87 Supreme Court Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Supreme Court

🔎 Easy Supreme Court Research Paper Topics

  1. Analysis of Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Case Study
    Since the Supreme Court’s Roe V. Wade ruling in 1973, around one out of every three pregnancies has resulted in abortion that’s why it is one of difficult and contentious problems.
  2. The U.S. Supreme Court Election System
    The elections of the US Supreme Court members are politicized and ideologized, which is incompatible with democratic values and contrary to the Constitution.
  3. The Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court Case Analysis
    Loving v. Virginia was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States that legalized interracial marriage nationwide.
  4. Ricci v. DeStefano: Supreme Court Case
    The paper discusses the Ricci v. DeStefano court matter. A group of African Americans could not get a promotion which they filed as racism in the workplace.
  5. Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling Sets Off New Court Fights
    The article discusses the Supreme Court’s decision to ban abortions and give states the right to decide on their local level whether they want to prohibit it or not.
  6. The Supreme Court in Lifetime Appointment
    A lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is not a beneficial approach for the modern age, and it cannot effectively prevent undue influence over the Justices.
  7. How the US Supreme Court Affected Japanese Americans
    Some Japanese Americans refused to relocate to internment camps during World War II, and they also challenged government orders to do so in court.
  8. The Supreme Court and the American Constitution
    The paper looks upon Constitutional provisions and Supreme Court’s rulings and discusses the impact they had on American life.
  9. “Miranda v. Arizona” Supreme Court Ruling
    The Supreme Court landmark case “Miranda v. Arizona” was decided in 1966. The ruling pertains to the fifth and sixth constitutional amendments.
  10. Whren v. the United States, 517 US 806 – Supreme Court 1996
    Whren’s motion says that the search of the car in which he was a passenger by officers in an unmarked car was a violation of the 4th Amendment.
  11. The Brown vs. Board of Education Case: Supreme Court Decision
    This paper will analyze the Supreme Court’s decision in the Brown vs. Board of Education case and discuss its implications for civil rights.
  12. The Riley v. California Supreme Court Case Brief
    The case Riley v. California investigated by the Supreme Court in 2014 is an excellent example of the unacceptable actions of police officers in investigating crimes.
  13. Historical Controversies of Supreme Court Justice Selection
    The selection of the new members of the Court is a complicated process that includes confirmation procedures from the President and the Senate.
  14. Abstract Life Story Build upon Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s Biography
    This essay will describe the author’s abstract life story, based on Sonia Sotomayor’s achievements the author tends to approach, complimenting it with evidence of uniqueness.
  15. Supreme Court’s Marbury v. Madison (1803) Case
    Marbury v. Madison remains a landmark and relevant ruling today for the Supreme Court because the ruling established the doctrine of judicial review.
  16. Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act
    This paper describes the majority opinion of the United States Supreme Court about the ACA. The paper also discusses personal views on the constitutionality of the ACA.
  17. Loving vs. Virginia: The Supreme Court Case
    Loving vs. Virginia 388 U.S. 1 (1967) is a historic decision of the U.S. Supreme Court. It was a controversial one that pushed along reform in the United States.
  18. “Supreme Court Justices Question…” Article by R. Rubin
    The reviewed article is titled “Supreme Court Justices Question IRS Shield in Tax-Shelter Case,” and it was posted in The Wall Street Journal on December 1, 2020, by Richard Rubin.
  19. “Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike down Affordable Care Act” by Stolberg
    “Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike down Affordable Care Act” by Stolberg narrates the ultimate goal of the President Donald Trump government.

