143 Unemployment Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Unemployment

🔎 Easy Unemployment Research Paper Topics

  1. Unemployment Rate in Leisure and Hospitality Sector
    For leisure and hospitality businesses, low unemployment rates tend to be related to a higher average salary, owing to the lower labor supply.
  2. The Relationship Between Unemployment and Economic Growth
    Among the factors that define economic growth and development, human resources and unemployment are considered to be the most vital.
  3. Trends and Causes of Youth Unemployment in Canada: A Societal Review
    The problem under investigation is the fact that the unemployment rate among people in the 18-25 age group is higher than any other age group in Canadian society.
  4. Social and Economic Aspects of Unemployment in the UAE
    Despite the UAE having the lowest level of unemployment in the world, the number of foreign workers exceeds its native employees.
  5. The Impact of Government Spending on GDP Growth, Unemployment, and Inflation
    Real GDP Refers to every financial activity done by the government, including consumption, investment, and transfer payment.
  6. Unemployment as an Imperfect Economic Measure
    Unemployment has been an essential aspect of the country’s economy because the unemployed labor force cannot pay taxes or perform other activities beneficial to the economy.
  7. Domestic Violence in Melbourne: Impact of Unemployment Due to Pandemic Restrictions
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze to what extent does unemployment due to pandemic restrictions impact domestic violence against women in Melbourne.
  8. Unemployment and Its Macroeconomic Implications
    In the process of learning about macroeconomic trends, one obtains an opportunity to expand their knowledge about particular factors and their outcomes for the economy.
  9. Counter-Terrorism and Unemployment Approaches
    A more novel approach to unemployment that considers the needs of a disenchanted youth is vital to reducing the draw towards terrorist activities.
  10. The Long-Term Unemployment Positive Tendency
    The article argues that the level of long-term unemployment has fallen significantly compared to the previous years, reaching the lowest point in 9 years.
  11. Building a Business to Address Youth Unemployment
    An opportunity to build a business based on the youth unemployment problem has both strengths and weaknesses, also opportunities for further development.
  12. The Unemployment and Inflation Causes in Australia
    The change in the Australian 2021 indicator of unemployment is the representation of cyclical unemployment since it lasted less than a year.
  13. Why the Unemployment Rate Needs Fixing in the US
    The article Latest Jobs Report Shows Why the Unemployment Rate Needs Fixing regards the issue of the inadequateness of the currently established formal indicator in the US.
  14. Unemployment After the US Industrial Revolution
    Since the commencement of the industrial revolution, the process of automation, or more broadly the replacement of human employees by machines, has piqued widespread interest.
  15. Unemployment and Political Regime
    Unemployment should be considered one of the critical factors influencing the economy of states and political stability. This paper discusses unemployment and political regime.
  16. The Hispanic Unemployment Issue in the US
    A Hispanic person in the US is more likely to be unemployed than an average American. People of color have historically been one of the most discriminated groups.
  17. The US Fiscal Policy and Unemployment Rate
    The problem to be discussed will be centered around the relationship between fiscal policies in regard to the unemployment rate in the United States.
  18. Unemployment Rates in the State of Georgia
    In this essay, the author will present the current unemployment statistics and job outlook in the state of Georgia.
  19. The High Unemployment Rate as a Most Serious Threat to Americans
    Although the United States has one of the highest economic indicators globally, thousands of Americans are unemployed across the country.
  20. AI Development, Unemployment, and Universal Basic Income
    The theme of AI-human relationships takes an important place in science fiction literature, movies, and video games, but it is not limited by them.
  21. Unemployment Rates in the United States due to COVID-19
    The increase in unemployment in the United States is associated with the country’s epidemiological situation and the tightening of quarantine measures taken by states.

