Improving a Healthcare Compliance Program

Last year I secured employment with Baptist Health Centre as a therapist. The focus of the organization was to facilitate effective service delivery to the patients and the community. To minimize the possible setbacks in the institution, the management team facilitated ethical conduct in the facility units. To ensure the hospital, employees, and other stakeholders comply with required regulations and standards; the management body adopted the use of some strategies to facilitate effective adherence to the laws. This essay will analyze how Baptist’s support program braced open lines of communication as an indicator of health care compliance.

The board of management developed different mechanisms to ensure effective lines of communication in the organization’s system. First, they created a culture where employees could communicate openly and freely with the people in charge. The institution encouraged workers and other associates of the hospital to report cases of violation of the work ethics to the compliance officer. Furthermore, the administration detailed ways of investigating the concerns and how they will be handled.

Secondly, the hospital promoted confidential reporting, where individuals who have raised the issue are not disclosed to the public. The organization established a landline number where health workers, patients, and other affected persons can call to inform the management team. In addition, suggestion boxes are located in most unit areas so that individuals can drop their concerns. Compliance Officer in the unit assured employees of confidentiality, making most of the staff members share the problems.

To improve the effort towards the support program, the management should continuously announce the concerns so that every worker and patient can be fully aware of the misconduct for easy identification. Moreover, compliance officers to make sure there are different mechanisms for reporting in the facility to enhance the timely and effective delivery of information about non-compliance (Health Care Compliance Association, 2003). Lastly, the management should formulate, implement and maintain communication policies within the healthcare unit to encourage people to share their experiences.

All the indicators can be used for the self-evaluation of health professionals because they cover all the relevant areas that can cause risk to the institution. They highlight how to ascertain compliance that meets the legal requirement. I would evaluate myself in relation to my efforts to comply with the organization’s needs and form the outcome of the commitment. In my opinion, benchmarks like policies and procedures, ongoing education and training, and lines of communication are more applicable in the program because they define sensitive information that can easily help minimize non-compliance in the organization.

Generally, for the institutions to promote compliance of workers and other related stakeholders, they should ensure to make a specific program that identifies key policy areas like code of conduct, organization’s legal risks, and support program compliance guidelines. By encouraging a positive work environment, employees would find it easier to report ill practices that can put the health care unit at legal risk. Additionally, assuring the safety of employees can also facilitate adherence to the principles.


Health Care Compliance Association. (2003). Evaluating and improving a compliance program. Health Care Compliance Association.

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