Future of Nursing: The IOM Report & Action Coalitions


The nursing profession forms an integral part of the United States’ healthcare workforce. In 2010, there were over 3 million practitioners and clinicians in the country. When these nurses are empowered, supported, and guided, they can respond competently to most of the health predicaments facing many Americans. This paper discusses the work that informed the IOM report “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” and its importance. The roles of state-based action coalitions are also described.

The IOM Report: Background

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was aimed at overhauling the United States’ health care system. Different professionals such as nurses were expected to play a crucial role in supporting and sustaining this objective. However, several barriers were making it hard for them to evolve with the healthcare system. In 2008, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) decided to launch an initiative that would transform the nature of the nursing profession (Hooper, 2016). The established joint committee presented the IOM “Future of Nursing” report that offered adequate recommendations for improving the future of the nursing practice.

The IOM report focused on the major hurdles that were affecting the effectiveness of nurses. The first recommendation was for nurses to be empowered and supported to practice in accordance with their competencies or educational levels (Saifan, Safieh, Milbes, & Shibly, 2015). The second one was for practitioners to acquire advanced training. Thirdly, the document supported the power of proper policymaking and planning to revolutionize America’s healthcare system. The last one was for nurses to partner with different professionals in order to improve the quality of medical services.

Importance of the IOM Report

Nursing Practice

The ultimate objective of nursing practice is to maximize the health outcomes of every patient. The IOM offers several propositions that can be embraced to improve the quality of health services available to different citizens. The introduction of superior policies can empower different practitioners to acquire advanced training. This means that they can pursue their master’s and doctorate degrees and acquire advanced competencies. This achievement can ensure that more patients have access to evidence-based and high-quality medical services (Saifan et al., 2015). Nurses practicing independently will improve their care delivery models and engage in lifelong learning. This new approach can transform the effectiveness of the country’s healthcare system. The suggested collaboration between nurses and other professionals will improve the quality of medical services and minimize medication errors (Hassmiller & Reinhard, 2015). Challenges such as the nursing shortage will also reduce significantly.

Nursing Education

The IOM report offers meaningful insights that can support the nature or quality of nursing education in the United States. For instance, the document explains why a superior system should be identified and implemented to meet the needs of many nurses. This development will ensure that more practitioners are equipped with the right skills, concepts, and competencies (Hooper, 2016). They will also be informed about different clinical guidelines that can result in positive health outcomes. Every professional in nursing is also encouraged to complete various educational or teaching roles. This means that caregivers, clinicians, and nurse aids can be equipped with superior competencies and ideas that can result in high-quality medical services. A seamless progression from one academic level to the next can result in appropriate concepts that can improve nursing practice.

Nursing Workforce Development

Hooper (2016) acknowledges that the IOM report can be used to improve America’s nursing workforce. The document supports the implementation and development of an advanced education system. This achievement will encourage more people to join the profession. The empowerment of practitioners to work independently can attract individuals to embrace the career. A seamless transition from one academic achievement to the next will ensure that more practitioners acquire advanced competencies (Hassmiller & Reinhard, 2015). These gains can increase the number of nurses and support every healthcare objective. The report supports the use of evidence-based information and data to inform care delivery decisions.

State-Based Action Coalitions

Different states in the United States have designed and implemented powerful initiatives known as “Campaigns for Actions” in order to advance the recommendations outlined in the IOM report. Such programs are funded and supported by the state (“Florida Action Coalition,” n.d.). The major objectives of such campaigns include mobilizing more nurses to be part of the profession, encouraging educators to be part of the process, and guiding healthcare providers to promote evidence-based models that can improve patients’ experiences.

Another issue taken seriously by these action coalitions in different states is that of nursing leadership. Practitioners and nurses who embrace this concept will empower their followers and ensure that high-quality medical services are available to more patients. Such campaigns are also promoting appropriates initiatives that be utilized to revolutionize nursing education. This objective is achieved by proposing various concepts and programs that are informed by the changing health needs of many citizens (Saifan et al., 2015). Different states are also attracting more people to join this profession. This strategy is aimed at tackling the challenge of the nursing shortage. Stakeholders and policymakers are encouraged to collaborate in an attempt to improve healthcare delivery.

Florida Action Coalition

My state is that of Florida. The Florida Action Coalition is currently spearheading several initiatives to ensure the goals outlined in the IOM report are achieved. The first strategy is promoting a diverse workforce. The major approaches put in place to deliver positive results in hiring individuals from different backgrounds and encouraging them to work as volunteers or nurse aides (“Florida Action Coalition,” n.d.). The second initiative revolves around leadership. In order to achieve meaningful results, practitioners are trained, empowered, and encouraged to collaborate with different professionals. When these strategies are taken seriously, it will be easier to advance the profession of nursing. More nurses will work as teams and deliver quality outcomes. Leadership attributes can ensure that desirable services are available to more patients. This means that the coalition will empower practitioners to deliver quality and safe health care to every Floridian.

The major barriers making it impossible for Florida’s action-based program to achieve its potential include financial constraints and workforce shortage. These challenges continue to affect the quality of medical services available to different patients. Different policymakers and nursing advocates in Florida have a role to overcome these barriers (“Florida Action Coalition,” n.d.). They can do so by identifying potential donors to deal with the problem of funds. They can also use powerful campaigns to collect money from different stakeholders or agencies. Such advocates can go further to attract many volunteers to support these two initiatives.


The above discussion has indicated that the United States can use the IOM report to improve its healthcare delivery system. Nurses should be part of this process by undertaking numerous roles, collaborating with different professionals, and engaging in lifelong learning. Every state should also focus on the IOM report and implement evidence-based initiatives in order to improve the nursing profession.


Florida Action Coalition. (n.d.). Web.

Hassmiller, S. B., & Reinhard, S. C. (2015). A bold new vision for America’s health care system. Nursing Outlook, 63(1), 41-47. Web.

Hooper, V. D. (2016). The Institute of Medicine report on the future of nursing: Where are we 5 years later? Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 31(5), 367-369. Web.

Saifan, A. R., Safieh, H. A., Milbes, R., & Shibly, R. (2015). Suggestions to close the gap in nursing education: Nursing students’ perceptions. International Journal of Nursing Didactics, 5(10), 5-12. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 10). Future of Nursing: The IOM Report & Action Coalitions. https://studycorgi.com/implementation-of-the-iom-future-of-nursing-report/

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StudyCorgi. "Future of Nursing: The IOM Report & Action Coalitions." July 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/implementation-of-the-iom-future-of-nursing-report/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Future of Nursing: The IOM Report & Action Coalitions." July 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/implementation-of-the-iom-future-of-nursing-report/.

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