Initial Beliefs: Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare

Learning means acquiring new information that broadens people’s horizons and helps them to see details or peculiarities that were previously unnoticed. Turning back to my first paper, I should say that my initial beliefs remain unchanged, although I got extensive knowledge related to the subject. The organizational theory remains a critical factor influencing the work of health units and is necessary for their stable functioning. Following the Triple Aim concept, it is possible to attain the continuous improvement of the sector and manage problems it has at the moment (Kovner & D’Aunno, 2017; Whittington et al., 2015). At the same time, I am sure that the lack of OT or its poor knowledge might deteriorate outcomes and precondition the unit’s failure to attain existing goals. For this reason, the organizational theory remains crucial for the modern healthcare sector.

New Ideas Learned

Moreover, as I said previously, the course helped me to acquire new information that can have a positive influence on my future career and practice. For instance, one of the things I learned is the critical importance of continuous quality improvement. It cannot be viewed as a single action that might significantly enhance various areas. On the contrary, it is a long-term process demanding attention and much effort. Quality improvement initiatives and activities should be integrated into the everyday routine to ensure that a unit can achieve existing goals (Whittington et al., 2015). Moreover, it should be a coordinated and combined effort of managers and health workers aimed at promoting positive change and eliminating factors deteriorating outcomes.

In such a way, I should admit that there are some aspects that I have already put into practice and plan to integrate. First, following the ideas of the organizational theory and quality improvement paradigm, I focus on creating a basis for continuous enhancement of provided care, improvement of outcomes, and satisfaction levels. It is attained by analyzing various cases, looking for specific ways to address them, and generating additional knowledge about working in different environments. At the same time, I intend to devote more attention to healthcare ethics, which also plays a critical role in the modern healthcare setting and might have a significant influence on outcomes. I am sure that the information provided during the course served as a potent stimulus showing me the critical importance of using relevant methods and knowledge in managing efforts to improve population health. It means that in my future career, I want to engage in the continuous improvement process vital for me, health workers, and for patients influenced by my decisions.

Additionally, some goals can be achieved if the opportunity presents itself. First of all, I think it is essential to foster the integration of technologies into managing processes affecting the performance of the hospital. The existing innovations can be linked to the organizational theory and employed to improve delegation, maintenance, planning, and care delivery processes (Kovner & D’Aunno, 2017). However, it might demand additional costs and effort, meaning that it is vital to ensure a unit has the necessary resources that can be used to initiate the described activities and promote positive change by using a more technological approach. It can be viewed as the future of the healthcare sector, for this reason, I believe such actions are vital for improving management and outcomes.


Reflecting on the course, I should also say that my perspective has altered significantly because of the new information I acquired. I came to the conclusion that effective care delivery does not depend on the staff’s preparedness levels only. The given factor is critical for working with patients and ensuring they are provided with the necessary treatment. However, the lack of organization and structured approach might reduce the effectiveness of teams’ efforts because of the poor collaboration and understanding between specialists and departments. For this reason, the creation of a structured and effective system is critical for delivering care and enhancing population health. Otherwise, health workers’ efforts will be less effective and will not help to attain desired outcomes.

However, the high level of stress and workload because of the pandemic and the lack of resources can limit some intentions and plans for implementing new aspects. For instance, improvement of population health can be attained by introducing new approaches for screening to detect common chronic diseases or types of cancer. It would contribute to better outcomes as early detection increases chances for success. However, the lack of resources and finances, along with the growing number of other tasks, makes the achievement of this goal impossible. For this reason, there is a need for a more radical reconsideration of the healthcare sector to ensure it remains capable of facing modern challenges. Altogether, the course provided me with critical and relevant information about the healthcare sector, management, and organization. I improved my vision of the existing methods to increase effectiveness and create the basis for new achievements. My plans are closely linked to the ideas presented during the course, and I believe it will help me during my career.


Kovner, A. R. & D’Aunno, T. (2017). Research opportunities and examples. In T. Rundall and T. Otte-Trojel (Eds.), Evidence-based management in healthcare: Principles, cases, and perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 65-84). Health Administration Press.

Whittington, J. W., Nolan, K., Lewis, N., & Torres, T. (2015). Pursuing the triple aim: The first 7 years. The Milbank Quarterly, 93(2), 263–300.

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