Improving Company Productivity With New Technologies


The web technologies have advanced in the past years. Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 are among the recent technologies that have come up the world of Information Technology. These technologies have various functions that can be used in various fields today. They have been used in various organisations and companies that have excelled in various ways. They bring a lot of potential in the business sector and there functionalities are diverse. They have also ensured that information systems have advanced and this has led to advancement in application systems. There are many applications that assist Web 2.0 AND Enterprise 2.0 perform different functions that are incorporated in these systems. (Hinchcliffe)

Web 2.0 is linked with web applications that ensure information distribution, user-centered design as well as coordination on the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 includes applications like hosted sites, web-based functionalities, social-networking sites, wikis and blogs. Web 2.0 site gives its users the opportunity to relate with other users, edit the content on the website as well as share information with each other. It allows users to do so much more than retrieve information such as creating interactive services that enable clients to run software applications exclusively on a browser. The users have the power to own data and information on a Web 2.0 site and operate it as they please.

The best thing with this site is that it allows participation from the users. This makes the site a source of information to all potential clients. Web 2.0 gives clients’ great experience, client participation, wide range of quality information as well as website principals. (Jessup, & Valacich)

The client side or the web browser on Web 2.0 is developed using JavaScript or Ajax and XML, Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex applications. In order to allow the client to continuously use the page, communication about the data requirements leaving for the server must be separate with that coming to the page. In this way, the client while working on any application on the site experiences no delays. This enhances the general performance of Web 2.0 since sending requests can finish faster without queuing or experiencing any blockage. (Loudon, &. Laudon)

The data retrieved by Ajax is normally designed in XML or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). A programmer can be able to use this application easily to distribute organized data to their web applications. If Ajax is used, the JavaScript program will have to use Document Object Model (DOM) to actively update the website depending on the new data received. This creates an open field for the user to interact with different other users without any interferences. The application allows for quick client interaction with the website since programmers can build their pages to operate like desktop applications. For instance, Google Docs mainly incorporate this technique to build a web-based processor. (Matuszak)

Adobe Flex is also incorporated in Web 2.0 applications. Adobe Flex allows the programmers to fill large amount of data grids, charts and other large client interactions. Applications that are designed with Flex are mainly complied and presented as Flash inside the browser. Flash is an extensively accessible plug-in that is able to do a wide range of functions that are not possible in HTML. The flash used in Web 2.0 is usually meant to produce aural and visual files.

This explains the development of Web2.0 applications such as YouTube which has video media incorporated with the typical HTML. Further technology has recently allowed Flash and Ajax, JavaScript/Ajax structures to become accepted methods of developing Web 2.0 sites. These structures remove any contradictions between web browsers and the technology is open to programmers. Other functionalities include tasks such as selecting dates from a calendar, displaying time or charts among others. (Marks)

Web 2.0 has relevant technologies like Web 1.0. However, in Web 2.0 how the data is formatted varies from Web 1.0. In the past when Internet was not very advanced, there was no necessity to have different sites interact with each other. Today however, sharing information between websites has become a necessity. In order for any website to interact with another it should be able to produce results in computer readable layout like XML, RSS and JSON. In the case where a website data is accessible in any of these formats, another site will be able to incorporate a part of that site’s capability into itself thus the two will be connected. This allows information to be easily accessible and classified in detail. This makes Web 2.0 very efficient in providing for information and data sharing in various sites. (McDonald)

Enterprise 2.0 is a system of web-based functionalities that offers swift and fast association, information distribution and interaction within large projects. The term enterprise 2.0 has in some cases been used to explain social and networked modifications to enterprises that incorporate social software. It also refers to beginning and completion within an enterprise of Web 2.0 skills such as extensive internet practices, provision of software and applying web as the common foundation. Enterprise 2.0 uses the concept of client-and server-side architecture as well as the use of network protocols. It provides clients with capability of data storage, data development and distribution that was not achievable with the past applications. (Marks)

The Enterprise 2.0 has a number of features that make the site more advanced in the modern society. The “Search” feature allows a user to look for information using keywords. The “Authoring” application allows the clients to develop and update information with association of many users. The wikis have more features like redo, undo other users work. In blogs, many people can be able to send comments all time. “Tags” are also used to classify and describe information. Folksonomies is a collection of tags that have been developed by different users in a single system. “Extensions” in Enterprise 2.0 site is the software that develops the web and document server. “Signals” are used to inform clients of information changes an example being RSS. (Matuszak)

Enterprise 2.0 is not only concerned with technology, but has many technological skills that are involved. These skills make the basis to which it operates and its importance in the area of business. A Blog is a personal or company site that is mainly in the shape of online journal. It is mostly used to distribute regularly varying data, thoughts, concepts, that consist of links to other sites. Blogs helps clients to put down comments while interacting with other users allowing an atmosphere for them to share information. The common Blogs used in businesses include project updates, company exchanges and proposal generation.