👍 Good Unemployment Essay Topics to Write about

  1. Unemployment Rate During COVID-19
    COVID-19 and subsequent lockdown measures significantly affected the civilian labor force participation and unemployment rates.
  2. Homelessness Due to Unemployment During COVID-19
    This paper is a research on how unemployment resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic has left many homeless in the United States.
  3. An Article Review: “Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment”
    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published a short article that reports the results of the analysis of the changes in the “nonfarm payroll employment” in metropolitan areas.
  4. The Effects of the Minimum Wage on Overall Unemployment
    The raised minimum wage would create more jobs for low-wage workers, as this rise would prompt the goods and services demand of such workers who would now be able to afford more.
  5. Unemployment Rates in the United States
    Unemployment is unevenly distributed across the US population, with regards to race, age, gender, and education.
  6. Inflation and Unemployment in Bavaria
    Considering the normal state of the economy and the existing level of employment close to full, the President of Bavaria is not recommended to pursue an expansionary fiscal policy.
  7. Federal Poverty, Welfare, and Unemployment Policies
    In the paper, the federal policies regarding the above mentioned areas of public interest will be scrutinized and discussed at length.
  8. Unemployment: Types And Factors
    Unemployment is one of the greatest social evils in our society today. This is because of the unfriendly impacts it has on the economy.
  9. Unemployment and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale
    The concept of self-esteem is derived from self–theory. A basic assumption of self-theory is the need to appreciate oneself and be appreciated by others.
  10. “Unemployment Checks: Keep ‘Em Coming” by Owens and Stettner: Article Review
    In the article, Owens and Stettner underline that current unemployment affects both the economy and employers, the government financial resources, and the jobless population.
  11. Youth Unemployment in the United Kingdom
    Over the years, there have been remarkable unemployment rates among the youths all across the globe as compared to the age brackets that are regarded as adults.
  12. Unemployment in Spain: Economic Analysis and Management Strategies
    Spain has the potential to reduce the unemployment rate, especially since it has already decreased significantly from 2016.
  13. American Economy Nears Full Employment: Unemployment at 4.4%
    The state of the American economy is getting closer to full employment, whereas the unemployment rates (as of 2017) remain to be approximately 4.4%.
  14. Natural Rate of Unemployment
    In determining the natural rate of unemployment, analysts focus on evaluating price and wage settings in the labour market.
  15. “Unemployment and Terrorism” TED Talk by Mohamed Ali
    In this TED talk, Mohamed Ali explores the relationship between unemployment and terrorism. Ali incorporates stories from his native country to support his arguments.
  16. Economic Impacts of Frictional Unemployment and Hyperinflation
    Frictional unemployment is also known as voluntary unemployment. It cannot be eliminated from the economy. There are some economic benefits associated with it.
  17. Unemployment, Its Types and Government Intervention
    Unemployment is among the most significant challenges that influence contemporary economies. Indeed, even global economic giants suffer from the problem.
  18. NESA’s 2015-2016 Employment Policy: Impact on Youth Unemployment
    This paper uses National Employment Services Association to conduct an evaluation of its structure and public policy-related activities.
  19. Unemployment and Economic Stagnation During the 2008 Great Recession: Causes and Effects
    This paper is looking into the case of the financial crisis, which results in an economic recession and the further sustained effects.
  20. US Macroeconomic Issues: Inflation, Unemployment, and Policy
    The macroeconomic situation in the US is currently faced with high inflation rates, which paint a gloomy picture to many US citizens.
  21. Unemployment’ Nature and Possible Causes
    Unemployment rate refers to the percentage of people within the available labour force who do have jobs and are actively looking for one. Unemployment rates cannot be reduced to zero.
  22. Analyzing Unemployment Trends and Labor Market Dynamics in Australia
    The paper studies forces of supply and demand in the Australian labor market, the labor force participation rate and the trends in labour force participation of older workers.
  23. Unemployment’s Long-Term Effects on Satisfaction Baselines
    Most people endure adversity through the adjustment of their acceptable standards. The new set standards allow individuals to accomplish satisfaction with the available assets.
  24. Factors Leading to Reduced Unemployment in the UK: Trends and Analysis
    In order to understand why there has been a decline in unemployment rate in the UK, it is essential to understand the reasons affecting UK unemployment.
  25. US Economy Analysis: GDP, Unemployment, and Government Spending
    This is an analysis of the US economy in recent history. The paper will focus on macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, exports, imports, unemployment and government spending.

🎓 Most Interesting Unemployment Research Titles

  1. Earnings-Related Unemployment Security, Employment and Lifetime Income
  2. Employment, Unemployment and Real Economic Growth
  3. Business Cycles and Compositional Variation in US Unemployment
  4. Crime, Earnings Inequality, and Unemployment in England and Wales
  5. European Unemployment: Cause and Cure
  6. Demographic and Education Effects on Unemployment in Europe: Economic Factors and Labour Market Institutions
  7. Centralized Wage Bargaining and Regional Unemployment
  8. Capital Shortages and Asymmetries in UK Unemployment
  9. Disarmament, Unemployment, Budgets, and Inflation
  10. Demography, Capital Flows, and Unemployment
  11. Duty-Free Zone, Unemployment, and Welfare a Note
  12. Factors Affecting the Adjustments to Unemployment
  13. Capital, Wages, and Structural Unemployment
  14. Earnings, Unemployment, and Housing in Britain
  15. Canada’s Interwar Unemployment From 1919 Until 1939
  16. Aging and the Labor Market: Age Structure, Cohort Size, and Unemployment
  17. Community Unemployment and Immigrants’ Health in Montreal
  18. Employment, Unemployment, and Underemployment in Africa
  19. Correlation Between Crime and Unemployment
  20. Equilibrium Labor Turnover, Firm Growth and Unemployment
  21. Changing Identity: Retiring From Unemployment
  22. Equilibrium Unemployment and Retirement
  23. Employment Turnover and Unemployment Insurance
  24. Embodied Technical Change and the Fluctuations of Wages and Unemployment
  25. Eligibility for Unemployment Benefits in Great Britain
  26. Capital Immobility, Informal Sector, and Urban Unemployment
  27. Age Structure and the UK Unemployment Rate
  28. Economics Instability Increases the Unemployment Rate in Malaysia
  29. Australian Unemployment, Inflation, and Economic Growth
  30. Broadband Infrastructure and Unemployment – Evidence for Germany

