Social and Racial Injustices Addressed in Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birmingham Letter

I agree with Dr. King’s notion that injustice to a single person in a specific, even if far off place is an injustice to the whole nation and society. If a country has accepted individuals and they have citizenship in that country, the government should support and not alienate people and their rights. I somewhat disagree with Dr. King’s honest and true belief, in using an open and trusting terminology in his explanations of direct action. His strategy and behavior are based on the highest values and morals but many people do not understand the highest morality. It is unfortunate, but his honesty and explanation of reality might not be understood by authorities. To be heard, people must use the same understanding that the people they are talking to possess. It is evident that his honesty and direct approach are much needed and respected but there is a possibility it might harm the cause that is being fought for.

The list of injustices that Martin Luther King addresses is very direct and specific. He is right in the criticism that he offers and specifics that he outlines, explaining actions that are detrimental to people through actions of the government. Martin Luther King fights for something much higher than himself. When he gives the reason why he is at Birmingham—”because injustice is here”, (King par. 3) he proves that he is set to fight anything that contradicts morality, fairness, and equality.

One of the injustices that Dr. King talks about is the sign that can be seen everywhere that denies entry to African-Americans. This is preposterous that people are not allowed to enter stores, restaurants, and other public places, only because their skin color is different. This is a representation of the limitation of human understanding and morality. The second injustice he talks about is the absence of the “God-given” rights that every person in the world has. It is unacceptable that someone could have the power to take away the rights of another person. There is nothing that makes one individual higher than another, especially when it comes to government, which is supposed to be impartial and supportive of its citizens. The third injustice is the denial of protesting and calling it an aggressive act, even when it is not at all. The government simply exaggerates the problem, so that they can blame people fighting for their rights.

Even though it is wrong for people to follow immoral laws, the definition of each particular individual might be different. It is important to oppose unjust laws but it must be confirmed by the majority that the laws are unfair. King mentions St. Thomas Aquinas about unjust laws and the necessity to follow them. The laws that are detrimental and harmful to a person are to be considered unjust and thus, should be abolished.

In the modern local community, the support of politicians is very obvious. It is meant to instill hope and belief that the justice system works and the government will not abuse citizens for any reason. The modern-day laws are centered on discrimination which proves that people and the government have realized how wrong things were previously and how determined everyone is to make sure this sort of injustice does not repeat itself.

Works Cited

King, Martin (1963). Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Web.

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