The Wiki is another feature used in Enterprise 2.0 that allows clients to change the information incorporated at their own wish. They generate places for joint authoring and distribution, while offering reasonable and efficient Intranet, and Knowledge Management Foundations. It allows for reviewing histories, access controls and account following thus making it appropriate for team made certifications.

The Wikipedia application is the most suitable example of Internet- based Wiki. Some of Wikis used in businesses include company intranet, documentation storage as well joint authoring. Mashups are ways of merging data sources to produce dynamic site content. Content that is found in mashups is mostly got from a third party through open interface such as RSS feeds and API. Google-Maps is an example of internet mashup. (McDonald)

RSS can be pledged to and viewed through a central location called RSS reader that allows users to catch up with the websites they love. They allow users the capability to see these sites automatically without having to open each one to look for information physically. The RSS used in business include news, email and updates. Social Bookmarking are efficient for arranging search criteria sites and to run web-browser bookmarks. Users save links that they require for later time and arrange them with familiar tags. The idea of distributing and tags allows users who have related interests to recover sites they could have missed.

Enterprise 2.0 allows more bookmarks than it was in the past and enabling them to be managed efficiently. The kinds of bookmarks mostly used in business include looking for research sites, market survey tracking and management bookmarking. Social networking is developing online networks of individuals who have same interests and opinions. These services have a number of methods for users to interrelate including chatting, messaging, emails, logging and discussions. (McDonald)

How the new technologies are changing the way of doing business

Enterprise 2.0 is proving to be an essential tool in many organisations today. It has been able to open ways in which companies are able to communicate and distribute information on various levels. This has created a broad and open field for many companies to develop in the field of information technology. One of the major benefits of enterprise 2.0 is that it creates openness and promotes participation.

This is achieved through open communications that bring about publicity and contribution all over the world for the company. Individuals are able to acquire information and awareness thus they are able to work together with an aim to achieve their objectives. The company is able to benefit from abundance resources from various websites that helps them make informed decisions for the well-being of everyone. There is increased productivity in the company and this allows for more opportunities hence the growth of the company. (Marks)

Rapid growth and product improvement for the company are achieved and this helps the employees’ benefits immensely. This is achieved through incorporation of information technology processes within the organization. The company processes open opportunities in the internet and other related information technology that are incorporated in Enterprise 2.0. More effective projects management methods are learnt helping boost the company’s image. This creates many opportunities for the company to open its market outside the borders thus helping create more job opportunities all over the world.

Enterprise 2.0 allows for universal distribution of information in the website and this allows users to be more knowledgeable. Information is available easily for everyone to access at a central place when one requires it. The information is updated regularly in most cases thus; all the users will have access to relevant information no matter where they are located. (Loudon, &. Laudon)

Companies that are using Enterprise 2.0 have the potential to advance their technology. This allows them to attract and employ talented individuals who will add more value to the company. Many young people who use these technologies anticipate using this technology in places they will be employed. This creates the need for companies to employ Enterprise 2.0 in most of their operations. It also creates better internal interaction among the employees since information is easily passed across the organisation.

This increases the need to communication among the colleagues and participation in discussion that are geared towards the welfare of the company. This also leads to enhanced employee behaviour in the organisation. The supervisors also have better ways to access employees’ projects that they have been delegated as well as ensure that projects are completed in time. (Jessup, & Valacich)

Enterprise 2.0 facilitates distribution of work among the company staff thus ensuring that there is shared responsibility. This is possible because information can be shared among various users who in turn do their part without failure. It also assures that duplicate information is reduced thus saving time, energy and money and thus it leads to enhanced productivity. This enables well informed decisions to be made in the company thus ensuring that the company is doing well. There is also greater access to high quality information that encourages organizational skills in the organisation. This ensures that the top management are able to keep their work up to date so that no important issues will be forgotten.