đź‘Ť Good Supreme Court Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Supreme Court Judgeship Appointment Process
    This paper examines the appointment process and confirming a Supreme Court justice comprising of two main steps – nomination by the President and confirmation by the Senate.
  2. Lifetime Appointment for the Supreme Court Justices
    This proposal is motivated by assuming that current Supreme Court Justices are much older and have held office much longer than before.
  3. Supreme Court Case Matal v. Tam and The First Amendment
    The First Amendment is an important normative act that helps attribute trademarks to the objects of cultural or commercial expression but not to official state messages.
  4. Overturning Supreme Court’s Decision on Evenwel v. Abbott and Trump v. Hawaii
    Evenwel v. Abbott and Trump v. Hawaii are Supreme Court cases in which America’s highest ability to use cumulative population when redistricting and Trump’s immigration policy.
  5. The Notion of the Supreme Court
    The following paper is the establishment of a correlation between the Supreme Court and the public as it is supposed to appear in terms of legal considerations.
  6. American Congress, President, and the Supreme Court
    In performing duties, Congress must keep in mind the interests of the people to ensure that the policies they make serve the best interest of the public.
  7. The American Supreme Court: Series of Evolution
    The American Supreme Court has gone through a series of evolutions over the years. Most of these evolutions have been on their composition, size and responsibilities.
  8. The United States Supreme Court Overview
    Congress and Justices of the Court are empowered by the constitution to develop the authorities and operations of the entire Judicial Branch of government.
  9. Supreme Court Decisions on First Amendment
    “Bill of Rights “is the first ten amendments made to the American constitution. However, the First Amendment is considered to be the most pivotal.
  10. Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education Case
    The decision of the Supreme Court in “Brown v. Board of Education“ has given the way for the desegregation of white and black in schools.
  11. American Democracy and Landmark Supreme Court Cases
    This essay ponders the key values of American democracy and describes landmark Supreme Court cases that have contributed to the formation of the political system.
  12. Life Terms and Limits of the Supreme Court Justice
    The paper concludes that the life terms practice should not be changed as it is integral to the existing political system and corresponds with the purpose of the Supreme Court.
  13. The US Supreme Court Jurisdiction Evolvement
    The U.S. Supreme Court represents one of the three branches of power that ensures the effective work of the system of checks and balances.
  14. Judicial Activism on the Supreme Court of Canada
    The article “Measuring Judicial Activism on the Supreme Court of Canada” encompasses the available empirical and quantitative evidence on judicial activism.
  15. Patent on Genetic Discoveries and Supreme Court Decision
    Supreme Court did not recognize the eligibility of patenting Myriad Genetics discoveries due to the natural existence of the phenomenon.
  16. Supreme Court: Miranda vs. Arizona
    Miranda v. Arizona is among the most notable Supreme Court cases that were decided in the second half of the twentieth century.
  17. History of the U.S. Supreme Court
    The U.S Supreme Court came into existence as per the requirement of the constitution. The USA constitution required that a supreme court is enacted to provide judicial power.
  18. The Supreme Court Justice Warren Earl Burger’ Biography
    This research paper covers the life and times of the Supreme court Justice Warren Earl Burger. This research paper is based on a literature review.
  19. Supreme Court’s and Habeas Corpus War on Terror
    Since the principles, which the war on terror is based by, are entirely against the postulates of habeas corpus, these postulates should be integrated into the process of combating the terrorists.
  20. Supreme Court Justice: Homosexual Marriages
    The question of homosexual relations and untraditional marriages remains to be open for a long period of time. It is hard to make all people choose the same position and stick to it all the time.
  21. The Supreme Court of the United States: Analysis
    The Supreme Court is the guardian of the Constitution, protecting its supremacy against the laws of the Centre or the State which conflict with or contravene with its provisions.

🎓 Most Interesting Supreme Court Research Titles

  1. Supreme Court Ruling Bans Bible Reading in Public Schools
  2. U.S. Supreme Court and the Impact of Sentencing
  3. The Supreme Court Has a Big Role in American Politics
  4. Federal Government and Supreme Court Issues
  5. Supreme Court Can’t Make a Firm Decision About Capital Punishment
  6. The Supreme Court and Its Effects on the Balance of Power Between Federal and State
  7. Social Change and the U.S. Supreme Court
  8. U.S. Supreme Court and the Banking and Credit Union Conflict
  9. Australian Court Hierarchy and the Supreme Court
  10. Supreme Court Decision Making and the U.S. Constitution
  11. The Structural Layout and Functions of The Supreme Court
  12. Watergate Presidential Immunity Supreme Court
  13. The Supreme Court’s Role in National Government
  14. The Purpose and Powers of the United States Supreme Court
  15. U.S. Supreme Court Institutional Legitimacy
  16. The Supreme Court as a Strategic National Policymaker
  17. Influence of Amicus Curiae Briefs on the Supreme Court
  18. Legal and Political Science Approaches to Predicting Supreme Court Decision-Making
  19. The Supreme Court and the Meiklejohn Interpretation of the First Amendment
  20. The Influence of Jurisprudential Considerations on Supreme Court Decision-Making

đź’ˇ Simple Supreme Court Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Eighth Amendment: Framers Intent and Supreme Court Jurisprudence
  2. Supreme Court Federal State Power
  3. The Relationship Between the Supreme Court and Parliament in Light of the Theory of Moves
  4. Supreme Court Cases Concerning Constitutional Civil Liberties
  5. Civil Rights and the U.S. Supreme Court
  6. Appointing vs. Electing Judges to the Supreme Court
  7. Minors Rights Supreme Court
  8. Universalizability and Philippine Supreme Court Cases
  9. Does the Supreme Court Abuse Its Power?
  10. School Desegregation and the Supreme Court
  11. The Two Eras That Made the Supreme Court the Most Influential
  12. Criminal Justice and Leading U.S. Supreme Court Cases
  13. The Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection and Affirmative Action as Seen in Three Supreme Court Cases
  14. Supreme Court Ruling Favored Safe and Legal Abortions for Women
  15. United States Supreme Court and Its Sociopolitical Significance
  16. The Limits of a Scientific Jurisprudence: The Supreme Court and Psychology
  17. Lower Court Influence on Supreme Court Opinion Content
  18. The Dynamics of Public Support for the Supreme Court
  19. The Uncertain Protection of Privacy by the Supreme Court
  20. Ideological Values and the Votes of Supreme Court Justices

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