for Mechanical Thrombectomy?
  11. What Is the Risk of Having a Stroke by Age Range?
  12. Cell-Based Therapies for Stroke: Promising Solution or Dead End?
  13. Stroke in Elderly Adults: Signs, Symptoms, Prognosis
  14. Association Between Anxiety, Depression, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Outcomes After Ischemic Stroke
  15. Music Therapy and Stroke Victims
  16. Strokes and Heart Attack Symptoms: What’s the Difference?
  17. COVID-19 Associated Ischemic Stroke and Hemorrhagic Stroke: Incidence, Potential Pathological Mechanism, and Management
  18. Detection, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke
  19. Cognitive and Motion Impairments after a Stroke
  20. Early Intervention in Patients With Poststroke Depression
  21. Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Stroke: Current Understanding and Challenges
  22. Autoimmunity After Ischemic Stroke and Brain Injury
  23. Monocyte Transmodulation: The Next Novel Therapeutic Approach in Overcoming Ischemic Stroke?
  24. Corticospinal Tract Integrity and Long-Term Hand Function Prognosis in Patients With Stroke
  25. Acute Stroke Biomarkers: Are We There Yet?

🎓 Most Interesting Stroke Research Titles

  1. Adult Stem Cells and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Stroke Treatment
  2. Distinguishing Between Persons With Stroke and Dysphagia From Those Without Dysphagia
  3. Cell Therapy for Stroke: Use of Local Astrocytes
  4. The Ischemic Penumbra: Still the Target for Stroke Therapies?
  5. Assessing Motivational Strategies for Stroke Rehabilitation
  6. Occupational Versus Nursing Therapy for Stroke Patients
  7. Mental Practice Ability Among Stroke Survivors: Investigation of Gender and Age
  8. Altered Motor Unit Discharge Coherence in Paretic Muscles of Stroke Survivors
  9. Childhood Stroke: Awareness, Interest, and Knowledge Among the Pediatric Community
  10. Nursing Crisis Intervention: Stroke
  11. Human Motor Cortex Functional Changes in Acute Stroke: Gender Effects
  12. Drugs in Secondary Stroke Prevention
  13. Anticipatory Postural Adjustments During Gait Initiation in Stroke Patients
  14. Knowing and Reducing Your Risks for Stroke
  15. Factors Influencing Health-Seeking Behaviors of African Americans Experiencing Stroke Symptoms
  16. Compensatory Relearning Following Stroke: Cellular and Plasticity Mechanisms in Rodents
  17. Life After Stroke: How to Navigate the Road to Recovery
  18. Health Promotion Activities for Older Adults With Chronic Stroke
  19. Immediate Stroke Diagnosis Critical for Recovery
  20. Artistic Skills Recovery and Compensation in Visual Artists after Stroke
  21. Foods That Protect You From Stroke
  22. Melatonin and Nitrones as Potential Therapeutic Agents for Stroke
  23. Improving Patient Compliance and Stroke Rehabilitation
  24. Assessing Hand Muscle Structural Modifications in Chronic Stroke
  25. Multimodal Retinal Imaging for Detection of Ischemic Stroke

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StudyCorgi. "75 Stroke Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/stroke-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "75 Stroke Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/stroke-essay-topics/.

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