Increased Suicide Rates in the United States


Suicide is a dangerous phenomenon that leads to preventable deaths. The United States significantly suffers from a high suicide rate. According to Kaufman et al. (2020), the US has witnessed a 30% suicide rate increase from 1999 to 2017. It is reasonable to understand why people decide to end their lives. In the United States, the leading reasons include financial problems, substance abuse, and bullying.


Firstly, financial stressors force many individuals to end their lives. This reason is a generalized term containing a few specific risk factors. For example, they include debts, job loss, and financial hardship (Kaufman et al., 2020). Some people consider their economic problems unsolvable, which leads them to suicide. A specific argument proves that this reason contributes to the problem. Kaufman et al. (2020) stipulate that a $1 increase in the minimum wage leads to a 3.4%-5.9% decrease in the suicide rate. An elementary step can help save the lives of many Americans. This information demonstrates that economic well-being is directly connected with suicide ideation.

Secondly, many people commit suicide because they rely on deviant behaviors. Substance abuse is a suitable example of such a risk factor. Alcohol and illicit drugs are dangerous and harmful to people. When people are under the influence, they cannot make adequate decisions. Various studies mention that substance abuse is responsible for 43-65% of suicide attempts (Steele et al., 2018). Thus, illegal drugs and alcohol accompany almost half of all suicides. Alcohol is more dangerous here because it is easily accessible to everyone. One cannot ignore the impact of substance abuse on a high suicide rate.

Thirdly, teenagers are subject to suicide ideation, and interpersonal relationships are a contributing factor. Bullying is a widespread problem that adversely impacts multiple adolescents. School bullying was a leading reason for almost 10% of suicide attempts (Steele et al., 2018). Over 14% of teenagers suffered from cyberbullying before committing suicide (Steele et al., 2018). More than 20% suffered from the two types of bullying (Steele et al., 2018). Thus, interpersonal conflicts can result in teenagers’ decisions to end their lives. Adolescents need psychological assistance to prevent them from making mistakes. Peers’ aggression can explain a rising suicide rate in the US.


In conclusion, suicide rates are high in the United States, and many factors contribute to the problem. Financial problems, substance abuse, and bullying make adults and adolescents commit suicide.


Kaufman, J. A., Salas-Hernández, L. K., Komro, K. A., & Livingston, M. D. (2020). Effects of increased minimum wages by unemployment rate on suicide in the USA. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74(3), 219-224.

Steele, I. H., Thrower, N., Noroian, P., & Saleh, F. M. (2018). Understanding suicide across the lifespan: A United States perspective of suicide risk factors, assessment, and management. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 63(1), 162-171.

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