Video Analysis of the Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU: Key Findings


Innovative technologies create a plethora of opportunities for improving the quality of healthcare services and meeting the needs of diverse patients. Therefore, encouraging innovation as the essential component of healthcare philosophy is crucial to the management of patients’ needs. In light of the specified concern, the idea of the Intelligent Hospital seems to be a sensible suggestion. By incorporating the offered innovations, one will be able to handle some of the most complicated healthcare concerns, such as maintaining patients’ privacy, as well as performing required analyses and retrieving results immediately. Despite possible problems such as financial concerns, the Intelligent Hospital project needs to evolve and become an integral part of modern healthcare environment to ensure the consistent rise in the quality of care.


The Intelligent Hospital represents an environment that incorporates innovative tools supporting the work of a nurse in a hospital setting and promoting communication between a nurse and a patient. Therefore, one must give the proposed concept credit for increasing the efficacy of the patient-nurse dialogue (Intelligent Hospital TV, 2014). The specified advantage helps avoid a wide range of medical errors and allows developing a deeper insight into patients’ culture-specific needs. In addition, the respect for patients’ privacy that the offered tools help maintain deserves a mentioning. Because of the focus on securing people’s personal information, the hospital staff prevents the instances of personal data disclosure and similar threats (Martínez-Pérez, Torre-Díez, & López-Coronado, 2015). Moreover, the proposed method of information management allows keeping the crucial data within nurses’ reach and thus, make healthcare services more effective.

Risks and Their Management

The hospital represents state of the art technology that is expected to improve the quality of healthcare significantly. However, there are also certain problems that need to be addressed. For instance, while being very effective and providing the opportunity to store a vast amount of data, the proposed information management system requires sophisticated skills from the nursing staff. Therefore, teaching nurses to use the innovative technology that the hospital offers is going to be a significant challenge. Granted that at present, the nursing staff is fully trained to conduct patient assessments and analyze data, new recruits may face challenges when performing certain tasks. Therefore, a training program must be scheduled to create the foundation for the fast acquisition of skills and knowledge. Without the training program as the platform for educating nurses, the latter will be incapable of delivering the services of high quality and addressing the needs of patients from diverse backgrounds.


The Intelligent Hospital incorporates a large number of innovative technologies and offers state-of-the-art equipment for managing patients’ records. As a result, nurses are given an opportunity to improve the quality of care significantly, at the same time reducing the threat of medical errors. The emphasis on communication is definitely one of the most important aspects of the Intelligent Hospital since it encourages nurses to develop a better understanding of patients’ needs. Furthermore, the provided tools create the environment in which a patient-centered approach can be adopted, and where nurses can gain new knowledge. Although there are minor disadvantages that may disrupt the provision of nursing care, the general direction in which the Intelligent Hospital points for other healthcare facilities to evolve is very promising. It helps maintain patients’ personal data safe and respect their privacy, at the same time enhancing patient-nurse communication. Therefore, the Intelligent Hospital can be deemed as an important example in advancing healthcare.


Intelligent Hospital TV. (2014). The ICU at the 2014 Intelligent Hospital™ Pavilion [Video file]. Web.

Martínez-Pérez, B., De La Torre-Díez, I., & López-Coronado, M. (2015). Privacy and security in mobile health apps: A review and recommendations. Journal of medical systems, 39(1), 181-189. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 21). Video Analysis of the Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU: Key Findings.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Video Analysis of the Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU: Key Findings." July 21, 2021.

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