Impact of Teamwork and Collaboration on Patient Care Outcomes

Problem Background

Within the framework of this research paper, such clinical problems as teamwork and collaborative practice will be investigated. This is because, at the moment, in healthcare organizations, there is an issue of complete or incomplete interaction between employees. This circumstance requires a study of the scientific literature to improve health and improving standards of care. Research stated that medical workers should “demonstrate the ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with members of the healthcare team in ways that facilitate mutual respect and shared decision-making” (Levett-Jones et al., 2017, p. 6). Thus, in the context of this work, a PICO question will be raised, as well as a study of two scientific articles by Hepp et al. and Fleming and Willgerodt.

PICO Question

In healthcare, how does teamwork and collaborative practice impact patient treatment outcomes and the quality of medical services?

  • P: Patients and healthcare providers;
  • I: Teamwork and collaborative practice;
  • C: Absence of teamwork and collaboration;
  • O: Patient outcomes and quality of medical services.

Search Strategy

S1: “Collaborative practice in healthcare clinical problem” = about five thousand results

S2: “Collaborative practice and health outcomes” = about ten thousand results

Final search “Collaborative practice as a clinical problem and health outcomes” = about nine thousand results

Using an Interprofessional Competency Framework to Examine Collaborative Practice

This article by Hepp et al. (2015) concerns the study of the topic of interprofessional competency framework within collaborative practice in healthcare organizations. The main vows of this scientific work were the study of the state of interaction between medical professionals now and the identification of possible issues and strategies that will help limit them. As part of the study, Hepp et al. (2015) concluded that “collaborative practice has been widely embraced in healthcare, operationalizing and measuring this multidimensional concept in real life has proven to be difficult” (p. 134).

At the same time, the work has shown that such concepts as competencies, communication, and patient-centered care are given quite a lot of attention. The study of this article contributes to the health and standards of care as it highlights the main aspects that should be encouraged in collaborative practice. Collaborative leadership, team functioning, role clarification, patient-centered care, and communication are among them.

Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and School Nursing

The article by Fleming and Willgerodt (2017) also concerns the study of interprofessional collaborative practice and how it affects the results of health activities. The authors note that “interprofessional and interprofessional collaborations are becoming increasingly important to ensuring quality and efficient case management and reduce the burden of chronic disease” (Fleming & Willgerodt, 2017, p. 8). In addition, the authors of the research paper focus on the importance of involving community-based parties, such as informal teams, in the process of providing care.

This scientific work directly relates to the question posed by PICO since it shows that improving collaborative work between medical specialists and other institutions contributes to improving the quality of health services. In addition, it contributes to the understanding that there is a critical need to follow health and standards of care to ensure the effectiveness of this area and increase patient satisfaction.


Fleming, R., & Willgerodt, M. A. (2017). Interprofessional collaborative practice and school nursing: A model for improved health outcomes. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 22(3). Web.

Hepp, S. L., Suter, E., Jackson, K., Deutschlander, S., Makwarimba, E., Jennings, J., & Birmingham, L. (2015). Using an interprofessional competency framework to examine collaborative practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(2), 131-137. Web.

Levett-Jones, T. Dwyer, T., Reid-Searl, K., Heaton, L., Flenady, T., Applegarth, J., Guinea, S., Andersen, P. (2017). The patient safety competency framework for nursing students. Patient safety for nursing students. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, January 7). Impact of Teamwork and Collaboration on Patient Care Outcomes.

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StudyCorgi. (2025) 'Impact of Teamwork and Collaboration on Patient Care Outcomes'. 7 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Impact of Teamwork and Collaboration on Patient Care Outcomes." January 7, 2025.


StudyCorgi. "Impact of Teamwork and Collaboration on Patient Care Outcomes." January 7, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Impact of Teamwork and Collaboration on Patient Care Outcomes." January 7, 2025.

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