Impact of Computer Technologies on Human Resources: Research Proposal

Problem Statement

The interference of the innovative technologies in the modern business world is inevitable and may be considered as a positive feature, but the interference of computer technologies in the business human resources has also disadvantages; the research is focused on the consideration of the positive and negative influence of computer technologies on the human resources who work in offices.


  1. Consider the level of the influence of the innovative technologies on office workers.
  2. Check the level of changes the innovative technologies have brought to the workplace.
  3. Identify the negative and positive impacts of the changes the innovative technologies have brought.
  4. Dwell upon the ways to shift the negative features of the new technologies used to the positive ones.

Research Procedure (Methods)

It is possible to interview the workers who use the Internet for their personal needs and for entertainment and those who do not do this. The schedule for time-division should be created for each employee. It will help to identify the time people spend on work and the entertainment during working hours. The scope of the planned and completed work should be researched as well.

Population and Sample

The interview should b conducted in one small company. The workers who use the Internet for their personal needs and entertainment are expected to be aged between 25 and 35, while those who do not do this are expected to be about 45-60 years old.

Research Design – 10 points possible

  1. Describe the steps for the research
  2. Point to the reasons for choosing this specific method
  3. Consider the sequence of events for collecting quantitative data
  4. Discuss technologies and tools necessary for measuring the data while gathering quantitative data.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

Questionnaire for individual participants in the interview.

Planned Method of Analysis

The information is going to be gathered in tables and a comparative and contrast method is going to be used.

Time Schedule

Research is going to take up to two weeks. The literature research and analysis will take about two days. A week should be left for the conduction of interviews, gathering data, and analyzing it. Three days should be spent on writing a research paper. Two days are left for proofreading and making the research paper flow smoothly and the information presented remain understood.

Resources Needed

A small company should be found where the interview will not break the working process.


One person can conduct this research.


No specific costs are required for conducting this research.

Needed assurances/clearances (important in research!) – 5 points possible

The participants of the research are notified that they should represent only valid information. The subjects can refuse from answering the questions and delivering the information necessary for our research (planned and completed the amount of work). The information considered while the interview is dong to be used for this research only with appropriate referencing.

Reference List

Anandarajan, M. (2006). The Internet and workplace transformation. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Blogs will change your business. (2005). Business Week. Web.

Chan, A. (2004). The Challenges of Human Resource Management. Diversity Working. Web.

Freedom to surf: workers more productive if allowed to use the internet for leisure. (2009). Media Release. Web.

Li, Z. (2007). Supporting Humanistic Learning Experiences through Learning with Technology. International Journal of Learning, 13(11), 131-136.

McConnon, A. (2009). Surfing the web at work increases your productivity. BusinessWeek. Web.

Osam-Gani, A, & Jacobs, R. L. (2005, December). Technological change and human resource development practices in Asia: A study of Singapore-based companies. International Journal of Training and Development, 9(4), 271-280.

Semuels, A. (2004). Internet misuse costs employers more than $4 billion a year. RISMedia. Web.

Shahzad, I. A., Bhatti, K. K., & Khalid, G. K. (2007). Impact of technological change on human resource development practices in Pakistan: An analytical study. International Review of Business Research Papers, 3(2), 400-419.

Technology aids the human touch. (2010). HR Management. Web.

Wallace, P. (2004). The Internet in the Workplace: How new technology is transforming work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 19). Impact of Computer Technologies on Human Resources: Research Proposal.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Impact of Computer Technologies on Human Resources: Research Proposal'. 19 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "Impact of Computer Technologies on Human Resources: Research Proposal." March 19, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Impact of Computer Technologies on Human Resources: Research Proposal." March 19, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Impact of Computer Technologies on Human Resources: Research Proposal." March 19, 2021.

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