The Problem of International Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is currently a critical issue that any Internet user can face since the spread of this phenomenon is increasing. It can have significant effects on life quality, especially in the case of children and teenagers. Thus, as a research question, an analysis of the causes of international cyberbullying from the criminological perspective and the examination of regulatory actions are put forward.

My theoretical perspective lies in knowing this phenomenon’s basic foundations and its prevalence. Cyberbullying is an aggressive behavior taking place in the information space. Although the aggressors cannot harm the victim physically, psychological pressure can be exerted almost constantly due to the lack of boundaries on the Internet. However, I discovered my lack of knowledge regarding the true causes of this phenomenon among different populations. Also, I have an insufficient understanding of possible effective countermeasures.

An analysis of modern literature shows a depressing situation with cyberbullying research. First of all, the researchers note that the number of cyberbullying cases is increasing, especially in low- and middle-income families (Zhu et al., 2021). Other studies show that currently implemented programs are somewhat effective but overlook many significant factors (Gaffney et al., 2019). These studies demonstrate that the current approach in research requires many gaps to be filled and elements of the crime to be analyzed.

The main ethical issues in this area are the problems of the safety of personal data on the Internet and issues of interaction with adolescents and children, who are the primary victims of this phenomenon. These groups are the study’s target population, and improper interaction with them can lead to re-experiencing unpleasant experiences. It is recommended to use intermediaries in the form of school employees, parents, or special children’s institutions, to lower the chance of such incidents. In addition, the researcher must be sufficiently technologically proficient at preventing data leakage. Finally, the additional duties of the investigator in this context are not to interfere with therapy and a thorough analysis of all information for reliability.

Thus, the study of this topic is associated with many conceptual issues: from the detection of crimes to the safety of information. Therefore, to fully answer the question posed, the researcher must undergo serious training. However, cyberbullying is too important and urgent a problem that requires critical attention. Therefore, research in this area is needed to fill existing gaps in the literature and formulate more effective interventions.


Gaffney, H., Farrington, D. P., Espelage, D. L., & Ttofi, M. M. (2019). Are cyberbullying intervention and prevention programs effective? A systematic and meta-analytical review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 45, 134-153. Web.

Zhu, C., Huang, S., Evans, R., & Zhang, W. (2021). Cyberbullying among adolescents and children: A comprehensive review of the global situation, risk factors, and preventive measures. Frontiers in Public Health, 167. Web.

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