Informatics Systems in Healthcare

Electronic health records (EHRs) and other informatics systems are pivotal in increasing healthcare quality and improving patient outcomes. According to Brewer et al. (2020), “the rapid proliferation of health informatics and digital health innovations has revolutionized clinical and research practices” (p. 1). In particular, the value of such systems for medical professionals should be discussed with regard to their ability to enhance coordination, use patient data efficiently, and protect sensitive information (Brewer et al., 2020). In this regard, doctors can make safe and effective clinical decisions on the basis of structured information. Other benefits of electronic health records and similar systems include lower costs and increased automation, which leads to enhanced patient outcomes due to reduced medical errors (Brewer et al., 2020). Manual tasks can contribute to staff burnout and poor productivity. At the same time, automated processes can eliminate additional pressure on healthcare professionals, providing them with an opportunity to focus on patient outcomes.

Based on my professional experience with electronic health records, I can conclude that patient safety can be improved through the use of automated systems. In particular, EHRs provide an overview of an individual’s medical history, treatment plans, medications, and other relevant data. As a result, healthcare providers can consider all factors to make a comprehensive decision. In this regard, the diagnostic process can be enhanced due to technology. Furthermore, the use of informatics systems for patient monitoring or management allows for streamlining the workflow, which is critical for patient-centered care. Overall, the use of electronic health records and other informatics systems creates value for healthcare providers, improving patient care and safety, as well as coordination within the teams.


Brewer, L. C., Fortuna, K. L., Jones, C., Walker, R., Hayes, S. N., Patten, C. A., & Cooper, L. A. (2020). Back to the future: Achieving health equity through health informatics and digital health. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(1), 1-16.

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