Industrialization: New Power Sources and Materials


The epoch of industrialization became an important link in the chain of human evolution since many technological advances that are relevant even today were invented at that time. Adherence to the ideals of scientific thoughts distinguished scientists and inventors from ordinary citizens, and it was due to the desire to improve life that many developments appeared. Scientific discoveries and new sources of power prove the significance of the industrialization stage in the history of the world and humanity.

Scientific Discoveries During Industrialization

The era of industrialization was the starting point for the emergence of many important and relevant discoveries in various spheres. For instance, according to Porter (2009), in the field of shipbuilding, new developments enabled seafarers to control ship traffic more confidently. This discovery certainly contributed to the overall process of industrialization since the speed and accuracy of movements on the water surface increased and, consequently, the convenience and quality of transportation grew.

Also, Porter (2009) gives examples of discoveries in the industrial sphere and mentions improved press systems, new methods for casting steel, creating updated roofing coatings, and other inventions. Their contribution to science and the process of industrialization may seem insignificant at first sight. However, due to various industrial developments, many processes improved, which had a positive effect on the quality of work and its speed. Therefore, discoveries in the age of technical progress are a significant step in the history of science.

New Sources of Power

Regarding energy innovations, new sources of power conversion appeared. As Porter (2009) argues, essential developments were made in the field of electricity, and a certain Smith created a vibrating machine that worked on the basis of electromagnetic waves from a stationary power source. The use of this device allowed crowding out many mechanisms that did not have an autonomous mode.

Another way of generating energy that emerged during industrialization was hydraulic power, which Porter (2009) describes as the mechanism “forcing water into large cylinders, by forcing pumps which are operated by steam power” (p. 31). The system replaced many traditional methods of producing energy based on heat and became part of industrial processes. These and other sources appeared in the era of industrialization and became the essential part of technical progress.

New Materials Development and Inventions

The transition to industrialization meant progress not only in the industrial sphere but also in the field of agriculture where innovations were also proposed in order to make life easier for farmers. According to Porter (2009), such tools as special harvesting mechanisms became a real contribution to the common cause and accelerated the process of working in agricultural areas significantly. As Gollin, Jedwab, and Vollrath (2016) note, the course of industrialization did not imply a complete transition to urban life and the abandonment of farming. On the contrary, the creation of mechanisms like presses for grinding, sorting tools, and other useful devices helped the population to strengthen the agricultural sector and to achieve efficient crop processing.


The epoch of industrialization played a significant role in the development of science and technology, and many innovations of that time are relevant today, which proves their quality. Discoveries in various areas of life helped humanity to improve and facilitate life by creating auxiliary tools designed to simplify daily work. The search for alternative sources of power marked the beginning of a new stage in the energy sector, and in general, industrialization contributed to the development of various spheres by automating work.


Gollin, D., Jedwab, R., & Vollrath, D. (2016). Urbanization with and without industrialization. Journal of Economic Growth, 21(1), 35-70. Web.

Porter, R. (Ed.). (2009). The advocate of industry and journal of scientific, mechanical and other improvements. Scientific American Magazine, 2 (1). Web.

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