Individual and Community Physical Fitness Importance

Physical fitness has been proven to bring numerous health benefits to an individual because it enhances the body’s muscle strength. It has also been identified to be one of the most significant ways that enable people to reduce the risk of suffering from some non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and type 2 diabetes. Other health conditions such as obesity and stroke have also been found to occur due to inadequate physical fitness. It is, therefore, necessary for people to engage in physical exercises such as cross-training, multi-sport, and triathlon that are seemingly gaining popularity due to their usefulness in weight management, mental function, and energy regulation in the body.

Physical exercise plays a principal role in preventing high blood pressure because it enhances blood circulation by improving the elasticity of the blood vessels. Moreover, it improves the body’s energy regulation by burning excess calories in the body. However, it is worth noting that an exercise program requires a warm-up, stretches, and cross-training. It also requires the use of appropriate gears and clothing, as well as, keeping the body hydrated. Finally, it is advisable to choose the right sport to avoid muscle strain and pain.

In conclusion, physical exercise plays a key role in community health; therefore, one can motivate people to participate in community fitness events by designing an efficient fitness program that involves racing, cycling, and swimming. One can get assistance for planning fitness events from Red Cross, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, June 12). Individual and Community Physical Fitness Importance.

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