💡 Simple Unemployment Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Economic Recession, Skilled Unemployment, and Welfare
  2. Construction Industry Growth Economic Unemployment
  3. Agglomeration, Job Flows, and Unemployment
  4. Entrepreneurship, Asymmetric Information, and Unemployment
  5. Economic Freedom and Unemployment in Emerging Market Economies
  6. Absenteeism, Unemployment and Employment Protection Legislation: Evidence From Italy
  7. Environmental Policy, Efficient Taxation, and Unemployment
  8. Dynamic Contracts and Equilibrium Unemployment
  9. Agro-Manufactured Export Prices, Wages and Unemployment
  10. Banking Crises, Labor Reforms, and Unemployment
  11. Environmental Policy, Pollution, Unemployment, and Endogenous Growth
  12. Demographic Evolutions and Unemployment: An Analysis of French Labour Market With Workers Generations
  13. Employment and Unemployment Insurance Schemes
  14. Disability, Unemployment, and Poverty
  15. Business Volatility, Job Destruction, and Unemployment
  16. Aggregate Demand, Productivity, and Disguised Unemployment in the Chinese Industrial Sector
  17. Child Support and Involuntary Unemployment
  18. Efficiency-Wage Unemployment and Endogenous Growth
  19. Addressing Education, Inequality, and Unemployment in Uganda
  20. Economic Freedom and Unemployment Around the World
  21. Dual Labor Markets, Urban Unemployment, and Multicentric Cities
  22. Employment, Unemployment, and Problem Drinking
  23. Correlations Between Recessions and Unemployment
  24. Employment and Unemployment Effects of Unions
  25. Collective Bargaining, Firm Heterogeneity and Unemployment
  26. Equilibrium Unemployment During Financial Crises
  27. Capital, Heterogeneous Labour, Global Goods Markets and Unemployment
  28. Economic Policy, Industrial Structure, and Unemployment in Russia’s Regions
  29. Capital Stock, Unemployment and Wages in the UK and Germany
  30. Environmental Fiscal Reform and Unemployment in Spain

❓ Unemployment Research Questions

  1. Why Did Unemployment Persist Despite the New Deal?
  2. Can More FDI Solve the Problem of Unemployment in the EU?
  3. What Is the Current Rate of Unemployment in the UK 2022?
  4. Who Can Get Unemployment Benefits in Germany?
  5. What Are Relationships Between Short-Term Unemployment and Inflation?
  6. Does Broadband Internet Reduce the Unemployment Rate?
  7. Are Education Systems Modern as Well as Practical Enough to Eliminate Unemployment, and Thus Poverty?
  8. What Us State Has the Lowest Unemployment Rate?
  9. Does High Unemployment Rate Result in a High Divorce Rate?
  10. Does Culture Affect Unemployment?
  11. Why Unemployment Is a Problem?
  12. What Is the Unemployment Rate in Canada?
  13. Are Early Educational Choices Affected by Unemployment Benefits?
  14. How Long Does Unemployment Take To Get Approved?
  15. Which Country Has the Lowest Unemployment Rate?
  16. What’s the Lowest You Can Get From Unemployment?
  17. Why Is the Us Unemployment Rate So Low?
  18. How Does Unemployment Rate Affect Everyone?
  19. Are Interest Rates Responsible for Unemployment in the Eighties?
  20. Does Employment Protection Lead To Unemployment?
  21. Are Searching and Non-searching Unemployment Distinct States When Unemployment Is High?
  22. What Are the Solutions to Unemployment?
  23. Can Google Econometrics Predict Unemployment?
  24. How Far Was Unemployment the Most Important Reason for the Rise of the Nazis in Germany Between 1918 and 1933?
  25. Are Protective Labor Market Institutions at the Root of Unemployment?
  26. What Is China’s Unemployment Rate?
  27. What Are the Five Causes of Unemployment?
  28. What Are the Main Causes of Unemployment in an Economy?
  29. What City Has the Lowest Unemployment Rate?
  30. Can Insider-Outsider Theories Explain the Persistence of Unemployment?

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