They are also able to locate potential markets for their products easily while assessing the various sites available. The top management will also ensure that the most advanced website for the company is created to ensure that all the relevant information is accessible to the public. This will ensure that they coordinate information with the many projects that they engage in. Searching of information will also be faster since the technology is advanced. (Marks)

Advantages and disadvantages of using this new technology

There are a number of challenges that can be experienced in introducing Enterprise 2.0 technologies. Loss of private information can occur through leakage to the external sources. This can occur through various ways including emails.

This usually occurs when members of the staff deliberately expose confidential information to unauthorized persons. This can lead to loss of company basic assets and resources which can lower the productivity of the company. It is important for the relevant company staff to learn about these problems to avoid such cases in the company. In other cases, the network security can make the information susceptible to hacking. These are persons who try to get into the computer systems of a company. The right security measures should be taken to ensure that these kinds of problems are not experienced in the company. (Jessup, & Valacich)

The other problem is failure to control how information is passed within the various applications. If this happens, the information might get to the wrong person who may use it against the company or inappropriately. Knowledge on how the information is supposed to be passed to ensure there is no leakage. Other users may also pass negative and abuse comments within the organisation through the various discussion forums. This may bring conflict within the organisation and may lead to poor output. The systems should be developed in such a way that anonymous comments are not incorporated. There are also cases of negative external comments and the staff should be enlightened on such issues. (Turban & Volonino)

There is also the risk of lowered staff productivity since some of them might spend a lot of time using the various social networking platforms. These issues in many cases do not promote business for the company. Policies should be put in place for supervising this kind of behaviour. In some instances, these tools should be made inaccessible in order for employees to focus on their work. Excess usage of these applications like video sharing can cause the company to pay more bandwidth expenses. These applications should be used if they are meant for the benefit of the company. (Marks)

Companies that have adapted this technology

I feel that Enterprise 2.0 is very important in maintaining a successful business in the modern world. This is because information technology has become the core to many flourishing organizations today. This technological change is very essential to be able to achieve more from the business world. It is has the potential to make a business grow from a small branch into a huge organisation. This is because this technology allows for wider and larger markets in many locations that one will be able to reach.

Any company that wishes to succeed should incorporate the Enterprise 2.0 technology, which is incorporated in information, and technology. Many companies have succeeded in using this technology and they stand as testament for this unique and essential feature. (Turban & Volonino)

IBM is an American company that has used the technologies of Enterprise 2.0. The company established Blogging four years ago in order for employees to talk about various issues while sharing tasks and job occurrences. Many people access their site and give different views on a daily basis and this has changed many activities in the company. This wide spread interrelation among various people has made them increase their productivity in various departments.

The company has reported growth in the past years and they insist that they are not stopping at this point. They are going to incorporate many more applications in the company because they believe in the power of information technology. The economic growth in the company was increased greatly with the establishment of this technology. (Marks)

MWW is also another company that has used Enterprise 2.0 in their company. They have reported millions in terms of profits and this has expanded their horizons. This company has been at the top and many of their products are advertised in their website. There is constant information they release to the public through their website on a daily basis. They also have a Blogging site, which has received tremendous comments from various groups. Enterprise 2.0 gives many opportunities to experience many things for an organisation thus it is very important for companies and business to use this technology. This has helped them grow in various ways that would not have been possible without the contribution of this technology. (Turban & Volonino)


Web 2.0 and enterprise 2.0 have more or less the same functionalities in many ways. They have provided us with the latest technology to help many business and companies to be able to reach their objectives. It has established a new culture in the business and private sector that allows for free access of information. This has made many sectors of the economy grow and expand their horizons. It is a technology to be advocated to all companies and businesses since they provide most of the answers for running a successful business.


E20Portal. Benefits of Enterprise 2.0. n.d. Web.

Hinchcliffe, Dion.Fixing IT in the Cloud computing era. 2010. Web.

Jessup, L & Valacich, J. Information Systems Today, Managing in the digital world, Prentice-Hall, 2007. Print.

Loudon, K &. Laudon, J.Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, (10th Ed) Prentice-Hall, 2008. Print.

Matuszak, Gary. Enterprise 2.0. The Benefits and Challenges of Adoption. n.d. Web.

Marks, Oliver. Fads Vs Business Value: Knowledge Management & Enterprise 2.0. 2009. Web.

McDonald, D.Dennis. How can you communicate the corporate Benefits of Enterprise 2.0 Network Effects? 2006. Web.

Turban, E., & Volonino, L. Information Technology for management: Transforming organisations in the digital economy, 2010. Web.

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