Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: A SWOT Analysis

Innovation is impossible without a certain degree of risk. However, since every innovation is meant to improve adverse situations or conditions, the matter of risk management becomes increasingly important. SWOT analysis becomes in handy in addressing all types of risks as it allows health practitioners to identify major threats and advantages of suggested innovation and helps detect internal organizational strengths and weaknesses which can either be used in risk management or intervened to achieve better results.

When it comes to technology, compared to conventional/pharmacologic treatment methods for heart failure, ICD can potentially extend life expectancy in patients and decrease mortality associated with the disease with greater efficacy. In the SWOT analysis, it is regarded as one of the opportunities for ICD implementation. However, post-procedural complications pose major threats to the successful use of this treatment method. To manage these threats more efficiently, health practitioners should identify specific risk factors that can jeopardize the treatment outcomes.

For instance, Da Silva et al. (2016) state that the severity of the condition (e.g., functional class III-IV), warfarin administration, advanced age (i.e., over 80 years), and ventricular dysfunction predict greater mortality rates. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of ICD implementation, care providers should assess every patient and identify potential risk factors associated with his or her condition. Unfortunately, ICD may not eliminate mortality entirely, yet the use of particular decision support procedures before the surgical intervention can foster more informed decisions regarding possible risk-benefit tradeoffs. By detecting risk factors and implementing appropriate decision-making strategies, care providers may highlight the strengths associated with ICD, alleviate its weaknesses, and take advantage of the opportunities.


Da Silva, K. R., Albertini, C. M. de M., Crevelari, E. S., de Carvalho, E. I. J., Fiorelli, A. I., Martinelli Filho, M., & Costa, R. (2016). Complications after surgical procedures in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices: Results of a prospective registry. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 107(3), 245–256. Web.

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