Impact of Medicare on Health in Canada

The change in medical policies in Canada significantly contributed to the apt distribution to the populace. The Canadian authority focused on the incorporation of policies that enhanced the scope of practice, affordability, and accessibility. Over the decades, one of the significant challenges that affect the quality of care involves healthcare beyond the hospital. Different variables foster proficiency in professional medical care services, such as sufficiently enhancing the trickle-down effect of the benefits. Clarke (2004) establishes that one of the factors boosting the disparity in the accessibility of medical care services among members from different sect groups enshrines poverty. The interdependent relationship between supply and demand highly affects the pricing equilibrium across the dynamic business marketplace. The connection is a mainframe that influences government policy implementation results with the affluent trickle-down effect on the citizens.

One of the significant issues in the healthcare sector in the Canadian landscape is implementing the Medicare program that seeks to reduce treatment costs among patients through the provision of subsidies. On the one hand, the initiative enhances sustainability based on the equitability of opportunities across the Canadian population (Librarian, 2013). On the other hand, the Medicare program faces controversy on bias based on implementing regulatory frameworks for distributing the benefits. The interdependence of supply and demand fosters the effectiveness of the derived benefits upon the regulation of the Medicare program.

The primary stakeholder affected by the regulations in the distribution of Medicare is the patient. COVID-19 highly affected Canadians due to the lockdown initiative that slowed down economic activities. As a result, there was an increase in loss of employment among the citizens hence a decrease in the circulation of money. Therefore, financial destabilization is a phenomenon that affected society while the Medicare program retained its policy framework. According to Moynihan et al. (2021), there was a variation in the supply and demand in the healthcare sector due to the regulatory construct of Medicare. Once the COVID-19 cases increased, the number of enrollees and the demand raised while the supply of Medicare finances increased the government. Although the increase in the equilibrium renders the proficiency in the relation among the residents in the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is an entity that undermines the attendance of the patients suffering from terminal illnesses.

Apart from the healthcare issue of cost under the spectrum of Medicare, another central matter is the significant loopholes within the framework. On the one hand, the benefits accrued by the policy implementation involve reducing Canadian families’ expenses. On the other hand, it fosters marginalization among the people mainly because of the necessity to address the critical health issues affecting the population without considering the people suffering from a terminal illnesses (Moynihan et al., 2021). Over the decades, healthcare costs have consistently increased due to the increase in the percentage of the aging sect and the dynamism in lifestyle diseases. COVID-19 further intensified the justification of Medicare during the pandemic.

Government funding is an approach that reduces the marginal costs incurred due to incorporating the COVID-19 pandemic protocol to invest all resources in its treatment and prevention. Therefore, researchers establish that one of the prominent factors to consider involves utilizing an efficient pricing mechanism by the government to enhance the optimal distribution of funds (Moynihan et al., 2021). The main element to determine entails incorporating an alternate compensatory scheme, such as considering minimal payouts to the patients suffering from terminal illnesses. It is an aspect that enhances the balance in consideration of equity in the distribution of benefits, thus alleviating the problem. Another solution that abounds the exploitation of the policymaking entity is the optimization of the coronavirus patients and the creation of awareness among other individuals. An investment in the intensification of awareness creation is a practice that justifies the government’s awarding of insurance benefits. In this case, the government reduces the infection cases while alternating the benefits to the patients suffering from terminal illnesses and the aging population.

The central role of the government involves the provision of protection and a safe living environment for the population. In this case, COVID-19 as a pandemic rendered the significance of prioritizing the Medicare funds and program to the victims despite compromising the quality of health among patients suffering from terminal illnesses and aging (Moynihan et al., 2021). The primary role of the supply and demand policy enshrines the regulation and determination of the pricing upon the subsidies. An imbalance in the distribution of funds highly affects the different patient segments. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the government to increase the demand based on the regulations Medicare offer and increase the supply of financial resource as a means of enhancing the equilibrium.

The evolution of human society fostered the emergence of dynamic social ideologies such as masculinity and femininity. Some of the concepts improved the well-being of people, while other frameworks negatively impacted the social constructs and pillars promoting growth and development. In this case, the positive social changes incorporate features enhancing the cooperation among the personnel and determining the interdependent variables promoting cultural ideals (Moynihan et al., 2021). One of the concepts that proficiently influences people in social settings is the essence of social identity. Therefore, it is crucial to integrate values that impact a person’s identity, such as teamwork building.

Intensifying cooperation across the community domain significantly impacts healthcare services distributed across vulnerable sects. Different communities uphold different norms and practices. As a result, relevant stakeholders focus on the ideological approach of equality to render the prominent interplay of factors enhancing social growth. The initiative boosts the affordability of optimal care among vulnerable communities in Canada (Moynihan et al., 2021). Apart from introducing healthcare insurance, the administration implements a policy that renders the creation of awareness across the public domain. As a result, the entity improves the efficiency of the interaction between vulnerable community members and medical practitioners.


Clarke, J. N. (2004). Health, illness, and medicine in Canada (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Librarian, V. (2013). Theoretical Perspectives on The Sociology of Medicine Part 1.

Moynihan, R., Sanders, S., Michaleff, Z. A., Scott, A. M., Clark, J., To, E. J.,… & Albarqouni, L. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on utilisation of healthcare services: a systematic review. BMJ open, 11(3), e045343.

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