Comprehensive IT Trainer Job Description: Skills & Testing


The organization requires an IT trainer. The position demands flexibility since the occupant is expected to performance IT training duties. The organization uses personality and psychological testing to predict job performance, job related behaviors, and reactions as guides to hiring and staffing. This job requires cognitive testing through the task-based job analysis. This paper presents a comprehensive job description for the IT trainer job.

IT trainer job description

This job requires cognitive testing through the task-based job analysis. This test provides the company with an opportunity to foresee personality, approaches, and psychological behavior to determine an applicant’s fitness with the existing personnel, especially for the sensitive and strategic IT training job (Mutch, 2011). On the basis of relative time spent, this role scores a mean mark of 3, that is, average since it focuses on personality and psychological testing. On the basis of difficulty of the task, the score for this position is 3, since the role of an IT trainer is often challenging and demands constant motivation.

Motivation evaluation engages in active process of learning through promotion, facilitation, and rewarding collective learning results, the ideal module for quantifying success will rely on the set objectives. The three building blocks of motivation evaluation include learning intra personal performance, learning processes, and practices leadership that reinforce performance (Majid & Kowtha, 2008). These aspects are success measurement variables of the training and development strategy for the organization which is carrying out objective job evaluation for the IT trainer.

On the basis of mistake made, the analysis reveals a score of 1, that is, very easy to correct since the organization is dependent on what is observable. Thus, any mistake made by the IT trainer can be easily corrected via reviewing his or her cognitive ability. To be able to carry out organizational psychology assessment on the basis of centrality, research and statistics are needed to understand the various behavioral patterns that exist within the scope of an organization for this role. This self guided approach is based on collaborative procedures that involve designing specific learning experiences to teach organization on how to monitor automatic behavior; recognize the relationship between these behaviors and cognition, ways to test the validity of the relationships, and measures to apply to substitute the distorted thoughts with more realistic cognitions in the evaluation of a suitable IT trainer (Aral, Brynjolfsson and Wu, 2012).

Multiple re-assignment analysis is important because it ‘screens’ suitable candidates who would be productive to organization’s objectives. Nevertheless, choosing right individuals for the IT trainer employment is a challenge. Features that qualify an individual for this job include thirst for success, competency in IT skills, innovativeness, open mindedness, and team player spirit.

Summary of the job description: Tasks and evaluation criteria

Tasks Relative time spent Difficulty to learn Mistake made (or if not done) Centrality Re-assignment: X if done
1 – small amount of time
2 – less than average
3 – average
4 – above average
5 – large amount of time
1 – one of the easiest
2 – easier than most
3 – harder than most
4 – one of the hardest
1 – slight, easy to correct
2 – somewhat serious, but easy to correct
3 – serious, hard to correct
5 – very serious, life threatening or very expensive
0 – just a side part of the job, not a central part of the job
1 – a central part of the job, but not one of the primary reasons the job exists
2 – a central part of the job, one of the main reasons the job exists
0 – several people do this, can be re-assigned on a long-term basis
1 – one other person does hit, could be re-assigned on a long-term basis
2 – nobody else does this, cannot be re-assigned on a long-term basis
3 3 1 2 2 Field work
3 2 1 2 2 Leadership


Aral, S., Brynjolfsson, E. & Wu, L. (2012). Three-way complementariness: Performance and pay, human resource analytics and information technology. Management Science Journal, 58(5), 913-931.

Majid, S. & Kowtha, R. (2008). Utilizing environmental knowledge for competitive advantage. San Francisco: Association for Information Systems.

Mutch, A. (2011). Information literacy: an exploration. International Journal of Information Management, 17(5), 377–386.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, September 25). Comprehensive IT Trainer Job Description: Skills & Testing.

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